MNN. Feb. 26, 2015. An army recruiter went into a high school to entice the kids into joining the military and becoming killers. He described how WWII Allied soldiers were taught how to smash jawbones while gouging eyes, crushing windpipes and snapping necks, and generally applying deadly force to the weakest, most vulnerable parts of the body to kill or disable. The enemy can be a baby, child, woman, youth, man or an elder. Cops are experts in these methods. In 2008 border guards applied handcuffs to me at Akwesasne, so as to bring about a heart attack and kill me.
The military teach killing but not how to die. Today’s children learn fighting in sports, movies and TV. They are unaware of the brutal reality of life and death combat. Except for one kid who asked the recruiter, “Can you teach me how to die?” The recruiter did not answer.
Harper is expecting young people wearing over 70 pounds of gear to kill civilians and to rape and degrade their bodies. They are forced into situations where they have to murder or kill to survive. What will they do when they are struck across the windpipe or poked in the eye or shot in the chest and facing death?
19-year olds are being used as cannon fodder for the political games being played in Ottawa. Our economic path is deliberately designed so our young people are directed down three roads: military, police or prison guards. When they don’t like any of these, they are sent to the jailhouse. In the military they are put out on the front lines.
At basic training they are taught the basics of killing, but not about being killed. They are going to be sent to Iraq, Ukraine, Russia and the Middle East on behalf of the corporate war machine, and where we have no business, facing a people who will not quit. For the first time in my memory military recruiters are being sent into schools to steal our children away from their mothers to be murdered and do the murdering.
The enticements are further education, travel, money, bonuses etc. Unfortunately, when they finish, their benefits are meager, late or non-existing. Many commit suicide.
All mothers, don’t let the military enter our schools and steal our children. Listen to the Beatles, “Your Mother Should Know’: “Lift up your hearts and sing me a song. That was a hit before your mother was born. So she was born a long, long time ago. Your mother should know. Your mother should know. Your mother should know”.
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Basic training to kill:
1 comment:
Or escaping a fate of cannon fodder, suicide or homelessness, still others can make their way up through the ranks to take a place at a computer terminal somewhere in Kansas or the likes and navigate drones over faraway tribal lands where they often murder innocent men, women and children who are only partaking in the routines of the daily life or the traditional protocols of welcome and hospitality.
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