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MNN. Jan. 24, 2017. onkwe’hon:weh does not mean sovereignty. It means we are the natural people who follow the original way and are placed on this land by creation. Everyone else is an invader.

Donald Trump is the president/CEO of a bankrupt private corporation, the ‘United States of America’ [US incorporated ISO #3166-2:US [Feb. 21, 1871]. U.S.A. is like a pirate ship. When the pirates raid another vessel, they take all the stolen loot and stash it on one of their secret islands. Maps are secreted for future pirates to find the booty.
If any holders of the US debt demand payment, the corporation called the United States of America will be forced to file for bankruptcy.
Trump is experienced with bankruptcies, which makes him an ideal president for the shareholders of the corporation. Those private shareholders will be absolutely liable for the debt of the corporation. They have names and addresses.
U.S.A. has no gold to back their money. Federal Reserve Bank notes are worth as much as the paper they are printed on. Their only valuable assets are the military hardware [aircraft carriers, missiles, guns, ammunition, bombs, planes, etc.] These will be turned over to all their creditors. Once U.S.A. is out of the game, there will be no more war problem on earth.

Trump plans to terminate the corporate INDIANS tribal councils starting with Alaska. All the Western Hemisphere belongs to the onkwe’hon:weh, the natural people. We never surrendered or sold any to U.S.A. or anybody else. Peace treaties allowed them to stay on our land. They violated every peace treaty with the onkwe’hon:weh, which are now null and void. Everything goes back to one day before the treaty was signed.

Trump and Trudeau plan to terminate us. They will be terminated. We will be where we belong, on our land. [Canada incorporated ISO #1366-2: CA [1867].
The corporate tribal and band councils do not represent us. They are deck hands on the ship. They have to obey the Captain or he can make them walk the plank.
The settlers have always had an option to join with the onkwe’hon:weh. [Article 3, Jay Treaty of Trade & Commerce 1794] and follow the Red Road [great peace].

Trump ordered the Dakota and XL Pipelines to immediately steal our resources to squeeze every drop of oil from great turtle island to pay their debt.
It was the veterans and the large numbers of supporters who stood and fought with us that stopped the pipeline.

U.S.A. is desperate. Removing the US from the UN will makes them a rogue state in the world.
The women of the world displayed their awesome power as we saw on January 21, 2017. Stand now to protect the water of mother earth.
Jimi Hendrix could be singing about Standing Rock:
“Water, don’t ever change your ways. Fall with me a million days. Oh, my water fall”.
Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit
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