Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

October 29, 2022

Standing Rock: Six Years Later -- Militarized Police, Cover-ups and the Fight for Justice

Militarized police attack Water Protectors in prayer, Oct. 27, 2016
Images from video by Unicorn Riot

"Today we stood strong against this Nazi oil-bought police force. They set off LRAD on us, hit us, maced us, arrested our grandmothers, and uncles, shot at our horse relatives, and set off concussion grenades, and rubber bullets into the unarmed crowd. They desecrated sacred land and destroyed our homes on tribal land. We had snipers scoping me out with an assault rifle pointed at me and my relative. Our hearts were wounded but we will regroup and keep our minds in high vibrations because it is not over.
We will stop the pipeline." Cepoalli, shared on Censored News, as it happened, Oct. 27, 2016

MNN: 'Mohawk Mothers -- Excavation Stops and Injunction Starts'


Mohawk Nation News


MNN. Oct. 28, 20220.We are happy to announce yesterday’s successful court decision for the Mohawk Mothers in #500-17-120-468-221 kahentinetha et al v. Societe quebecois des infrastructure et al. This landmark decision halts all excavation work at the Royal Victoria Hospital site. This is the first injunction granted to self-represented indigenous people based on our way of representing ourselves, using our great peace to achieve concensus.  The judge decided that the two parties shall spend 4 months together to do this but will convene out of court to determine together the best archaeological practices to respect the land and remains. 

October 28, 2022

Tony Gonzales 'Sacheen Littlefeather at the Cross Roads, Still'

AIM West Executive Director Tony Gonzales

'Sacheen Littlefeather at the Cross Roads, Still'

Letter to the Edior

Tony Gonzales, AIM West

To the Editor,

Just off the trail with Indigenous Peoples Day - Monday, October 10, 2022 a date celebrated by all Indigenous Peoples across the Americas (Aba-Yala) and at Alcatraz Island (annual) Sunrise Gathering - the San Francisco Chronicle published claims that the recently deceased Sacheen Littlefeather was not Native after all. Sadly, the Chronicle made no effort to examine the deeper meaning of what it means to be Native and who decides.

October 27, 2022

Tohono O'odham Ofelia Rivas at White Mesa Ute Sacred Walk: An Offering to Mother Earth

Ofelia Rivas, Tohono O'odham, encouraging walkers.

Tohono O'odham Ofelia Rivas at White Mesa Ute Sacred Walk
An Offering to Mother Earth

Transcribed by Censored News

"Every step that you take on this Mother Earth is a sacred step, every step is a prayer, every step is an offering, every inch of this Mother Earth is Turtle Island, it has the remains of our Ancestors, every one of these people that are here today, people from this area, people from the surrounding area, the Indigenous People."

Standing next to Ute Grandmother Thelma Whiskers, Ofelia said, "She looks like she is by herself, but from generations since the beginning of the Earth, her ancestors are standing behind her."

Dine' Challenge Biden's Approval of Fracking Greater Chaco

Advocates challenge Biden double-down on Trump-era fracking on sacred land in Greater Chaco

Coalition statement
October 25, 2022

Today, a group of Diné and conservation groups challenged the Biden administration’s approval of fracking on nearly 45,000 acres—70 square miles—of the Greater Chaco region of northwest New Mexico. In April, the groups entered a legal agreement with the Biden administration under which it reconsidered these leasing decisions given the fracking’s close proximity to homes and within the sacred Sisnaateel Mesa Complex, central to Diné cosmology and akin in importance to Jerusalem, Mecca, or the Bodhi Tree in India. Betraying Interior Sec. Deb Haaland’s “Honoring Chaco” initiative, the Bureau of Land Management rubber-stamped approvals for this leasing in August.

October 26, 2022

'Water is Life' White Mesa Ute Spiritual March Against Uranium Mill

“This is our home and the home of our ancestors – we are the caretakers of this land and the waters beneath it," said Yolanda Badback, White Mesa Concerned Community.
"They dug up our ancestors who were buried there."
Describing the dangerous disposal of radioactive waste, Badback said, "We don't drink the tap water here, we go out and purchase our water."
Badback expressed her deep appreciation for the large crowd that came to walk with her. She said they are continuing this fight for the future generations.
"I don't want it to expand anymore," she said of the plans to bring in radioactive waste from more regions.
Badback said the Native medicine plants are no longer growing.
Badback's mother, Thelma Whiskers, who has spent her life here, thanked everyone for coming.

Water is Life
White Mesa Ute Spiritual March Against Uranium Mill

Article by Brenda Norrell
Photos by Grand Canyon Trust

"The White Mesa uranium mill would not be allowed to operate near a wealthy white neighborhood in Salt Lake City, and San Juan County's Native American communities deserve the same treatment.” – Commissioner Kenneth Maryboy, Diné, San Juan County Commission. 

October 25, 2022

Mohawk Nation News 'Hail Mary Pass'


 Mohawk Nation News

Please Post and Circulate.

She:kon everyone. We are bracing for the hearing tomorrow at the Quebec Superior Court while the excavators and backhoe are already digging up our land at the Royal Victoria Hospital. We want to thank everyone that supported us in our struggle to protect our land and children. We will post updates shortly. Stay tuned.


p.s.: I have been notified that I have made a factual mistake at a recent speech at Concordia by stating that the minister of Crown Indigenous Relations Mark Miller had served in the Canadian military in the Oka crisis. While Miller was effectively an infantry commander in the Canadian Army Primary Reserve, he was not present in Oka as he was 17 years old and his military duty was allegedly peeling potatoes. I was misinformed, and if the Prime Minister and the Pope can apologize, so can I. kahentinetha

As Late Kurt Cobain apologized for leaving this world, 

What else should I be?
All apologies
What else could I say?
Everyone is gay
What else could I write?
I don’t have the right
What else should I be?
All apologies


ka***********@pr********.com">kahentinetha2@protonmail. com

'Keeping the Words Alive' Films Celebrate Preservation of Native Languages

'Keeping The Words Alive' Films Celebrate Native Languages this Week at Vision Maker Media's Film Festival

By Brenda Norrell

Censored News

The preservation of Native languages is the theme of Vision Maker Media's online free film festival this week. The last remaining speakers of languages are preserving the languages that boarding schools attempted to brutally eliminate.

"Keep Talking' follows four Alaska Native women fighting to save Kodiak Alutiiq, an endangered language now spoken by less than 40 remaining fluent Native Elders."
Watch now

October 21, 2022

Dine' Land and Water: Sounds of Resilience, Cortez on Saturday

By Shemayme AnTro
Cortez, Colorado

THIS SATURDAY (10/22) DINE' LAND and WATER Presents:
Sounds of Resilience in so-called CORTEZ, CO @ Good Samaritan Food Pantry.
Invite your family, friends & community out for a day of Resistance/Support of Big Mountain Elders this Winter Season.
All Day/Ages Event 9am-8pm.
Reach out if you want to make any kind of donation.
Youth are encouraged to come out and showcase music, poetry or songs!
Feel Free to Share! 

VIDEO in PARIS: Jean Roach tells the true story of Leonard Peltier

Jean Roach, Lakota, tells the true story of Leonard Peltier. Watch video below. English with French subtitles by Christine Prat in Paris.

JEAN ROACH: ABOUT LEONARD PELTIER from Christine Prat on Vimeo.

Read article:

Jean's words transcribed by Christine Prat in Paris. Jean describes what happened when she was 14 years old at the Jumping Bull Camp. "We were invaded by the FBI." In failing health, Peltier recently had COVID and was not even given water in the prison. Watch video above, or read Jean's words below. 

Censored News

Mohawk Nation News 'Mohawk Warrior Society Book Launch


Mohawk Nation News

Oct. 20, 2022.

We are due in quebec superior court at 9.00 a.m. on Wednesday, October 26, 2022 for our attempt to get an injunction to stop the excavation of McGill’s Allen Memorial Institute and other areas of tionni tiotialkon and tekanontak, now called Mount Royal, where there are serious suspicions of unmarked graves of our indigenous children. 

This is a book about Louis Karonhiaktajeh Hall of Kahnawake and other areas of kanienkehaka’onwe. Niawen’kowa.

White Mesa Ute Oppose Radioactive Mill -- Rally, Protest, and Walk Oct. 22, 2022

White Mesa Ute Protest and Spiritual Walk to Oppose White Mesa Uranium Mill

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
French translation by Christine Prat

White Mesa Ute in southeastern Utah will protest the White Mesa uranium mill during their spiritual walk to protect the White Mesa Ute. Struggling to protect their sacred places and homeland, White Mesa Ute oppose the mill endangering the community and oppose it becoming an international dumping ground for radioactive waste.

White Mesa Ute are concerned for their community’s health, water, air, land, culture, and welcome others to join them on Saturday, October 22, 2022, 11 am Mountain time for their rally. The rally will be followed by spiritual protest walk to the White Mesa uranium mill.

Yolanda Badback, White Mesa Concerned Community said, "They are bringing toxic waste, radioactive waste, from places all across the United States to the mill in White Mesa. In the past, some has spilled."

'Smokin' Fish' Vision Maker Media features Alaskan Native films

'Smokin' Fish' is featured today, and all week, on Vision Maker Media's free online film festival. This week's films highlight the beauty of Alaska, and power of Native Alaskans.
Cory tells the story of his life, how his aunt picked him up in San Diego when he was young, and hitchhiked the country with him. Returning to his Tlingit homeland, he grew up with the women in his family, and learned the great skill and art of smokin' fish. As Cory says, 'How much fun I had.' Cory's life story is interwoven with the epic words of his family and people, Tlingit art and culture. Take a journey with him, on the water and in the smokehouse, smokin' fish. -- Censored News

Watch now


Synopsis: 'Cory Mann (Tlingit) is a quirky businessman hustling to make a dollar in Juneau, Alaska. He gets hungry for smoked salmon—and decides to spend a summer smoking fish at a family’s traditional fish camp. The unusual story of his life and the untold history of his people interweave with the process of preparing traditional food as he struggles to pay his bills and keep his business afloat.'

 Images screenshots of 'Smokin' Fish' by Censored News.

Western Shoshone Ian Zabarte 'Impact of Radiation on Indigenous People'

Ian Zabarte, Western Shoshone, speaks on Disproportionate Impact of Ionizing Radiation' during online class, Oct. 25 -- 27, 2022