Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

April 24, 2012

Navajos press president for his stance on water rights theft

Diné Hada’ Asídí The Navajo Vigilant Ones(A Navajo People’s Public Interest Organization)

Contact: Milton Bluehouse: 928-205-5558
Ed Becenti:

Diné Hada’ Asídí is serving here as a clearinghouse, on the immediate issue of this Press Release, for the members of a score of Navajo grassroots groups and their many hundreds of citizen supporters who are opposed to S.B. 2109 and H.R. 4067
e.s.―Milton Bluehouse, Sr.

April 23, 2012



Navajo Nation President Ben Shelly must immediately declare to the People his “New Stand” on S. 2109

Oak Springs, Navajo Nation (Ariz.) ― The evening of April 20th Navajo President Ben Shelly and his Water Rights Commission presented the 4th in a series of public forums on the highly controversial Senate Bill 2109.

At the meeting’s conclusion, the President astonished everyone―especially his own shocked group―by suddenly announcing “I’m going to Washington, D.C. and stop this bill.”

After this statement, and with the roar of approval from the audience going on, it was difficult to tell exactly what he said next.
Witnesses report that both after and before his bombshell, Mr. Shelly alternately said: “I’m telling them the deal’s off.” “I’m visiting Kyl and McCain and telling them I change my stance to take the people’s stance in opposition.”

“I’m telling Kyl and McCain to delay and not rush the bill.” “I’m still learning.
Maybe a referendum is the way to go.” “The People need to be educated more.”

At Oak Springs Shelly made at least a temporary deviation from water lawyer Pollack’s destructive plan, but this time on behalf of the People. Now the President has to declare to the People whether he is going to honor his words and the obvious message the People received from him at Oak Springs, or if he is going to back-peddle into Pollack’s spider web of control and drag the Navajo People with him.
It’s now up to President Shelly to set the record straight, and declare clearly and repeatedly―through the print and radio media to all the people―what his “new stand” is on S. 2109.

The water rights groups and their thousands of supporters are saying he must show who he represents, either the Navajo People (like he did for a brief moment at Oak Springs), or Mr. Pollack and outside interests.

1 comment:

Asdzaananahoghasi said...

Great news!
Keep the momentum rolling, this is a great time to keep flood calls, emails, faxes, letters to the
Navajo Nation executives, Council Delegates, congressional people, and United Nation. Addresses, telephone numbers, emails, fax numbers needed, ts'iilo!