Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

April 12, 2012

Dine' Calvin Johnson: Talk of getting water to Navajo is hogwash!


By Calvin Johnson
Censored News

The talk of getting water to the Navajo Nation is hogwash. What I mean by that is the politicians want the Diné people to support and approve the Little Colorado River Settlement plus certain liabilities to C-aquifer and N-aquifer such as "waive, release, and retentions of all claims" of any rights from "time immemorial and thereafter, forever."

Don't be fooled by Navajo Nation politicians saying that we are against Navajo Nation getting water and "where is your plan?"

Our voices are being ignored by the terms and conditions of the settlement. The main purpose of Senate Bill 2109 is to "resolve litigation against the United States concerning Colorado River operations affecting the states of California, Arizona, and Nevada, and for other purposes."

It's a bill basically limiting and stealing Navajo Nation water forever. This includes modifying any and all leases and agreements made between Navajo Generating Station and Peabody. Why do you think President Ben Shelly is supporting it?

Outside interests want the money, water and electricity forever while we waive our inherited aboriginal rights for only a few hundred acre feet of water. This is not misinformation if the language is coming directly from SB2109 legislation.

If you don't believe me, read the bill. As for the questions of having a plan, we do have a plan. That plan is to have the nation support a clean bill with guaranteed funding without languages like "waive, release, time immemorial, injury, quality, bureau of reclamation, resolve, Peabody, Navajo Generating Station, Arizona Public Service, Department of Water and Power of the City of Los Angeles, Nevada Power Company, Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District, Central Arizona Project (CAP), leases, coal, railways," etc.

To all my aboriginal brothers and sisters, keep up the good work of standing up for our precious sacred water. I may not be there during your marches but I am there in spirit. Continue to encourage your elected officials to vote against land and water grabbing legislations.

Calvin Johnson
Leupp, Arizona

Also see: Navajo government hires firm to push water theft bill through Congress, over the protests of the people:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is just sad to see Dineh protesters and (political) activist standing up within the confines of American rights, laws and its environmental policies. I am so censored because I try to speak out about the real Laws of Sacred Water, Air, Mountains, Atmosphere (gases - ni'l'ch'ii') and rivers, the ways of the Hozhon and Sacred Mtn. Soil Bundle. -Kat (Bahe fr. Big Mtn.)