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MNN. May 6, 2014. We own Indian tobacco! “Organized Crime” is the courts, police and all of the corporations masquerading as sovereigns in our territory. They are cracking down on a business essential to our economy in this matrix they have created. This attack is a declaration of war! They are attacking our only economy to feed our children. They are ripping off the Canadian public to continue the monopoly of corporate “big tobacco” who charge $10 a pack. We only charge $5. So they attack us and call us criminals. The main object is “get rid of the f—king Mohawks!” The bankers have been trying to do this since 1609 when they sent over their agent Champlain.
“PROJECT LYCOSE” had 400 officers from RCMP, CBSA, Akwesasne Indian Council Police, municipal forces and US Homeland Security. Canada spent $91.7 million on radar, sonar, unmanned ground sensors, choppers, other sensors, mobile posts, long range thermal video cameras and all kinds of other high tech weaponry.
We have a right to live here on our own land under our own laws. The heavily armed enforcers for the London bankers are trying to illegally stop any economy that helps us take care of ourselves. Tobacco is one of the many stolen items from our people.
This uninvited occupying force has no business here. Their authority is invalid. The ever-growing $900 trillion Indian Trust Fund is the only reason that the Corporation of Canada exists. This consensus process in this pretend democracy is fatally flawed. The white roots are laid out for the people who want to know what true freedom is.
We don’t want handouts. Only what is ours.
MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go towww.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws
See Video: “Oh Canada, our bought-sold land”. It’s about the shareholder of Canada.http://canadiantruths.wordpress.com/2011/02/05/oh-canada-our-bought-and-sold-out-land-2/
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