By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Climate change, migration and forced relocation can not be separated from human rights, especially for Indigenous Peoples.
During the US Periodic Review at the United Nations in Geneva, Bolivia joined countries from around the world, pressing the United States to halt its human rights abuses, halt its abuse of migrants, decrease its greenhouse gas emissions and adopt the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The United States is now the last country in the world to either endorse or adopt the Declaration, already adopted by the United Nations.
Now, Indigenous Peoples from around the world are preparing for the UN Climate Summit in Cancun, to join Bolivian President Evo Morales, to carry the Cochabamba Declarations to the UN summit in Cancun, Nov. 29--Dec. 10.
In Tucson, Indigenous Peoples at the Southern Border will host a Roundtable, broadcast live on Thursday, Nov., 18, at Earthcycles, http://www.earthcycles.net/ The roundtable broadcast is hosted by the Indigenous Alliance without Borders/Alianza Indigena Sin Fronteras.
The AIM International conference will be broadcast live by Earthcycles, with a focus on climate change and Indigenous Peoples rights, in San Francisco, Nov. 22--26.
On the Navajo Nation, Dine' on Black Mesa have spent the past three decades fighting and resisting forced relocation, because of Peabody Coal, the corrupt news media and the Navajo Nation Council which sold them out. Now, Navajos are battling the Navajo Nation Council again, which just voted to sell out Dine' water rights in Arizona. Navajos are urging the Navajo President to veto the water settlement. The Navajo Nation, through leases by the Navajo government, continues to have the dirtiest coal-fired power plants in the US.
Read more at Censored News: http://www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com/
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