'We want life,' Subcomandante Moisés in Vienna Austria
Posted by: POZOL COLECTIVO September 14, 2021
VIENNA, Austria (September 14, 2021) "We are here, the Zapatistas and the Zapatistas, thanks to the fact that there were comrades of ours who fell silent fighting at dawn in 1994 when we went out to fight against the bad government," said Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés upon his arrival in Vienna on behalf of the Members that make up the Zapatista delegation "La Extemporánea," which will visit different European countries to learn about the different struggles and resistance in favor of life that are taking place in said continent, renamed by the Chiapas rebels as Slumil K´Ajxemk´Op, Tierra Insubordinate.

"We are here thanks to the comrades who have fallen in the resistance and rebellion. Our rebellion and resistance is that we want to govern ourselves as peoples," the Chiapas indigenous man emphasized to hundreds of attendees from different countries who were waiting for La Extemporánea, at the Schwechat airport.

"We don't want to kill, we don't want to die. The problem is that they do not give us the opportunity to do what we think as women and men. And this is what we have been doing for 28 years, we are not shooting, we are not killing, nor do we want to die, we want life," said the EZLN spokesman.

“We think that each town can also be organized according to each person in their geography, in their calendar. Our fallen comrades told us that one day we are going to have to speak to the brothers of the world, but we did not know that we were going to arrive in Vienna, and now here we are in Vienna, the capital of Austria. And so we will go in other places where we are invited as they invited us here, which we know has been a great effort but it is like that for those who want to fight," shared Subcomandante Moisés.

The Extemporaneous is made up of 28 Listening and Speech teams, a Game and Mischief team and a Coordinating team. Each of these Listening and Speech teams will travel independently to cover "28 corners of the European geography simultaneously," the EZLN has communicated at the beginning of their journey.
The Extemporaneous is also accompanied by the Comando Palomitas, which is currently made up of El Amado (10 years and head of the command), Chinto (10 years and operational coordinator), Cintia (3 years and the doctor of the group), Chuy (3 years, controlled demolitions) and Verónica (3 years, uncontrolled demolitions,) Sub Galeano explained a few days ago.
Live broadcast
Photos: Compas Arriba and Gilhotina Info
Background: https://radiozapatista.org/?p=39375
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