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Photo credit 'Goldcorp out of Guatemala' Guatemala youth Topacio Reynoso mining resister shot and killed in 2014. Marlin mine is owned by Tahoe Resources. Goldcorp owns 40 percent of the shares. |
Mining magnate and Bill Clinton posed as philanthropists as they bilked the world’s energy resources
By Brenda Norrell
English and Dutch
Leaked Swiss bank files show the Clinton Foundation was funded by a Canadian mining magnate who created uranium and gold mines around the world -- devastating Indigenous Peoples and their lands -- leaving behind a trail of death of mining resisters from Guatemala and Mexico to Africa and Asia.
While bilking the world’s energy resources, Canadian mining magnate Frank Giustra posed as a philanthropist. Giustra cut deals for uranium mining in Kazakhstan on tour with Bill Clinton. Giustra then donated $31 million of uranium mining dollars to the Clinton Foundation. This is just one example of the millions flowing to the Clinton Foundation from the mining magnate as they posed as philanthropists.
Carlos Slim Helú, the Mexican businessman and one of the richest persons in the world, joined with Giustra and Clinton. They posed as philanthropists fighting world hunger while bilking the world’s energy resources.
Posing as philanthropists, Clinton flew to Africa to "fund raise for the poor" with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, now the center of a global probe into pedophiles and child sex abuse.
The Clinton Foundation has $277.8 million in assets, according to Charity Index. Charity Index says the Clinton Foundation does not meet their criteria as a non-profit for an undisclosed reason.
Now Giustra is advising Endeavour Mining on new gold mining in Africa.
According to the Guardian newspaper on Tuesday:
Leaked files from HSBC’s Swiss banking division reveal the identities of seven donors to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation with accounts in Geneva.
They include Frank Giustra, a Canadian mining magnate and one of the foundation’s biggest financial backers, and Richard Caring, the British retail magnate who, the bank’s internal records show, used his tax-free Geneva account to transfer $1 m into the New York-based foundation.
Giustra's bio shows he is an early architect of many resource companies, including Wheaton River Minerals (now known as the $33B Goldcorp, which spun out the $12B Silver Wheaton), Petro Rubiales (now the $7B Pacific Rubiales), and Urasia Energy, Geo.ca reports.
Another Clinton foundation donor who had a HSBC account in the tax haven is Jeffrey Epstein, the hedge fund manager and convicted sex offender who once flew the former president on his private jet for charity events in Africa.
The identities of Clinton supporters who banked with HSBC in Geneva are contained in internal bank data leaked by a HSBC computer expert turned whistleblower, Hervé Falciani.
News reports reveal Goldcorp and its subsidiaries are responsible for the assassinations and disappearances of Indigenous Peoples around the world.
One woman in Guatemala describes her husband, a mining resister, who was burned alive, while protesting the Marlin mine owned by Goldcorp in Guatemala.
“They took him and poured gasoline all over him. Then they struck a match and lit him.”
“They asked him, “Why are you against the mining?” They were wearing hoods. They asked him, “Why are you against the company?” That’s why we knew they were members of the company," David Hill reports in the Guardian.
Giustra, now in Vancouver B.C., serves as adviser to Endeavour Mining which is currently targeting Burkina Faso with gold mining and has the Tabakoto Gold Mine in Mali, West Africa.
BIO: Frank Giustra serves as Chief Executive Officer and President at Fiore Capital Corp. Mr. Giustra has been the President and Chief Executive Officer at Fiore Financial Corporation, an exclusive advisor to Endeavour Mining Corp. since July 2007. He is the Founder of Lionsgate Entertainment Corporation. He founded Clinton-Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative in June 2007. In 1997, he founded Lions Gate Entertainment Corp. and served as its Chairman from April 1997 to May 2003. He served as Chairman of Endeavour Financial Corp. from January 2001 to July 2007. He served as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Yorkton Securities Inc. from 1995 to December 1996 and as its President since 1990. He has been a Director at Lions Gate Entertainment Corp. since December 2010. He serves as Director of Thunderbird Films Inc. and Lionsgate Entertainment Corporation. He has been a Director of Petromanas Energy Inc. since August 20, 2012, Endeavour Resources Inc. since October 23, 2008 and Catalyst Copper Corp. since August 2014. He has been Director of Endeavour Mining Corporation since September 17, 2013. He served as Director of Crew Gold Corporation since February 11, 2010. He served as Member of Strategic Advisory Board at Endeavour Mining Corporation since December 17, 2012. He served as a Director of Endeavour Financial Corporation since July 26, 2002 and Eacom Timber Corporation from July 5, 2010 to June 2013. He served as a Director of Iamgold Corp., Namibian Minerals Corp. and New Gold, Inc. He served as a Director of Franco-Nevada GLW Holdings Corp. (formerly, Gold Wheaton Gold Corp.) from July 14, 2008 to March 14, 2011 and Endeavour Mining Corporation since July 26, 2002. He served as a Director of Wheaton River Minerals, Ltd. since May 2001. Mr. Giustra serves as a Trustee of International Crisis Group (The) and , Streetohome Foundation. He is the President and a Director of the Radcliffe Foundation and a Trustee of the William J. Clinton Foundation. He and former US President launched the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership, alleviating poverty in the developing world through education, training and supply chain distribution. -- Bloomberg Business
Sources update:
Swiss leaks: Banking giant HSBC sheltered murky cash linked to dictators and arms dealers
Swiss leaks: Banking giant HSBC sheltered murky cash linked to dictators and arms dealers
Guardian: Welcome to Guatemala, Gold Mining Protester Beaten and Burnt Alive
Common Dreams: Big Backers of Clinton Foundation found in leaked Swiss bank files
Wikipedia: Frank Giustra
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_GiustraBloomberg Business
Thanks to Alice Holemans, NAIS, for Dutch translation!
Photo credit 'Goldcorp out of Guatemala'
Guatemala youth Topacio Reynoso mining resister shot and killed in 2014. Marlin mine is owned by Tahoe Resources. Goldcorp owns 40 percent of the shares.
Guatemala youth Topacio Reynoso mining resister shot and killed in 2014. Marlin mine is owned by Tahoe Resources. Goldcorp owns 40 percent of the shares.
Door: Brenda Norrell, Censored News: www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com
Vertaald door NAIS: www.denaisgazet.be
De gelekte files van de Zwitserse Bank tonen ons dat de Clinton Stichting gefinancierd werd door de Canadese mijn- magnaat die in de hele wereld uranium en goudmijnen gebouwd heeft- mijnen die verwoestingen hebben aangericht aan inheemse volken en hun landen, en een spoor van dode mijn- protesters achter zich gelaten hebben van Guatemala en Mexico tot Afrika en Azië.
Terwijl hij wereldwijd energiebronnen afstroopte deed de Canadese mijn- magnaat, Frank Giustra zich voor als een filantroop.
Terwijl hij samen met Clinton op tournee was in Kazakhstan sloot hij contracten voor uranium ontginning af.
Vervolgens schonk Giustra $31 miljoen uranium dollars aan de Clinton Foundation.
Dit is maar één voorbeeld van de miljoenen die de mijn- magnaat naar de Clinton foundation heeft laten vloeien terwijl zij zich beiden voordeden als filantropen.
Carlos Slim Helú, de Mexicaanse zakenman en een van de rijkste van de wereld, sloot zich aan bij Giustra en Clinton. Zij poseerden als filantropen die vochten tegen de honger in de wereld, terwijl zij ondertussen de energiebronnen van die wereld roofden.
Vermomd als 'filantroop' vloog Clinton samen met de veroordeelde seksdelinquent Jeffrey Epstein - die nu het middelpunt is van een wereldwijd onderzoek naar pedofilie- naar Afrika om “ fondsen te werven voor de armen.”
Volgens de Charity Index heeft de Clinton Foundation $277.8 miljoen in activa.
Charity Index zegt dat de Clinton Foundation niet aan hun criteria als een non-profit voldoet.
Nu geeft Giustra advies aan Endeavour Mining voor hun nieuwe goudmijn in Afrika.
Volgens de Guardian :
Gelekte files van HSBC’s Zwitserse bank onthullen de identiteiten van zeven schenkers aan de Bill, Hillary en Chelsea Clinton Foundation met rekeningen in Genéve.
Onder de schenkers vinden wij Frank Giustra, een Canadese mijn magnaat en een van de gulste schenkers aan de stichting, en Richard Caring, de Britse detailhandel- magnaat die, zoals te zien is in het interne archief van de bank, zijn belastingvrije rekening in Genéve gebruikte om $1 miljoen dollar over te maken naar de stichting in New York.
Een andere Clinton Foundation- donor die een HSBC rekening in de belastinghemel had is Jeffrey Epstein, ‘hedge fund’ manager en veroordeelde seksdelinquent die de voormalige president naar zijn liefdadigheidsevenementen in Afrika bracht in zijn private jet.
De identiteiten van Clinton supporters die bankierden bij HSBC in Genéve worden bewaard in interne bank data. Deze werden gelekt door Hervé Falciani, een HSBC computer expert die klokkenluider werd.(*)
De bio (**) van Giustra toont dat hij vroeger de architect was van veel resource compagnies , waaronder Wheaton River Minerals (nu bekend als de $33B Goldcorp, die voortgekomen is uit de $12B Silver Wheaton), Petro Rubiales (nu de $7B Pacific Rubiales) en Urasia Energy, Geo.ca verslag.
Krantenberichten onthullen dat Goldcorp en zijn dochterondernemingen wereldwijd verantwoordelijk zijn voor de moorden en verdwijningen van inheemsen.
Een vrouw in Guatemala praat over haar man, die zich verzette tegen de mijnbouw en levend verbrand werd terwijl hij demonstreerde tegen de Marlinmijn die eigendom was vanGoldcorp in Guatemala.
“ Zij pakten hem vast en gooiden benzine over hem. Dan staken ze hem in brand.”
David Hill schrijft in The Guardian: “ Zij vroegen hem, “waarom ben je tegen de mijnbouw?” Zij droegen kappen over hun hoofd. Door de vraag waarom hij tegen de mijnbouw was wisten we dat zij hoorden bij de compagnie.”
Giustra, nu in Vancouver BC, was adviseur voor de Endeavour Mining die momenteel zijn pijlen richt op Burkina Faso met goudmijnen en die de Tabakoto Goudmijn in Mali, West Afrika, in handen heeft.
(*) nota van NAIS: Dank u Hervé Falciani. Dat is wat de wereld nodig heeft, méér klokkenluiders!.
(**) Bio:
Frank Giustra serves as Chief Executive Officer and President at Fiore Capital Corp.
Mr. Giustra has been the President and Chief Executive Officer at Fiore Financial Corporation, an exclusive advisor to Endeavour Mining Corp. since July 2007.
He is the Founder of Lionsgate Entertainment Corporation. He founded Clinton-Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative in June 2007.
In 1997, he founded Lions Gate Entertainment Corp. and served as its Chairman from April 1997 to May 2003.
He served as Chairman of Endeavour Financial Corp. from January 2001 to July 2007.
He served as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Yorkton Securities Inc. from 1995 to December 1996 and as its President since 1990. He has been a Director at Lions Gate Entertainment Corp. since December 2010. He serves as Director of Thunderbird Films Inc. and Lionsgate Entertainment Corporation. He has been a Director of Petromanas Energy Inc. since August 20, 2012, Endeavour Resources Inc. since October 23, 2008 and Catalyst Copper Corp. since August 2014. He has been Director of Endeavour Mining Corporation since September 17, 2013. He served as Director of Crew Gold Corporation since February 11, 2010. He served as Member of Strategic Advisory Board at Endeavour Mining Corporation since December 17, 2012. He served as a Director of Endeavour Financial Corporation since July 26, 2002 and Eacom Timber Corporation from July 5, 2010 to June 2013. He served as a Director of Iamgold Corp., Namibian Minerals Corp. and New Gold, Inc. He served as a Director of Franco-Nevada GLW Holdings Corp. (formerly, Gold Wheaton Gold Corp.) from July 14, 2008 to March 14, 2011 and Endeavour Mining Corporation since July 26, 2002. He served as a Director of Wheaton River Minerals, Ltd. since May 2001. Mr. Giustra serves as a Trustee of International Crisis Group (The) and , Streetohome Foundation. He is the President and a Director of the Radcliffe Foundation and a Trustee of the William J. Clinton Foundation. He and former US President launched the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership, alleviating poverty in the developing world through education, training and supply chain distribution. -- Bloomberg Business
Sources update:
Swiss leaks: Banking giant HSBC sheltered murky cash linked to dictators and arms dealers
Guardian: Welcome to Guatemala, Gold Mining Protester Beaten and Burnt Alive
Common Dreams: Big Backers of Clinton Foundation found in leaked Swiss bank files
Wikipedia: Frank Giustra
Bloomberg Business
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