'March Toward Justice' in Rapid City, South Dakota. The demands include a civil rights investigation into Rapid City Police Department and Pennington County Sheriff's Department, the release of body cams of recent police murders of Native people, the halt to abuse and theft of children by social services, and the halt to the 'school to prison pipeline' for Native people. "We are walking in prayer with our relatives," said one Lakota calling for justice for relatives. Lakota were joined by Native people from as far away as Canada. Time 6:20 pm local time, July 4, 2023. |
Round dance now at March Toward Justice in Rapid City, South Dakota.
The March for Justice demands include a civil rights investigation into Rapid City Police Department and Pennington County Sheriff's Department in South Dakota. "We've got to speak our truth," said Sunny Red Bear NDN Collective organizer, Cheyenne River Lakota.
Marching in Rapid City, South Dakota now! "No Justice, No Peace!"
July 4, 2023, at 5:30 pm local time
Lakota speak out about systematic racism by law enforcement and social services, broken treaties, loss of language, racial profiling by police, and police brutality.
"This is stopping genocide, thank you guys so much."
'No Killer Cops on Stolen Land' March Toward Justice now in Rapid City, South Dakota
'Stop the School-to-Prison Pipeline' |
Screenshots from live broadcast by Censored News
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