To: Zia Community Members
From: Acting Governor/Mayordomo Floyd Toribio
Cc: Governor Frederick Medina
Lt. Governor Cecil Shije
Date: April 5, 2020
Re: Stay at Home Order Update
This Memo outlines specific details of the “Stay at Home” Order declared in the Memo of April 2, 2020, and the Order with latest updates, will remain in effect until further notice.
Curfew will be from 8:00PM to 5:00AM
Individuals permitted to leave the Pueblo:
• Individuals with medical appointment and medical emergencies
• Essential Workers deemed necessary to work by their Employer. Essential workers will be required to present a signed letter from their Employer.
• Ranchers who need to maintain all their ranch functions.
Essential shopping limitations will be set forth as follows”
• Up to two(2) Individuals per Household.
• No Elderly or Children/Teenagers under 18 years of Age.
• Designated shopping days are set for Tuesdays and Wednesdays. On Tuesdays, residents of Chamisa and those living south of the Jemez River. On Wednesdays, residents of the main village, north village, and those living west of the main village.
*(We encourage designated shoppers to seek ways to shop for extended family households, when possible. We encourage Essential Workers to also shop for necessary items for their household or their extended families’ household, after working hours.)
• No family gatherings and visits. Do not risk the health of your family and loved ones.
Stay indoors as much as possible, especially children. However we support outdoor activities to stimulate a mental health balance for all. Please adhere to social distancing guidelines at all times when carrying out outdoor activities.
• Playground and basketball courts are closed.
• Fishing will be permitted at Zia Lake while practicing social distancing guidelines.
• Farming will be permitted while practicing social distancing guidelines.
• All Fishing and Farming activity will be monitored by Zia Police Department and Zia Tribal Officials.
All 2020 Church activities, including all Easter Annual activities, are canceled for the safety of all community members.
• No church services, which includes Easter Sunday Mass.
• No Comadre food exchange
• No Social/Plaza Dances
* No large Easter Egg Hunt activity, unless household members carryout their own Easter Egg Hunt activities within their one house yards while practicing social distancing guidelines.
(Despite the cancellation of Easter activities, we encourage everyone to observe the Easter Season with their household members within their own homes.)
It’s disheartening to announce, but as of today April 5th, the Pueblo of Zia has confirmed 11 Zia Tribal Members, potentially 20, infected by COVID-19(Coronavirus). If this statement does not make you realize how real and close to home this truly is, then we don’t know what will. We are a small, close-knit community with strong family connections. If the “Stay at Home” Order is not taken seriously or ignored, even by one person, more harm will be inflicted upon Zia Members. Please, our Zia People, abide by the “Stay at Home” Order. Practice all social distancing guidelines and frequently follow through with personal hygiene recommendations set forth by Public Health experts.
If any Zia Member has received positive results for COVID -19 ALL THEIR HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS must be quarantined 24/7 for 14 days.
Zia Members who test positive for COVID-19 have the option to be quarantined through self-isolation in their homes or our Emergency Management Team is available to assist in determining a remote self-isolation site.
Due to HIPPA Law, no names can be disclosed. Therefore, it is imperative that all Zia Members “Stay Home” and when NECESSARY to be outside, follow social distancing rules.
Questions related to COVID-1( or if you nee to be in contact with an Emergency Management Team member, please call (505)337-2144.
Stay positive and Continue to Pray for the well-being of our Zia Community.
*On April 4, 2020, the Pueblo of Zia in collaborations with the NM Department of Health conducted COVID-19 testing to ONLY Pueblo of Zia Tribal Employees, Tribal Officials, and community members who had direct contact with individuals who have tested positive for the virus.
*The Sandoval Count Public Health Office are scheduling appointments for Zia Members who meet requisites to be tested for COVID-19(Coronavirus)
**To be screened for POSSIBLE COVID-19 Testing for you or your household members, please call 505-867-2291, ext 1707. On Monday April 6, 2020(8:00AM-5:00PM)
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