Dear Friends,
As the leaves start to change and the last of the corn comes in, we at the T.R.E.A.T.Y. School wanted to share details of the summer harvest, as well as an exciting upcoming event.
This Summer, we were able to grow over 200 pounds of Summer Squash and Zucchini, much of which we made available to the Senior's Center here in Porcupine, as well as providing to folks as part of the local Farmer's Market in Kyle. We were able to grow over 100 pounds of green peppers and 100 ears of sweet corn, which we sold as well at the Farmer's Market, with proceeds going to the School. Click on the image below for some of the views from the Garden as part of our updated on-line Picture Gallery!
We also have been busy planning our most ambitious project to date: Beginning on September 30th, we will be holding a 5 day workshop on how to fabricate your own Do-It-Yourself solar panels. The workshop will be free and open to the public, with both out of state volunteers and local folks learning side by side. The workshop will be lead by Brian Clarke of GreenDIYEnergy.com. Check out the video below to get a brief overview of the process of solar panel fabrication! Even if you have no experience with solar and only minimal experience with building, the process is easy and straightforward.
We will be taking the process from end to end, including the following points:An overview of how Solar and Wind power generate electricity.
How to evaluate what type and capacity of system would work best for you.
Where to obtain supplies, from ordering on-line, to where to look locally for available recyclable materials.
How to assemble the supplies from scratch.How to integrate the system into your existing electrical supply or to install into a new set-up.
State and Federal rebates available to you for Wind & Solar power.
The workshop will be a lot of fun, with all materials on-site before the beginning of the build. We are encouraging anyone who is interested in either coming out to the Ranch to learn, or assisting with materials, to contact us at (605) 867-1025, or build@treatyschool.org. If you'd like to make an on-line donation to support the build, please visit treatyschool.org
'May the Great Mystery continue to guide and protect the paths of you and your loved ones.'
T.R.E.A.T.Y. School Staff(605) 867-1025
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