Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights
September 30, 2008
Indigenous Peoples celebrate failed scam 'bailout'
Sept. 30, 2008. All is not lost. There is a good side to the economic “melt down” of the bankers’ attempts to continue their enslavement of the people. Thanks to the senators who refused to bail out these crooks, maybe we can save the planet. The U.S. dollar is going south hot on the heels of the U.S. reputation. These swindlers believe that anyone who doesn’t have independent wealth has no claim to even the smallest crust of bread. The indigenous way is that nature provides to all. We have a right to the food we need.
We never surrendered our territories. Every square inch of Turtle Island is Indigenous. We are so glad the gluttony for our territories and resources may come to an end. We Indigenous are still here to issue our warnings. European colonial incursion into Onowaregeh, Turtle Island, began with fraud and continued for 500 years, to the peril and detriment of the Indigenous peoples.
Read article:
September 29, 2008
Sounds of the Longest Walk Northern Route
Sounds of the Longest Walk
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
There's about 500 audios from the Longest Walk northern route from the talk radio show on Earthcycles In honor of those who walked, here's a few of the best days of interviews and songs.
--Fallon Stillwater, Paiute Shoshone, with songs by Miwok walkers and Savage family CD:
Paiute tanning and gathering with Wesley Dick:
--Longest Walk, Lake Tahoe to Cave Rock, Nevada
--Ute Indian Museum in Montrose, Colorado, songs and talk by Montrose mayor:
--Colorado: Ben Carnes, interviews on Leonard Peltier; interview with 1978 walker David Velarde, 3/30/2008:
--Sand Creek Memorial: Remembering the massacred Cheyenne and Arapaho:
Marty Chase Alone, Oglala, representing the Red Cloud people and a Tiospaye of the Big Road Band, "Wiping the tears," at Sand Creek:
--Yankton SD. hog protest, with Lakota songs
--Cimarron, Kansas: Govinda's pick of a great cow song, "Cows are fun ..." since this is slaughterhouse and feedlot country. This is one of the best shows. There's an interview on Maori Sovereignty with Sharon Heta and Michael Lane walkers from New Zealand. It includes an interview with walkers Sony and Justin, who talk about Kansas, cows and rain:
--Walkers respond to attack by Columbus, Ohio, police, and AIM song at Ohio Capitol:
More walker comments on police attack, from camp at Raccoon State Park:
--Interviews with Navajo, Lakota, Menominee, Euchee and other walkers on May 6, 2008, Knob Noster State Park, Missouri:
--International Indian Treaty Council Human Rights Forum, with comments by Lenny Foster, Ute youth walker Adriano Buckskin and others, in Illinois:
--The AIM song led by Calvin Magpie, Cheyenne Arapaho, powwow songs and talk, at the Cahokia Mounds Powwow in Illinois on May 10, 2008
--Songs and speeches on the steps of the Pennsylvania State Capitol at Harrisburg, including Mohawk and Tuscarora drum song, on June 30, 2008:
--Craig Luther, Navajo, sings at Greenbelt Park, Maryland (by the tree 2008-7-10); Shoshone: Darlene Graham, Shoshone speaks on traditional healing and Janice Gardipe, Paiute and Shoshone, sings an honor song for the walkers:
Listen to Keith Secola's NDN Cars online. Secola was among the performers at the Longest Walk Concert in DC:
Earthcycles is produced by Govinda Dalton. Longest Walk talk radio cohost is Brenda Norrell. Photos: Photo 1: Carl Bad Bear Sampson drumming outside Newmont Mining at Longest Walk prayer and protest in downtown Denver/Photo Brenda Norrell. Photo 2: Michael Lane with daughter/Photo Brita Brookes. Photo 3: Luv the Mezenger arrested by Columbus, Ohio, police who attacked Long walkers unprovoked/Photo Marie Littlemoon. Photo 4: Longest Walk northern route at Cahokia Mounds/Photo Brenda Norrell. Photo 5: On the steps of the Pennsylvania State Capitol/Photo Brenda Norrell. Photo 6: At the drum, Janice Gardipe, Paiute Shoshone, with Darlene Graham, Western Shoshone/Photo Brenda Norrell.
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
There's about 500 audios from the Longest Walk northern route from the talk radio show on Earthcycles In honor of those who walked, here's a few of the best days of interviews and songs.
--Fallon Stillwater, Paiute Shoshone, with songs by Miwok walkers and Savage family CD:
Paiute tanning and gathering with Wesley Dick:
--Longest Walk, Lake Tahoe to Cave Rock, Nevada
--Ute Indian Museum in Montrose, Colorado, songs and talk by Montrose mayor:
--Colorado: Ben Carnes, interviews on Leonard Peltier; interview with 1978 walker David Velarde, 3/30/2008:
--Sand Creek Memorial: Remembering the massacred Cheyenne and Arapaho:
Marty Chase Alone, Oglala, representing the Red Cloud people and a Tiospaye of the Big Road Band, "Wiping the tears," at Sand Creek:
--Yankton SD. hog protest, with Lakota songs
--Cimarron, Kansas: Govinda's pick of a great cow song, "Cows are fun ..." since this is slaughterhouse and feedlot country. This is one of the best shows. There's an interview on Maori Sovereignty with Sharon Heta and Michael Lane walkers from New Zealand. It includes an interview with walkers Sony and Justin, who talk about Kansas, cows and rain:
--Walkers respond to attack by Columbus, Ohio, police, and AIM song at Ohio Capitol:
More walker comments on police attack, from camp at Raccoon State Park:
--Interviews with Navajo, Lakota, Menominee, Euchee and other walkers on May 6, 2008, Knob Noster State Park, Missouri:
--International Indian Treaty Council Human Rights Forum, with comments by Lenny Foster, Ute youth walker Adriano Buckskin and others, in Illinois:
--The AIM song led by Calvin Magpie, Cheyenne Arapaho, powwow songs and talk, at the Cahokia Mounds Powwow in Illinois on May 10, 2008
--Songs and speeches on the steps of the Pennsylvania State Capitol at Harrisburg, including Mohawk and Tuscarora drum song, on June 30, 2008:
--Craig Luther, Navajo, sings at Greenbelt Park, Maryland (by the tree 2008-7-10); Shoshone: Darlene Graham, Shoshone speaks on traditional healing and Janice Gardipe, Paiute and Shoshone, sings an honor song for the walkers:
Listen to Keith Secola's NDN Cars online. Secola was among the performers at the Longest Walk Concert in DC:
Earthcycles is produced by Govinda Dalton. Longest Walk talk radio cohost is Brenda Norrell. Photos: Photo 1: Carl Bad Bear Sampson drumming outside Newmont Mining at Longest Walk prayer and protest in downtown Denver/Photo Brenda Norrell. Photo 2: Michael Lane with daughter/Photo Brita Brookes. Photo 3: Luv the Mezenger arrested by Columbus, Ohio, police who attacked Long walkers unprovoked/Photo Marie Littlemoon. Photo 4: Longest Walk northern route at Cahokia Mounds/Photo Brenda Norrell. Photo 5: On the steps of the Pennsylvania State Capitol/Photo Brenda Norrell. Photo 6: At the drum, Janice Gardipe, Paiute Shoshone, with Darlene Graham, Western Shoshone/Photo Brenda Norrell.
Top 25 Censored Stories for 2009
Project Censored: Top 25 Censored Stories
Project Censored's selection of the 25 most censored issues in 2007 -- 2008, published in the book Project Censored 2009. An article from this blog, Censored News, is included in #17:
#1. Over One Million Iraqi Deaths Caused by US Occupation
# 2 Security and Prosperity Partnership: Militarized NAFTA
# 3 InfraGard: The FBI Deputizes Business
# 4 ILEA: Is the US Restarting Dirty Wars in Latin America?
# 5 Seizing War Protesters’ Assets
# 6 The Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act
# 7 Guest Workers Inc.: Fraud and Human Trafficking
# 8 Executive Orders Can Be Changed Secretly
#9 Iraq and Afghanistan Vets Testify
# 10 APA Complicit in CIA Torture
# 11 El Salvador’s Water Privatization and the Global War on Terror
# 12 Bush Profiteers Collect Billions From No Child Left Behind
# 13 Tracking Billions of Dollars Lost in Iraq
# 14 Mainstreaming Nuclear Waste
# 15 Worldwide Slavery
# 16 Annual Survey on Trade Union Rights
# 17 UN’s Empty Declaration of Indigenous Rights
# 18 Cruelty and Death in Juvenile Detention Centers
# 19 Indigenous Herders and Small Farmers Fight Livestock Extinction
# 20 Marijuana Arrests Set New Record
# 21 NATO Considers “First Strike” Nuclear Option
# 22 CARE Rejects US Food Aid
# 23 FDA Complicit in Pushing Pharmaceutical Drugs
# 24 Japan Questions 9/11 and the Global War on Terror
# 25 Bush’s Real Problem with Eliot Spitzer
#1. Over One Million Iraqi Deaths Caused by US Occupation
# 2 Security and Prosperity Partnership: Militarized NAFTA
# 3 InfraGard: The FBI Deputizes Business
# 4 ILEA: Is the US Restarting Dirty Wars in Latin America?
# 5 Seizing War Protesters’ Assets
# 6 The Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act
# 7 Guest Workers Inc.: Fraud and Human Trafficking
# 8 Executive Orders Can Be Changed Secretly
#9 Iraq and Afghanistan Vets Testify
# 10 APA Complicit in CIA Torture
# 11 El Salvador’s Water Privatization and the Global War on Terror
# 12 Bush Profiteers Collect Billions From No Child Left Behind
# 13 Tracking Billions of Dollars Lost in Iraq
# 14 Mainstreaming Nuclear Waste
# 15 Worldwide Slavery
# 16 Annual Survey on Trade Union Rights
# 17 UN’s Empty Declaration of Indigenous Rights
# 18 Cruelty and Death in Juvenile Detention Centers
# 19 Indigenous Herders and Small Farmers Fight Livestock Extinction
# 20 Marijuana Arrests Set New Record
# 21 NATO Considers “First Strike” Nuclear Option
# 22 CARE Rejects US Food Aid
# 23 FDA Complicit in Pushing Pharmaceutical Drugs
# 24 Japan Questions 9/11 and the Global War on Terror
# 25 Bush’s Real Problem with Eliot Spitzer
(Photo: Tribute to dead US soldiers and Iraqi, Arlington West, by Veterans for Peace/Photo Brenda Norrell
September 28, 2008
Mohawks on Bailout: Chicken S--ts are Coming Home to Roost
Sept. 28, 2008. Who will control “Wall Street”, which some are now calling “Wail Street”? It’s the age old battle over control of the eastern part of Onowaregeh, Turtle Island, known as Haudenosaunee [Iroquois] territory. “Wall Street” is at the end of Manhattan Island. It was the dividing line between the Dutch colony and the Indians. This is where trade and commerce took place between us and our European visitors. It became the financial capital of the world for goods, money, buying and selling. We never surrendered our land. Every inch of soil they stand on is ours. We hold it for the benefit of future generations. Those latte-guzzling Armani suits don’t think about this. That $24 payment to somebody for our island is another white man’s delusion.
The big gambling houses that buy and sell stocks in New York City are in jeopardy. The U.S. corporation known as the “government” is extracting $750 billion of the taxpayers’ money to pay off these thieving loan sharks. Of course, it must be remembered that the people of U.S. and Canada have made their money through the exploitation of Indigenous resources and destruction of our environment.
The “bail out” looks like a way to get control of Indigenous territory by grabbing our land in lieu of unpaid housing mortgages and businesses of the unsuspecting U.S. people. There is very little public outcry over this highway robbery except on the internet. These obscene carpetbaggers make the robber barons look like boy scouts. In this credit and borrowing “shake down” the oligarchs hope to snatch $4 trillion worth of our real estate. It’s illegal. It’s fraud. It’s a power grab. The outcome will be financial tyranny on the populace.
Read article:
Sept. 28, 2008. Who will control “Wall Street”, which some are now calling “Wail Street”? It’s the age old battle over control of the eastern part of Onowaregeh, Turtle Island, known as Haudenosaunee [Iroquois] territory. “Wall Street” is at the end of Manhattan Island. It was the dividing line between the Dutch colony and the Indians. This is where trade and commerce took place between us and our European visitors. It became the financial capital of the world for goods, money, buying and selling. We never surrendered our land. Every inch of soil they stand on is ours. We hold it for the benefit of future generations. Those latte-guzzling Armani suits don’t think about this. That $24 payment to somebody for our island is another white man’s delusion.
The big gambling houses that buy and sell stocks in New York City are in jeopardy. The U.S. corporation known as the “government” is extracting $750 billion of the taxpayers’ money to pay off these thieving loan sharks. Of course, it must be remembered that the people of U.S. and Canada have made their money through the exploitation of Indigenous resources and destruction of our environment.
The “bail out” looks like a way to get control of Indigenous territory by grabbing our land in lieu of unpaid housing mortgages and businesses of the unsuspecting U.S. people. There is very little public outcry over this highway robbery except on the internet. These obscene carpetbaggers make the robber barons look like boy scouts. In this credit and borrowing “shake down” the oligarchs hope to snatch $4 trillion worth of our real estate. It’s illegal. It’s fraud. It’s a power grab. The outcome will be financial tyranny on the populace.
Read article:
UN carbon scam threatens Indigenous lands and forests

UN admits carbon reduction scheme threatens Indigenous lands and forests, proceeds regardless
From Earth Peoples:
Sept. 27, 2008 - On the third day of the General Assembly's 63rd Session, the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the Prime Minister of Norway launched the United Nations REDD program, a collaboration of FAO, UNDP, UNEP and the World Bank.
The inclusion of forests in the carbon market, or REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation) has caused anxiety, protest and outrage throughout the world since it was created at the failed climate change negotiations in Bali and funded by the World Bank.
An estimated 60 million indigenous peoples are completely dependent on forests and are considered the most threatened by REDD. Therefore, indigenous leaders are among its most prominent critics.
The International Indigenous Peoples' Forum on Climate Change declared that: '...REDD will steal our land... States and carbon traders will take control over our forests.'It is alarming that indigenous peoples' fears and objections have now been confirmed by the UN-REDD Framework Document itself.
On page 4 and 5 it blatantly states that the program could "deprive communities of their legitimate land-development aspirations, that hard-fought gains in forest management practices might be wasted, that it could cause the lock-up of forests by decoupling conservation from development, or erode culturally rooted not-for-profit conservation values."
It is further highlighted that "REDD benefits in some circumstances may have to be traded off against other social, economic or environmental benefits."
In carefully phrased UN language, the document further acknowledges that REDD could cause severe human rights violations and be disastrous for the poor because it could "marginalize the landless and those with communal use-rights."
This is tantamount to the UN recognizing that REDD could undermine indigenous peoples and local communities rights to the usage and ownership of their lands.
Could it be that the UN is paving the way for a massive land grab?
To see photos from the protest against REDD and the World Bank in Bali:
To watch the video from the protest against REDD at the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues:
PROJECT CENSORED 2009: An article by Censored News on the carbon scam, selected as one of the most 25 most censored issues, is a selection of Project Censored 2009. An update on the carbon scam by Brenda Norrell appears in the new book, Project Censored 2009. "Indigenous peoples continue to expose carbon credits as a scam for profiteering corporations and the World Bank, fueled by the easily manipulated news media. While carbon brokers become millionaires, the reality of the carbon credit scheme hits indigenous peoples around the world with full force, particularly in South America, India, and Africa," the update states.
Information Package on: UN - REDD NEWS from the United Nations 63rd General Assembly currently in Session
From Earth Peoples
The UN-REDD Programme was officially launched during the High-Level event on the Millennium Goals on 25 September 2008 at UN Hqrs in NYC. UN-REDD is the United Nations Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries.Framework Document by FAO, UNDP, UNEP
A Press Conference took place at the United Nations on 24 September 2008
UN Press release
UN Press release
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Press Release
UN - REDD and Indigenous Peoples
Various Indigenous representatives are opposed to UN-REDD. On 25 April 2008, the last day of the 7th session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues at UN Hqrs in NYC, the Indigenous Caucus of the Americas attempted to present a statement against REDD.As the Caucus was called out of order by the Chair, a protest ensued and Caucus members threatened to walk out. Security was called. A peacefully outcome resulted when the Chair allowed the Caucus representative to read the statement.
To watch the video (by Filmmaker Rebecca Sommer) from the protest against REDD at the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues:
28 September 2008 - Compiled by Marie-Danielle Samuel, Main Rep. to UN
YACHAY WASI, NGO/UN ECOSOC & DPI, NYC and Cuzco, PERU "Yachay Wasi means House of Learning in Quechua"Luis Delgado Hurtado, PresidentLa Conquista 3ra puerta (Saphi)Cuzco, PERU Phone: 51-84-315815Marie-Danielle Samuel, Vice President708 West 192nd Street # 6BNew York, NY 10040 USAPhone: 212-567-6447Fax: 917-529-0922 Email: Yachay Wasi is in Operational Relations with UNESCO
UN - REDD and Indigenous Peoples
Various Indigenous representatives are opposed to UN-REDD. On 25 April 2008, the last day of the 7th session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues at UN Hqrs in NYC, the Indigenous Caucus of the Americas attempted to present a statement against REDD.As the Caucus was called out of order by the Chair, a protest ensued and Caucus members threatened to walk out. Security was called. A peacefully outcome resulted when the Chair allowed the Caucus representative to read the statement.
To watch the video (by Filmmaker Rebecca Sommer) from the protest against REDD at the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues:
28 September 2008 - Compiled by Marie-Danielle Samuel, Main Rep. to UN
YACHAY WASI, NGO/UN ECOSOC & DPI, NYC and Cuzco, PERU "Yachay Wasi means House of Learning in Quechua"Luis Delgado Hurtado, PresidentLa Conquista 3ra puerta (Saphi)Cuzco, PERU Phone: 51-84-315815Marie-Danielle Samuel, Vice President708 West 192nd Street # 6BNew York, NY 10040 USAPhone: 212-567-6447Fax: 917-529-0922 Email: Yachay Wasi is in Operational Relations with UNESCO
September 27, 2008
Arrest made in murder of 'Sally' Grace Eiler

The Associated Press
Sunday, September 28, 2008
MEXICO CITY: Authorities in southern

Omar Yoguez Singu, 32, told police he had consensual sex with Marcella Grace Eiler, 20, of Eugene, Oregon, and then killed her with a machete after an argument on Sept. 15, Oaxaca State Attorney General Evencio Ramirez said.
Eiler's badly decomposed body was found Wednesday in a shack 80 miles (130 kilometers) south of Oaxaca City, near the town of San Jose del Pacifico.
Ramirez said Singu was turned over to police on Wednesday in Mexico City by friends who first beat him up after he confessed to the crime.
Eiler's father, John Eiler, of St. Louis, Missouri, said his daughter was a dance teacher and social activist in Oaxaca City, where she had lived on and off for the past three years.
"She was really trying to spend her energy as an observer for an indigenous rights organization," John Eiler said in a telephone interview.
Eiler had traveled to San Jose del Pacifico to dance at a fundraiser, said Miguel Cruz of Oaxaca's Popular Indigenous Council, an organization with which he said Eiler had worked since 2007.
She also had lived for about a month with the family of a witness in the killing of Bradley Roland Will, a volunteer for, Cruz said. Will was fatally shot in October 2006 in Oaxaca City while filming protests by activists demanding the ouster of the state's governor.
Will's family said last year that they believed state officials were probably involved in his killing. State investigators arrested two town officials in 2006 but later released them after then-state Attorney General Lizbeth Cana suggested Will may have been shot by a protester.
Cruz said Eiler had complained that police in civilian clothes often sat in a parked car outside the witness's family's house and that they followed her.
Calls to Oaxaca's state police department were not answered Saturday.
"We're asking authorities to conduct an efficient and transparent investigation and that they not taint her image because she dedicated herself to defending the rights of women and of indigenous people," Cruz said in a telephone interview.
John Eiler said his daughter's remains would be cremated and returned to the United States.
Read previous articles about Sally's murder at:
Sally's murder: 'Meant to terrorize a population'

Hasta Siempre Sally Grace: Another US Activist Murdered in Oaxaca
by Kristin Bricker
Narco News
In my memories of Sally Grace, she looks just like the photograph of her that her friends published along with the communique denouncing that she was raped and murdered--laughing and smiling with a camera in her hand ...
Sally's raped and decaying body turned up in a cabin 20 minutes outside of San Jose del Pacifico. A neighbor noticed the smell and called the police.
According to the friend who identified the body, her face was unrecognizable: it was black as if it had been burned, and all of her hair was gone as if it had been ripped out. But Julieta Cruz recognized Sally's tattoos.
Read article in Narco News:
September 26, 2008
O'odham and American: New film is portrait of post 9/11 America
'I am an American,' documents post 9/11 racism, discrimination and patriotism in US
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
TUCSON -- Cynthia Weber's new film, "I am an American," screened tonight in Tucson. The film is a portrait of post 9/11 America, revealing the lives of migrants and Minutemen; patriots and political refugees.
"I am an American," shares the voices of US servicemen who were honored to be Americans, and others who either fled America or were brutalized and criminalized by systematic hatred and racial prejudice. Fathers, mothers and children tell their own stories.
"It does show the faces of true Americans. We are not all white, elite people," said Ofelia Rivas, Tohono O'odham and founder of O'odham Voice Against the Wall. Rivas is featured in the film and her comment came after screening the film for the first time Friday night.
The film profiles range from Katrina victims pondering their status as refugees in their homeland, to a Chinese Muslim army chaplain prosecuted as an enemy combatant.
Shanti Sellz, humanitarian lending aid to migrants on the Arizona border with No More Deaths, describes her arrest for helping save the lives of migrants.
With these voices, the film documents the post 9/11 hysteria which resulted in prosecution of the innocent, the inhumane police and court actions and US violations of human decency. However, it also gives the Minutemen and a proud soldier, fast tracked to citizenship, a voice.
Weber, a US citizen who makes her home in England, showed the film as a fundraiser for Derechos Humanos, No More Deaths and O'odham Voice Against the Wall. The screening was at the Armory building downtown.
In the film, Ofelia Rivas, interviewed at her home on Tohono O'odham land, describes the violations of human rights and dignity carried out by the US Border Patrol on a regular basis. Rivas describes how many O'odham, including herself, were born at home and do not have birth certificates. She also described how an agent pointed a gun at her head and demanded she identify herself as an American citizen.
Rivas said O'odham want others to know this: "We do live on both sides of that border and we do continue to cross."
During the screening, Rivas spoke on how the US/Mexico border wall has become a barrier for ceremonies and violated the religious rights of the O'odham, who have lived in this territory since time immemorial.
After the screening, Rivas said it is good that this film is carrying the O'odham voice to England and elsewhere. Rivas said the film shows the diversity of people in America.
"Maybe people can see what is happening to the original people," Rivas said in an interview with Censored News.
"It does show the faces of true Americans. We are not all white, elite people."
Although the US claims to guarantee the rights of its citizens on paper, Rivas said that is not always the reality.
During this election year, there is a great deal of attention on voting. Rivas, however, said it takes more than just casting a vote to bring about a change. She said people must stand up for their rights and take action.
"We can't just allow this United States government system to push us around any more."
Crossing the US/Mexico border, which divides O'odham communities, is now more difficult than ever; traditional O'odham find it difficult to find help anywhere.
"We have not received any kind of assistance from the Tohono O'odham Nation as traditional people," she said in the interview.
Rivas said the O'odham traditional crossing has been cut off by the US vehicle barrier constructed by Homeland Security. Now, the elders returning form ceremonies are subjected to harassment by the US Border Patrol. Now, O'odham must travel long distances to border crossings. The agents always consider O'odham elders as "suspects," as drug dealers or smugglers. The elders are fearful and must repeatedly endure rude agents.
"It is not a good situation when we have just been to ceremonies."
Rivas said the earth is going through a healing now and there has been a lot of rain. She said there are many changes, including changes in nature.
"If we don't follow our traditional ways, we are in for a lot of problems."
"I just encourage people to remain strong."
AUDIO: Listen to Ofelia Rivas react to the new film:
--Click on link below
--Click on file name "Ofelia Rivas" in white box
AUDIO: Cynthia Weber's describes the origin of the film:
About the film, "I am an American" by Cynthia Weber
Interviewed in the film:
-Iraq war veteran Guadalupe Denogean, who became a "fast-tracked" US citizen
-Iraq war resisters Phil McDowell and Jamine Apointe, who are seeking political refugee status in Canada
-Peace activist Fernando Suarez del Solar, who refused posthumous US citizenship for his soldier son Jesus who was killed in Iraq
-Undocumented immigrant Elvira Arellano, who until July 2007 was in sanctuary in a US church fighting deportation so she could remain with her US citizen son Saul
-The founder of the Minuteman Civil Defence Corps, Chris Simcox, who organises civilian patrols along US borders
-Human-rights activist with the No More Deaths group, Shanti Sellz, who with Daniel Strauss was arrested for transporting undocumented immigrants to a hospital
-Indigenous-rights activist Ofelia Rivas, who is fighting the construction of the US-Mexico border fence that will divide her nation
-Indigenous-rights activist Jose Matus, who heads the Indigenous Alliance Without Borders project
-Hurricane Katrina evacuees Greg and Glenda Avery, who have at times been treated more like "refugees" than US citizens in their own country
-US army Muslim chaplain James Yee, who was detained by the US government as an enemy combatant.
Weber says, "What I hope my films express is how these US Americans live their differences in an often less-than-tolerant and increasingly disunited nation."
Art installation: Sept. 29 to Oct 17, 2008
PHOTO 1: Ofelia Rivas, Tohono O'odham, founder of O'odham Voice Against the Wall, talks with Cynthia Weber, producer of the new film, "I Am an American." Photo Brenda Norrell. Photo 2: Shanti Sellz, No More Deaths humanitarian/Photo "I am an American." Photo 3: Ofelia Rivas at the border vehicle barrier constructed south of Sells, Arizona, on Tohono O'odham Nation land in 2007. Photo Brenda Norrell.
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
TUCSON -- Cynthia Weber's new film, "I am an American," screened tonight in Tucson. The film is a portrait of post 9/11 America, revealing the lives of migrants and Minutemen; patriots and political refugees.
"I am an American," shares the voices of US servicemen who were honored to be Americans, and others who either fled America or were brutalized and criminalized by systematic hatred and racial prejudice. Fathers, mothers and children tell their own stories.
"It does show the faces of true Americans. We are not all white, elite people," said Ofelia Rivas, Tohono O'odham and founder of O'odham Voice Against the Wall. Rivas is featured in the film and her comment came after screening the film for the first time Friday night.
The film profiles range from Katrina victims pondering their status as refugees in their homeland, to a Chinese Muslim army chaplain prosecuted as an enemy combatant.
Shanti Sellz, humanitarian lending aid to migrants on the Arizona border with No More Deaths, describes her arrest for helping save the lives of migrants.
With these voices, the film documents the post 9/11 hysteria which resulted in prosecution of the innocent, the inhumane police and court actions and US violations of human decency. However, it also gives the Minutemen and a proud soldier, fast tracked to citizenship, a voice.
Weber, a US citizen who makes her home in England, showed the film as a fundraiser for Derechos Humanos, No More Deaths and O'odham Voice Against the Wall. The screening was at the Armory building downtown.
In the film, Ofelia Rivas, interviewed at her home on Tohono O'odham land, describes the violations of human rights and dignity carried out by the US Border Patrol on a regular basis. Rivas describes how many O'odham, including herself, were born at home and do not have birth certificates. She also described how an agent pointed a gun at her head and demanded she identify herself as an American citizen.
Rivas said O'odham want others to know this: "We do live on both sides of that border and we do continue to cross."
During the screening, Rivas spoke on how the US/Mexico border wall has become a barrier for ceremonies and violated the religious rights of the O'odham, who have lived in this territory since time immemorial.
After the screening, Rivas said it is good that this film is carrying the O'odham voice to England and elsewhere. Rivas said the film shows the diversity of people in America.
"Maybe people can see what is happening to the original people," Rivas said in an interview with Censored News.
"It does show the faces of true Americans. We are not all white, elite people."
Although the US claims to guarantee the rights of its citizens on paper, Rivas said that is not always the reality.
During this election year, there is a great deal of attention on voting. Rivas, however, said it takes more than just casting a vote to bring about a change. She said people must stand up for their rights and take action.
"We can't just allow this United States government system to push us around any more."
Crossing the US/Mexico border, which divides O'odham communities, is now more difficult than ever; traditional O'odham find it difficult to find help anywhere.
"We have not received any kind of assistance from the Tohono O'odham Nation as traditional people," she said in the interview.
Rivas said the O'odham traditional crossing has been cut off by the US vehicle barrier constructed by Homeland Security. Now, the elders returning form ceremonies are subjected to harassment by the US Border Patrol. Now, O'odham must travel long distances to border crossings. The agents always consider O'odham elders as "suspects," as drug dealers or smugglers. The elders are fearful and must repeatedly endure rude agents.
"It is not a good situation when we have just been to ceremonies."
Rivas said the earth is going through a healing now and there has been a lot of rain. She said there are many changes, including changes in nature.
"If we don't follow our traditional ways, we are in for a lot of problems."
"I just encourage people to remain strong."
AUDIO: Listen to Ofelia Rivas react to the new film:
--Click on link below
--Click on file name "Ofelia Rivas" in white box
AUDIO: Cynthia Weber's describes the origin of the film:
About the film, "I am an American" by Cynthia Weber
Interviewed in the film:
-Iraq war veteran Guadalupe Denogean, who became a "fast-tracked" US citizen
-Iraq war resisters Phil McDowell and Jamine Apointe, who are seeking political refugee status in Canada
-Peace activist Fernando Suarez del Solar, who refused posthumous US citizenship for his soldier son Jesus who was killed in Iraq
-Undocumented immigrant Elvira Arellano, who until July 2007 was in sanctuary in a US church fighting deportation so she could remain with her US citizen son Saul
-The founder of the Minuteman Civil Defence Corps, Chris Simcox, who organises civilian patrols along US borders
-Human-rights activist with the No More Deaths group, Shanti Sellz, who with Daniel Strauss was arrested for transporting undocumented immigrants to a hospital
-Indigenous-rights activist Ofelia Rivas, who is fighting the construction of the US-Mexico border fence that will divide her nation
-Indigenous-rights activist Jose Matus, who heads the Indigenous Alliance Without Borders project
-Hurricane Katrina evacuees Greg and Glenda Avery, who have at times been treated more like "refugees" than US citizens in their own country
-US army Muslim chaplain James Yee, who was detained by the US government as an enemy combatant.
Weber says, "What I hope my films express is how these US Americans live their differences in an often less-than-tolerant and increasingly disunited nation."
Art installation: Sept. 29 to Oct 17, 2008
PHOTO 1: Ofelia Rivas, Tohono O'odham, founder of O'odham Voice Against the Wall, talks with Cynthia Weber, producer of the new film, "I Am an American." Photo Brenda Norrell. Photo 2: Shanti Sellz, No More Deaths humanitarian/Photo "I am an American." Photo 3: Ofelia Rivas at the border vehicle barrier constructed south of Sells, Arizona, on Tohono O'odham Nation land in 2007. Photo Brenda Norrell.
Activist Marcella Sali Grace raped and murdered in Oaxaca
Justice for our sister Marcella Sali Grace!
Version en espanol sigue despues del link.
"She was a champion for indigenous rights and helped me raise money for indigenous peoples in Mexico. She was a women rights and indigenous rights activist and such a great person." -- Navajo friend
Oaxaca de Juarez, Oaxaca. Thursday, September 25
Justice for our sister Marcella Sali Grace!
Brother and sisters,
Our hearts are full of sadness and rage because our sister Sali was brutally raped and murdered 20 minutes from San Jose del Pacifico and up to this moment the Oaxacan Attorney General's Office, as is its custom, is not doing anything regarding the fact that there exist witnesses who have information to identify those responsible.
Marcella Sali Grace was born in the United States, with a big heart in solidarity with just causes. She had many friends because she was always inclined to help, using her artistic talents to paint a banner or a wall or doing Arabic dance to raise funds for the struggle, or putting on punk shows, or giving self-defense courses for women because she knew very well how the men accosted them. This was one of her struggles, that women were free and respected. Sali was so involved in the struggle that she was an international accompanier of brothers and sisters who felt harassed by the bad government of Ulises Ruiz Ortiz.
Read more at:
Version en espanol sigue despues del link.

Oaxaca de Juarez, Oaxaca. Thursday, September 25
Justice for our sister Marcella Sali Grace!
Brother and sisters,
Our hearts are full of sadness and rage because our sister Sali was brutally raped and murdered 20 minutes from San Jose del Pacifico and up to this moment the Oaxacan Attorney General's Office, as is its custom, is not doing anything regarding the fact that there exist witnesses who have information to identify those responsible.
Marcella Sali Grace was born in the United States, with a big heart in solidarity with just causes. She had many friends because she was always inclined to help, using her artistic talents to paint a banner or a wall or doing Arabic dance to raise funds for the struggle, or putting on punk shows, or giving self-defense courses for women because she knew very well how the men accosted them. This was one of her struggles, that women were free and respected. Sali was so involved in the struggle that she was an international accompanier of brothers and sisters who felt harassed by the bad government of Ulises Ruiz Ortiz.
Read more at:
Melendez: Media downplays Hurricane Ike

Steve and Cheryl Melendez at the American Indian Genocide Museum: Recovering from Hurricane Ike, Alabama Coushatta also hit
By Steve and Cheryl Melendez
By Steve and Cheryl Melendez
Photo NPS/Chickasaw help Texas Alabama -Coushatta Nation
HOUSTON -- Finally , after two weeks we have electricity today. Many more are still without it. Phones and cell phones were not working . The hurricane brought down so many trees. There were trees on houses, on cars , on light poles and lying across the streets. That was the scene in my neighborhood and repeated throughout Houston and other cities. The aftermath of the storm left the city without power, water and public transportation. Houston and other areas have issued mandatory curfews. We have waited in FEMA lines for ice, food and water. Neighborhood Kroger opened this past week and we were allowed in five at a time. The line hooked around the store parking lot. No meat, dairy, bread. We were given only 10 minutes to get in and out. The gas stations had petrol, but could not run due to no source of power. When one station opened up the line was hours long. They limited the gas to only $20.00 worth if you were the lucky one to get it.
These have been conveniences and neccessities that we have come to depend on. But , thank God we still have our house. House, we have some roof damage. Fence blew out in the back yard. Had to throw away refrigerated foods, but again we are the blessed ones. So, many are now without a home to return to. Galveston, Crystal beach, Boliver, Gilcrest, High Island , Chambers county hit so hard. Gilcrest only one house remains after the hurricane. Nearly 400 people have been reported missing. Some of our friends have lost their homes.
The national news is not reporting this fairly and has been making this sound like a minor event. No Hollywood stars coming out to fundraise for our coastal communities. Many folks are permanent residents and these were not all vacation homes for the rich. Galveston has many poor people and the city depends on summer tourism.
This hurricane also affected the Texas Alabama Coushatta Reservation, the Woodlands, and ended up as a tropical storm knocking out power, and causing floods in Cincinnati , Ohio; caused 70 mile hour winds across the Canadian border. Hurricane Ike was so big it took up half of the Gulf of Mexico.
In all people are making do. Neighbors helping neighbors. Strangers becoming friends. Hope sustains us.
HOUSTON -- Finally , after two weeks we have electricity today. Many more are still without it. Phones and cell phones were not working . The hurricane brought down so many trees. There were trees on houses, on cars , on light poles and lying across the streets. That was the scene in my neighborhood and repeated throughout Houston and other cities. The aftermath of the storm left the city without power, water and public transportation. Houston and other areas have issued mandatory curfews. We have waited in FEMA lines for ice, food and water. Neighborhood Kroger opened this past week and we were allowed in five at a time. The line hooked around the store parking lot. No meat, dairy, bread. We were given only 10 minutes to get in and out. The gas stations had petrol, but could not run due to no source of power. When one station opened up the line was hours long. They limited the gas to only $20.00 worth if you were the lucky one to get it.
These have been conveniences and neccessities that we have come to depend on. But , thank God we still have our house. House, we have some roof damage. Fence blew out in the back yard. Had to throw away refrigerated foods, but again we are the blessed ones. So, many are now without a home to return to. Galveston, Crystal beach, Boliver, Gilcrest, High Island , Chambers county hit so hard. Gilcrest only one house remains after the hurricane. Nearly 400 people have been reported missing. Some of our friends have lost their homes.
The national news is not reporting this fairly and has been making this sound like a minor event. No Hollywood stars coming out to fundraise for our coastal communities. Many folks are permanent residents and these were not all vacation homes for the rich. Galveston has many poor people and the city depends on summer tourism.
This hurricane also affected the Texas Alabama Coushatta Reservation, the Woodlands, and ended up as a tropical storm knocking out power, and causing floods in Cincinnati , Ohio; caused 70 mile hour winds across the Canadian border. Hurricane Ike was so big it took up half of the Gulf of Mexico.
In all people are making do. Neighbors helping neighbors. Strangers becoming friends. Hope sustains us.
Photo National Park Service: An NPS bucket truck with a crew of four from Chickasaw NRA has arrived in the park and will be assisting Big Thicket and Lake Meredith saw crews with clearing priority access areas. Road clearing to oil and gas wellheads is continuing. The Central incident management team continues to assist the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas with support. Randy Larrabee from Chickasaw NRA is on site and is now conducting FMSS assessments and entering data. Forty-four people are currently committed to help.
September 25, 2008
Bailout protest: 'Lunatics are running the asylum'
Article and photo by Brenda Norrell
Censored News
TUCSON – Protesting outside the federal building in downtown Tucson, Attorney Bill Risner and other protesters called for no, “Bush Bail Out” on Thursday. Stating the frightening prospect of John McCain becoming president, Risner said McCain may very well have mental problems and Sarah Palin has already failed the test of sanity.
Risner said the US financial bailout for the “Bush gang of criminals” is a frightening possibility.
“If Obama wins, his hands are tied," Risner said on the street in front of the federal building, surrounded by bailout protesters.
Risner said the Obama administration would find it difficult to fund heath care and other services for the American public, since the current administration is bent on giving away money to hedge funds and billionaires.
If McCain wins the presidency, the outcome would be truly frightening for America, he said.
“I do believe they are capable of anything. These guys killed 3,000 people at the World Trade Center. If you will commit that crime, you will do anything.”
Risner said the Bush criminal gang is afraid of any power that will bring them to justice. Further, Risner said McCain is uninterested in facts or the government.
Risner said McCain may very well have "some sort of mental problems" and Palin certainly does. McCain's "vice president wants to bring Jesus back by starting a war in the Middle East so that Armageddon happens quickly," he said.
Risner also pointed out that Palin believes that what happens in the Middle East is the “will of God.”
“She is really a wacko.”
Risner said Palin’s comments about God and the Middle East “qualifies one for insanity in that office.”
“Lunatics are running the asylum.”
Standing outside the federal building, which includes FBI offices, Risner said the crowd came to protest the bailout of the “Bush criminal gang of Wall Street buddies.”
Risner said Bush is taking “everyone to the cleaners” before he gets out of office.
Referring to the financial collapse of US corporations, Risner recalled that Bush earlier described the economy as a “House of cards.” Risner said now the house of cards should be allowed to fall, so a new foundation can be built. Borrowing another trillion only means “digger yourself deeper into the hole.”
“They are for sure not telling us what the real reasons are, or what the endgame is.”
“They all got over-extended,” Risner said of the corporations, pointing out how companies have been borrowing money and then couldn’t come up with the money when it was necessary.
One of the results of the current crisis was that mortgages were bundled and the bottom group of buyers was sure to lose.
Risner joined other protesters to make one point: In the end, the bottom line is the American taxpayer is sure to lose.
"It is a big money grab. Bush hoped to get it with no strings attached," said Jackie, a woman who has spent two days here protesting the bailout.
Jackie said the rich are the first to get bailouts, while average Americans struggle to pay their mortgages. She joined protesters holding signs saying, "Bail out main street first."
As for the rich, who don't even know how many homes they own, Jackie said, "Let them empty their pockets first."
Listen to interviews on Censored News:
--Click on link below
--When webpage opens, click on "Bill Risner" (or "woman protester") in the white box to listen
If you have problems, e-mail me for the downloads:
Bill Risner's interview today:
Protester Jackie's comments:
Congress urged to ensure protection of sacred lands
Tribal Nations, Native Rights Organizations, and Social/Environmental Justice Allies call on Congress and administration to immediately address Tribal Sacred Lands protection
By Coalition of Native groups
By Coalition of Native groups

Photo: San Francisco Peaks/Save the Peaks
INDIAN COUNTRY — Tribal Nations, Native rights organizations, and social/environmental justice allies are calling on the U.S. Senate Indian Affairs Committee and other Congressional Committees to conduct hearings concerning federal land management practices that threaten or destroy Tribal sacred lands.
The Advocates for the Protection of Sacred Sites, The Save the Peaks Coalition, Indigenous Environmental Network, International Indian Treaty Council, Seventh Generation Fund, Vallejo Inter-Tribal Council, and Morning Star Institute have joined together to address the lack of federal government cooperation and consultation with Tribes in balancing destructive corporate development of Tribal ancestral lands and honoring Tribal rights and needs. The groups are also calling on the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation to investigate federal government non-compliance with Tribal consultation requirements and to assist in immediately remedying the problems.
“Corporate development of federal lands that overlap sacred Tribal ancestral lands not only further the desecration and destruction of sacred places and areas which Indigenous Peoples have traditionally used and safeguarded, but harm longstanding and positive Tribal social and cultural structures, increase threats to endangered and threatened species, and cause environmental destruction,” stated Mark LeBeau, Co-Chair of the Advocates for the Protection of Sacred Sites. “The protection and preservation of sacred places are essential to the practice of Indigenous Peoples’ freedom of religions, a fundamental human right which is recognized by both federal and international law.”
The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples was adopted by the UN General Assembly on September 13, 2007. This Declaration represents the dynamic development of international legal norms and sets an important standard for the treatment of Indigenous Peoples by states. It is a significant tool towards eliminating human rights violations against the planet's 370 million Indigenous Peoples and assisting them in combating discrimination and marginalization. Article 12 of the Declaration affirms that “Indigenous peoples have the right to manifest, practice, develop and teach their spiritual and religious traditions, customs and ceremonies and the right to maintain, protect, and have access in privacy to their religious and cultural sites.”
“Congress and the Advisory Council for Historic Preservation must intervene where the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and other federal agencies have fallen short in their fiduciary responsibilities to federally-recognized Tribes, including working cooperatively and constructively with Tribes to resolve disputes,” said Radley Davis, Co-Chair of the Advocates for the Protection of Sacred Sites.
On July 11, 2008, more than 1,000 Native rights and environmental justice advocates arrived in Washington, DC after walking across the US to raise awareness about key issues affecting Native peoples and the environment. The successful journey, known as the Longest Walk 2, delivered a 30-page manifesto and list of demands to Congress, which included the protection of sacred places and climate change mitigation.
House Judiciary Chair, US Representative John Conyers (D-MI) promised representatives from the Longest Walk 2 that their issues would be addressed but set no timetable. "The Committee on the Judiciary will hold hearings on each one of these items that you have outlined here," stated Rep. Conyers.
Tribal Nations and Native rights organizations are aware of hundreds of threatened sacred places throughout the US and are highlighting two critical threatened sacred places as evidence for immediate political action: The Medicine Lake Highlands located in California and the San Francisco Peaks located in Northern Arizona.
The Medicine Lake Highlands, northeast of Mt. Shasta, are sacred to the Pit River, Wintu, Karuk, Modoc, Shasta, and other Tribal nations. The Pit River people believe that the Creator and his son bathed in the lake after creating the earth, and then the Creator placed healing medicine in the lake. In the 1980s the BLM gave energy development leases in the Highlands to developers, without first conducting adequate environmental review and consulting any of the Tribes that would be affected by the projects. Developers such as Calpine Energy Corporation have used any tactic that money could buy to try to achieve their goal of building massive power plants in the sacred Highlands to harness geothermal energy, including activating teams of lawyers, lobbying state and federal representatives, buying-off some adversaries, and information spinning.
“The developers are attempting to move ahead in spite of the fact that project-drilling in the Highlands would likely release dangerous chemicals, including arsenic, chromium, and hydrogen sulfide, into the surface and ground waters that Californians and all other living things in this region rely upon,” stated James Hayward, Co-Chair of the Advocates for the Protection of Sacred Sites. “This proposed project must be stopped and the US government must assist in this effort.”
In November 2006, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the federal agencies neglected their fiduciary responsibilities to the Pit River Nation by violating the National Environmental Protection and the National Historic Preservation Acts and that the agencies never took the requisite “hard look” at whether the Highlands should be developed for energy at all. As a result, the court rejected the extension of leases that would have allowed Calpine to build geothermal plants and ordered judgment in favor of Pit River. Now BLM and Calpine are at it again as they prepare to attempt to conduct geothermal resource exploration in the sacred Glass Mountain region of the Highlands. BLM contends that the ruling was not explicative enough and so it is moving forward with the exploration. The Advocates for the Protection of Sacred Sites strongly oppose BLM’s reinterpretation of the ruling and will stop the agency.
Louis Gustafson, Citizen of the Pit River Nation, says, ''The government has agreements not to bomb holy mosques when they're at war, but we have to go through all these hoops just to protect our holy place.''
Arizona’s San Francisco Peaks are recognized internationally as a sacred place. The Peaks are a unique ecological island and are held holy by more than 13 Native American Nations. Arizona Snowbowl Ski Resort, located on the holy Peaks, is attempting to expand development, clear-cut acres of old growth trees, and make fake snow from treated sewage effluent, which has been proven to have harmful contaminants. The US Forest Service manages the San Francisco Peaks as public land and has faced multiple lawsuits by the Navajo Nation, Hopi, White Mountain Apache, Yavapai Apache, Hualapai, and Havasupai tribes, as well as the Sierra Club, Flagstaff Activist Network, Center of Biological Diversity, and others after it initially approved the proposed ski area development in 2005.
On August 8, 2008 the 9th Circuit of Appeals overturned a previous court ruling stopping the proposed development. The case is expected to be appealed to the Supreme Court.
"We have no guarantee for the protection for our religious freedom when it comes to government land use decisions," stated Klee Benally of the Save the Peaks Coalition. “This case underscores the fact that we need legislative action to ensure protection for places held holy by Native American Tribes. Federal land management policies are inconsistent when addressing Native American religious practice relating to sacred places. From the San Francisco Peaks, Medicine Lake Highlands, Yucca Mountain, Bear Butte, Mt. Taylor, Mt. Graham and the hundreds of additional sacred places that are threatened or are currently being desecrated, we need consistent protective action now.”
“The corporate projects proposed in the Medicine Lake Highlands and on San Francisco Peaks must be stopped. Key federal lawmakers and administration officials must work more rigorously with Tribes to ensure adequate cooperation and consultation on proposed projects that overlap Tribal sacred lands,” stated Radley Davis. “Our call for hearings is a critical measure that must be taken seriously to ensure that balancing corporate and agency development of Tribal ancestral lands and the needs and rights of Indigenous Nations are honored.”
Please fax a brief letter to Senate Indian Affairs Committee urging that a hearing be held on these issues as soon as possible. The Committee fax number is 202-228-2589.
Contacts: James Hayward, Redding Rancheria/Advocates for the Protection of Sacred Sites, 530-410-2875; Klee Benally, Save the Peaks Coalition,928-380-2629; Radley Davis, Pit River Nation/Advocates for the Protection of Sacred Sites, 530-917-6064; Mark LeBeau, Pit River Nation/Advocates for the Protection of Sacred Sites, 916-801-4422; Chris Peters, Seventh Generation Fund, 707-825-7640; Tom Goldtooth, Indigenous Environmental Network, 218-751-4967; Wounded Knee, Vallejo Inter-Tribal Council, 707-556-8776; Suzan Shown Harjo, Morning Star Institute, 202-547-5531
'I Am American' film in Tucson

Five years after 9/11, Weber began on-camera interviews with US citizens of various ages, races, religions, sexes and ethnicities caught up in the security and immigration crossfire of the ‘war on terror.’ The result is a fascinating series of portraits that illuminate and refigure national ‘stories’of US identity, citizenship, tolerance, and patriotism.
Join us for campus and community screenings this month, where Professor Weber will be present to introduce and discuss the film.
Thursday, September 25, 6:00 pm 305 Harvill Building, 1103 E. 2nd St., University of Arizona
Free and open to the public - Sponsored by the Department of Political Science
Friday, September 26, 6:30 pm Armory Park Ballroom, 220 S. 5th Avenue, Tucson Everyone Welcome! $5.00 suggested donation
All proceeds will benefit Derechos Humanos, No More Deaths, and O’odham Voice Against the Wall
Posted by University of Arizona Women's Resource Center Blog
Posted by University of Arizona Women's Resource Center Blog
Taco sale: Navajo mother's home burns to ground
Begins 9:00 AM
This was posted by Susan Yazzie several weeks ago. I am sending to all in the community to let you know what happened to her sister’s family, very unfortunate. Please send prayers for the youngest son still in the hospital trying to recover with most of his body had been severely burned. To Native Community:
My name is Susan Yazzie and I am writing to you on behalf of my sister Jenny. She lives on the Navajo Reservation in Arizona, with five boys. On Saturday morning, Saturday August 23, 2008, between 1:00-3:00 am in Seba Dakaii, her 5 bedroom trailer home was burned down to the ground, nothing was salvageable. Not only did they lose their home, but 3 boys were flown to Phoenix Burn center. As of now Keeto, 14, is released leaving Manuel, 15, still in the hospital. Keefred, 17, is in severe condition from smoke inhalation and recovering from the burns. My sister is a single parent who strives to work hard to support her kids. The fire has left nothing but ashes and memories for the family. The home is a total loss and all personal possessions, including clothing, furniture and so on were destroyed. Therefore they have no home to live in for the present being.
I am asking some help for her and her children. If you can offer something please contact me at 303-862-4097. Much needed items right now are clothing and perhaps gift cards from Walmart or other stores. Food items and volunteers for taco sale are welcome and needed.
Please contact Susan asap.
Donations needed for the taco sale: Lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, onions, salsa, baked goods/ cookies, muffins, cakes, candy, soda pop/cans, bottled water, dried beans, aluminum foil, paper plates
Begins 9:00 AM
This was posted by Susan Yazzie several weeks ago. I am sending to all in the community to let you know what happened to her sister’s family, very unfortunate. Please send prayers for the youngest son still in the hospital trying to recover with most of his body had been severely burned. To Native Community:
My name is Susan Yazzie and I am writing to you on behalf of my sister Jenny. She lives on the Navajo Reservation in Arizona, with five boys. On Saturday morning, Saturday August 23, 2008, between 1:00-3:00 am in Seba Dakaii, her 5 bedroom trailer home was burned down to the ground, nothing was salvageable. Not only did they lose their home, but 3 boys were flown to Phoenix Burn center. As of now Keeto, 14, is released leaving Manuel, 15, still in the hospital. Keefred, 17, is in severe condition from smoke inhalation and recovering from the burns. My sister is a single parent who strives to work hard to support her kids. The fire has left nothing but ashes and memories for the family. The home is a total loss and all personal possessions, including clothing, furniture and so on were destroyed. Therefore they have no home to live in for the present being.
I am asking some help for her and her children. If you can offer something please contact me at 303-862-4097. Much needed items right now are clothing and perhaps gift cards from Walmart or other stores. Food items and volunteers for taco sale are welcome and needed.
Please contact Susan asap.
Donations needed for the taco sale: Lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, onions, salsa, baked goods/ cookies, muffins, cakes, candy, soda pop/cans, bottled water, dried beans, aluminum foil, paper plates
Pointe-au-Chien appeal for help after Ike and Gustav

Louisiana Coastal Tribes Appeal for Help After Ike and Gustav Devastate Lower Bayou Indian Communities
Pointe-au-Chien Tribal members in front of home damaged by storms. Tribal Communities Dealt Blows after Gustav and Ike Hit Gulf Coast. For the second time in three years, tribes in South Louisiana face back-to-back catastrophic hurricanes. In South Louisiana, the lower bayou Indian communities of Pointe-au-Chien Indian Tribe, the Isle de Jean Charles Band of Biloxi-Chitimacha, the Bayou Lafourche Band of Biloxi-Chitimacha, and the Grand Caillou/Dulac Band of Biloxi-Chitimacha face tough times. Three years after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita dealt devastating blows, Hurricanes Gustav and Ike ravaged the small fishing communities. Hurricane Gustav destroyed tribal buildings, tribal homes, and left some tribal members homeless. Some members are living in homes that are not habitable. Hurricane Ike, a category 2 storm passing 275 miles to the West, caused a 6-8 foot storm surge in lower Pointe-au-Chien and Isle de Jean Charles. Almost every home in the tribal communities has some damage, and the tribal communities of the Grand Caillou/Dulac and Bayou Lafourche Band of Biloxi-Chitimacha are also facing similar problems. Tribal leaders assessed that more damage was caused to their communities during Ike and Gustav than during the 2005 hurricane season. The devastation to the tribal communities results from years of neglect. Unfortunately, the Pointe-au-Chien Indian Community and the Isle de Jean Charles Indian Community are exposed to the elements. With no levee and no coastal restoration projects planned to protect the Community, the Pointe-au-Chien, the Isle de Jean Charles, and other communities, these small tribal communities face hard times. Their current situation was exasperated when the Mississippi River was rerouted, the barrier islands were not protected, and the oil companies arbitrarily and systematically cut canals resulting in increased salt water intrusion. Because the Terrebonne Barrier Islands are disappearing, the tribal homelands of the Pointe-au-Chien and the Isle a Jean Charles Indian Tribes are now the barrier Islands, resulting in more damage and flooding during each hurricane season. After three weeks, tribal communities finally have electricity and water to start the clean-up process. Some houses, however, cannot be repaired or cleaned. Because it took so long to start the clean-up process, some families face mold and mildew. Insurance companies told tribal members to wait to clean up until they can investigate. "It's a big mess," said Chief Albert Naquin of Isle de Jean Charles, "and we are going to need a lot of help to clean it up." Chairman Charles Verdin of the Pointe-au-Chien Indian Tribe is concerned about the impacts the storms will have on fishermen, who have been unemployed for the past month—the height of the shrimping season. Most families work during this time period and save funds to last throughout the winter, with the loss of their stored food supply from their freezers, the loss of additional food supply and income, and rebuilding, this is going to be a tough winter. Louisiana officials traveled to Washington D.C. this week to request funding for the State, but the Louisiana tribes need community-wide rebuilding relief to sustain their communities. In the past, relief funds for rebuilding and repair have not been sufficient and tribal members who theoretically should have benefited from state-wide programs for rebuilding have been denied assistance because tribal members live on "family property." Further, the State provided a white paper on coastal restoration needs, which focused primarily on already funded projects and repair of levees that were breached. Tribal burial grounds and traditional hunting and fishing areas are also left exposed and tribal leaders fear will ultimately be lost to the Gulf of Mexico. The lack of federal status impacts the ability of the tribes to receive aid from the federal government or from having a real voice in recovery and relief in the South Louisiana region. Through the Louisiana Coastal Tribes Coalition, bayou Indian tribes are working together on emergency response and rebuilding efforts. After the 2005 hurricanes, the LCTC was able to coordinate with the Mennonite Disaster Service to build five homes in four tribal communities. LCTC is coordinating clean-up and rebuilding efforts across four Indian communities. The Tribes are hoping to coordinate long-term recovery and coastal restoration efforts in order to protect the culture and way of life of the tribal people of South Louisiana. At the same time, the bayou tribes need to raise over $500,000 to pay for experts and research to assist in their petitions for federal acknowledgment which are due to the federal government soon. All fundraising efforts, however, have been impacted by these storms. To learn how to volunteer or to donate, please visit the, or Donations can be made directly to the Pointe-au-Chien Indian Tribe at PO Box 416, Montegut, LA 70377. The Louisiana Environmental Action Network,, is working directly with the tribes to provide much-needed supplies. Only donations to the Coalition, the Coalition's member tribes, or organizations working directly with the tribes, are guaranteed to reach those impacted.
Pointe-au-Chien Tribal members in front of home damaged by storms. Tribal Communities Dealt Blows after Gustav and Ike Hit Gulf Coast. For the second time in three years, tribes in South Louisiana face back-to-back catastrophic hurricanes. In South Louisiana, the lower bayou Indian communities of Pointe-au-Chien Indian Tribe, the Isle de Jean Charles Band of Biloxi-Chitimacha, the Bayou Lafourche Band of Biloxi-Chitimacha, and the Grand Caillou/Dulac Band of Biloxi-Chitimacha face tough times. Three years after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita dealt devastating blows, Hurricanes Gustav and Ike ravaged the small fishing communities. Hurricane Gustav destroyed tribal buildings, tribal homes, and left some tribal members homeless. Some members are living in homes that are not habitable. Hurricane Ike, a category 2 storm passing 275 miles to the West, caused a 6-8 foot storm surge in lower Pointe-au-Chien and Isle de Jean Charles. Almost every home in the tribal communities has some damage, and the tribal communities of the Grand Caillou/Dulac and Bayou Lafourche Band of Biloxi-Chitimacha are also facing similar problems. Tribal leaders assessed that more damage was caused to their communities during Ike and Gustav than during the 2005 hurricane season. The devastation to the tribal communities results from years of neglect. Unfortunately, the Pointe-au-Chien Indian Community and the Isle de Jean Charles Indian Community are exposed to the elements. With no levee and no coastal restoration projects planned to protect the Community, the Pointe-au-Chien, the Isle de Jean Charles, and other communities, these small tribal communities face hard times. Their current situation was exasperated when the Mississippi River was rerouted, the barrier islands were not protected, and the oil companies arbitrarily and systematically cut canals resulting in increased salt water intrusion. Because the Terrebonne Barrier Islands are disappearing, the tribal homelands of the Pointe-au-Chien and the Isle a Jean Charles Indian Tribes are now the barrier Islands, resulting in more damage and flooding during each hurricane season. After three weeks, tribal communities finally have electricity and water to start the clean-up process. Some houses, however, cannot be repaired or cleaned. Because it took so long to start the clean-up process, some families face mold and mildew. Insurance companies told tribal members to wait to clean up until they can investigate. "It's a big mess," said Chief Albert Naquin of Isle de Jean Charles, "and we are going to need a lot of help to clean it up." Chairman Charles Verdin of the Pointe-au-Chien Indian Tribe is concerned about the impacts the storms will have on fishermen, who have been unemployed for the past month—the height of the shrimping season. Most families work during this time period and save funds to last throughout the winter, with the loss of their stored food supply from their freezers, the loss of additional food supply and income, and rebuilding, this is going to be a tough winter. Louisiana officials traveled to Washington D.C. this week to request funding for the State, but the Louisiana tribes need community-wide rebuilding relief to sustain their communities. In the past, relief funds for rebuilding and repair have not been sufficient and tribal members who theoretically should have benefited from state-wide programs for rebuilding have been denied assistance because tribal members live on "family property." Further, the State provided a white paper on coastal restoration needs, which focused primarily on already funded projects and repair of levees that were breached. Tribal burial grounds and traditional hunting and fishing areas are also left exposed and tribal leaders fear will ultimately be lost to the Gulf of Mexico. The lack of federal status impacts the ability of the tribes to receive aid from the federal government or from having a real voice in recovery and relief in the South Louisiana region. Through the Louisiana Coastal Tribes Coalition, bayou Indian tribes are working together on emergency response and rebuilding efforts. After the 2005 hurricanes, the LCTC was able to coordinate with the Mennonite Disaster Service to build five homes in four tribal communities. LCTC is coordinating clean-up and rebuilding efforts across four Indian communities. The Tribes are hoping to coordinate long-term recovery and coastal restoration efforts in order to protect the culture and way of life of the tribal people of South Louisiana. At the same time, the bayou tribes need to raise over $500,000 to pay for experts and research to assist in their petitions for federal acknowledgment which are due to the federal government soon. All fundraising efforts, however, have been impacted by these storms. To learn how to volunteer or to donate, please visit the, or Donations can be made directly to the Pointe-au-Chien Indian Tribe at PO Box 416, Montegut, LA 70377. The Louisiana Environmental Action Network,, is working directly with the tribes to provide much-needed supplies. Only donations to the Coalition, the Coalition's member tribes, or organizations working directly with the tribes, are guaranteed to reach those impacted.
September 24, 2008
World Can't Wait: Bush protest at the UN
By Debra Sweet
The World Can't Wait
Yesterday, George Bush spoke to the General Assembly of the UN. NY1 reported, "Protesters staged a rally at Dag Hammerskold Plaza, across from the U.N., during Bush's appearance. They called on the president to withdraw troops from Iraq and not attack any other nation.'We're here to demand there be no attack on Iran, that the U.S. pull out of Iraq, and not attack Pakistan or Afghanistan,' said protest organizer Debra Sweet. 'He has broken the Geneva Conventions. He shredded our Constitution and he sent the same military members back to an illegal and immoral war, three, four, five times,' said Elaine Brower, whose son is fighting in Iraq. 'And I think it's time that people call him on it.'Matthis Chiroux, above left, spoke to the press, explaining why he refused "stop-loss" orders to go to Iraq after he had been discharged from the Army. He had done a tour in Afghanistan, ready to "kill terrorists," but changed his mind after being there. He's now a member of Iraq Veterans Against the War. After Matthis spoke, he was the staged "victim" of a waterboarding demonstration. We all had a chance afterward to talk to the international press about the crimes of the Bush regime, and to challenge the people present to act against these crimes.Since Bush was speaking to the United Nations about why he's sending more troops to Afghanistan, it's interesting that on the same day, the US government said they would not be making public the National Intelligence Estimate about Afghanistan. Canada and the Netherlands are reportedly about to pull their troops out, but as we have noted, Obama and McCain, both say they will be sending more troops there.
CHEERS! Yesterday, members of Veterans for Peace climbed onto a ledge at the National Archives, and stayed for 24 hours, fasting. Those who participated were Those Board President Elliott Adams, Board Member Ellen Barfield, staff member Doug Zachary, Kim Carlyle, Diane Wilson, and Tarak Kauff.
Debra Sweet, Director, The World Can't Wait - Drive Out the Bush Regime
The World Can't Wait
Yesterday, George Bush spoke to the General Assembly of the UN. NY1 reported, "Protesters staged a rally at Dag Hammerskold Plaza, across from the U.N., during Bush's appearance. They called on the president to withdraw troops from Iraq and not attack any other nation.'We're here to demand there be no attack on Iran, that the U.S. pull out of Iraq, and not attack Pakistan or Afghanistan,' said protest organizer Debra Sweet. 'He has broken the Geneva Conventions. He shredded our Constitution and he sent the same military members back to an illegal and immoral war, three, four, five times,' said Elaine Brower, whose son is fighting in Iraq. 'And I think it's time that people call him on it.'Matthis Chiroux, above left, spoke to the press, explaining why he refused "stop-loss" orders to go to Iraq after he had been discharged from the Army. He had done a tour in Afghanistan, ready to "kill terrorists," but changed his mind after being there. He's now a member of Iraq Veterans Against the War. After Matthis spoke, he was the staged "victim" of a waterboarding demonstration. We all had a chance afterward to talk to the international press about the crimes of the Bush regime, and to challenge the people present to act against these crimes.Since Bush was speaking to the United Nations about why he's sending more troops to Afghanistan, it's interesting that on the same day, the US government said they would not be making public the National Intelligence Estimate about Afghanistan. Canada and the Netherlands are reportedly about to pull their troops out, but as we have noted, Obama and McCain, both say they will be sending more troops there.
CHEERS! Yesterday, members of Veterans for Peace climbed onto a ledge at the National Archives, and stayed for 24 hours, fasting. Those who participated were Those Board President Elliott Adams, Board Member Ellen Barfield, staff member Doug Zachary, Kim Carlyle, Diane Wilson, and Tarak Kauff.
Debra Sweet, Director, The World Can't Wait - Drive Out the Bush Regime
Ana Romero, dead in a Kentucky jail cell

Ana Romero died while in a Franklin County, Kentucky jail, awaiting deportation to her home country of El Salvador. Ana spent the last nine months in jail awaiting deportation back to El Salvador, back to see her two sons. But Thursday, August 21st Blanca and Mario received a call saying Ana was dead after she was found in her jail cell, with a sheet wrapped around her neck.
Two and a half weeks later, there’s still no preliminary autopsy report from the Franklin county coroner and Blanca and Mario say no one’s telling them much of anything.
They also say Ana would never have committed suicide. Now, family members, advocates and concerned individuals are circulating a petition to demand justice for Ana.
We demand justice and a transparent investigation into the circumstances surrounding Ana Romero’s death. We demand a full reporting of all the information learned, so that her family and loved ones can get an honest and complete explanation of how and why she died in the Franklin County jail and so they may have spiritual closure. We demand moral, decent, and humane treatment for all persons in jail, regardless of their legal status, national origin, skin color, or language. We demand the due process rights guaranteed in United States Constitution.
Finally, we ask all public officials involved in this situation, from the federal government, to the Kentucky state government and all other state governments, to the county and city governments all over this land to implement a moratorium on the raids and deportations of immigrants until such time as we obtain a fair, humane, and comprehensive immigration reform that our country so badly needs.
End the raids, end the injustice - SIGN THE PETITION!
Two and a half weeks later, there’s still no preliminary autopsy report from the Franklin county coroner and Blanca and Mario say no one’s telling them much of anything.
They also say Ana would never have committed suicide. Now, family members, advocates and concerned individuals are circulating a petition to demand justice for Ana.
We demand justice and a transparent investigation into the circumstances surrounding Ana Romero’s death. We demand a full reporting of all the information learned, so that her family and loved ones can get an honest and complete explanation of how and why she died in the Franklin County jail and so they may have spiritual closure. We demand moral, decent, and humane treatment for all persons in jail, regardless of their legal status, national origin, skin color, or language. We demand the due process rights guaranteed in United States Constitution.
Finally, we ask all public officials involved in this situation, from the federal government, to the Kentucky state government and all other state governments, to the county and city governments all over this land to implement a moratorium on the raids and deportations of immigrants until such time as we obtain a fair, humane, and comprehensive immigration reform that our country so badly needs.
End the raids, end the injustice - SIGN THE PETITION!
Houma Indian Chief: Hurricane relief report Sept. 20, 2008

Messages from the Houma Principal Chief Brenda Dardar Robichaux
Week of 9/14 - 20/08
Outreach efforts are continuing throughout tribal communities, although some communities are still under a look and leave order. Last Sunday was spent assessing flood damage with a group of us traveling by boat down Shrimper’s Row in the Dulac community. We drove until the water was too high to go any further and then launched the boat from the side of the highway.Shrimpers Row, a roadway along which most of our Tribal Citizens live, was covered with water. Although there was enough water on the road to run the motor, most of the time one of our group pulled the boat through the sometime waist deep muck which covered much of the area.It was heartbreaking to see caskets that had floated from a local cemetery. A group of caring citizens towed the caskets back to the flooded highway and tied them to a tree to prevent them from floating away again. We met a family of three paddling down the bayou. They mentioned that they had spent the storm in their home until the water had gotten too high and then had to evacuate to their grandmother’s home which was elevated. They also mentioned that there were 4 other children at her home, all under the age of eight.
Read report:
Week of 9/14 - 20/08
Outreach efforts are continuing throughout tribal communities, although some communities are still under a look and leave order. Last Sunday was spent assessing flood damage with a group of us traveling by boat down Shrimper’s Row in the Dulac community. We drove until the water was too high to go any further and then launched the boat from the side of the highway.Shrimpers Row, a roadway along which most of our Tribal Citizens live, was covered with water. Although there was enough water on the road to run the motor, most of the time one of our group pulled the boat through the sometime waist deep muck which covered much of the area.It was heartbreaking to see caskets that had floated from a local cemetery. A group of caring citizens towed the caskets back to the flooded highway and tied them to a tree to prevent them from floating away again. We met a family of three paddling down the bayou. They mentioned that they had spent the storm in their home until the water had gotten too high and then had to evacuate to their grandmother’s home which was elevated. They also mentioned that there were 4 other children at her home, all under the age of eight.
Read report:
Photo: Hurricane Gustav damage/United Houma Nation photo
September 23, 2008
An interview with Yaqui Jose Matus
Crossing the border has become more difficult for ceremonial leaders, like the Yaqui from Sonora, Mexico, who lead the Deer Dances and other ceremonies in Arizona. Meanwhile, Homeland Security seeks to seize the private land of the Lipan Apache in Texas for the border wall. Listen to today's interview with Jose Matus, Yaqui ceremonial leader and director of the Indigenous Alliance without Borders. (Photo: Jose Matus at migrant rights march at Democratic National Convention in Denver/Photo Brenda Norrell)
LISTEN: By popular demand, I've converted the file to a mp3. Hope it plays easier.
Click on link below. Then click on "Jose Matus" and "open:"
If you have problems, I'll send you the download: )
September 22, 2008
Street Medics harassed by police and FEMA during Hurricane Ike relief
UPDATE TUESDAY: Street Medics Illegally Detained and Harassed by FEMA in Hurricane Relief Campaign First Hand Accounts
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
by Petros Evdokas,
Portland Street Medics member
You might be aware of the situation that evolved on Sunday, September 21st during which a mission of volunteer Street Medics from Colorado arrived in Galveston, Texas, to provide free medical care to the communities struck by the hurricanes. The mission was oriented with a special interest to address the needs of indigenous, poor and undocumented people whose needs are in general ignored by "official" rescue operations. Also, these are communities of people who often have good have reasons to avoid or hide from such "rescue" operations, especially if they are occurring under martial law and in conjunction with immigration Police.
Instead of being integrated by authorities into the efforts, or at least left to their own devices in order to provide help to people, the Street Medics were detained in dubious circumstances, harassed, threatened with arrest and physically removed from the area by Police.
Please see a first hand account from one of the Street Medics published this morning - the Medic speaking here is Zoe Hallez Williams, known to the wider Medics family as "Zoe the Medic":
"...[The agent] spoke for well over 30 minutes about how no one needed our help and our training was worthless. He stepped outside and locked us in the room with the paramedic supervisor. She informed us that FEMA credentials would be required to enter any area hit hard by the Hurricane and that no one needed help–quite contrary to reports coming from undocumented workers fleeing FEMA and the rest of the federal government....Moments later a State Trooper and Galveston Police vehicle arrived. Three officers were on scene. The trooper approached, demanded to see IDs and credentials and informed us we were being detained and potentially arrested because we did not work for FEMA. While he ran our IDs another officer began to document our vehicle. The officers were abrasive, rude and...":From:"How did we get to Shrimper’s Row?"
The first breaking out of the Street Medics story in alternative media yesterday is here:Street Medics Harassed by Police & FEMA during Hurricane Ike Relief
Mainstream and establishment media are still ignoring or burying the news about FEMA harassment of Street Medics, even though a few days ago the media themselves were targeted when the iron curtain of the military police state came down on them as the area over Galveston and Bolivar in Texas were declared to be a "no fly zone" (just like Iraq before the US invasion) by a source within the shadow Government which even the Governor of Texas was not at liberty to name. Mainstream media complained about this illegal restriction of Constitutional liberties - you might have seen that report by ABC here: or here:
Our colleagues, the three Street Medics who were targeted by this harassment in the Galveston incident are exceptionally well-trained healthcare workers. Two are veterans of the grassroots relief efforts after Katrina, plus all of them are recent veterans of the tremendous organizational challenge faced by Street Medics in Denver during the Democratic National Convention protests - they had helped put together and operate a network and support mechanism of Street Medics that aimed to ensure our safety and liberty as we provided medical care to people who were injured by Police or became ill in the streets, in the parks and in jail during the events there in late August.
Skills among them include First Responder training and certified nurse's aid skills - the latter means providing some very personal care to people who are unable to take care of themselves; it is the most crucial work in health care which usually no one wants to do, and which very few are capable to do with the right attitude. First Responder skills include assessing and handling unexpected medical emergencies in both wilderness and urban settings.
The most important part of the Street Medics training is a set of skills, social and personal values and principles which is only taught and learned among Street Medics who are active within the Peace and Justice wings of the liberation movement: how to provide first aid and some forms of aftercare in settings where there is conflict, disaster, or danger, in situations where conventional ambulances, emergency medical technicians, paramedics, rescue workers are unable, unwilling or not allowed to go. These situations include riots, street conflicts, scenes of mass violence, or large assemblies such as marches, parades, demonstrations, etc.
Street Medics abide by a code of ethics which is far more stringent, mindful, all-embracing and inclusive than Corporate or State- sponsored paramedic teams are expected to have: we embrace anti-authoritarian principles, awareness of oppression, we are guided by the politics of solidarity and community self-organizing in everything we do, with special attention to how racism, sexism, homophobia, issues of gender and sexual identity politics play a tremendous role in all sorts of interactions within health care and first aid. That's why our charter as Street Medics comes from the liberation Movement's counter-institutions powered by the people and not from Capital or the State.
It's also the reason why the Corporate State opposes our presence and interferes with most of our operations wherever it gets a chance.
Things You Can Do To Help
If you're into writing letters or making phone calls to officials, politicians, policy makers, media please help us by doing exactly that.Here's some contact information:
The Texas Division of Emergency Management5805 N. Lamar Austin, Texas 78752(512) 424-2138(512) 424-2444 or 7160 FAX
Contact the National Offices of FEMA here:
FEMA-Correspondence-Unit@dhs.govTelephone: 1 (800) 621-FEMA (3362)TDD: 1 (800) 462-7585Fax: 1 (800) 827-8112
You can also help us by distributing this story plus all the related materials on this page to online open publishing sources, media contacts, email lists of organizations and friends in your address book.
Helping with Supplies and Finances
Money and Supplies are crucial to the rescue efforts. Please keep visiting these pages for the updated list of needed supplies and ways to send them:
Right now the best we have is this announcement:"Please contact us at for a mailing address for donations or to set up a pick up." More instructions and specifics will follow as things get better arranged.
Due to the illegal harassment by authorities, the Street Medics were forced to move the relief operation to another hurricane-struck area in Dulac, Louisiana.
The new location they're in is between normality and disaster. According to Bryan Garcia, one of the Street Medics, some services exist in Dulac, some don't. Food is still being distributed in the streets, there's piles of mud and filth around, phone reception is tricky, a few miles down the road there's no electricity, and some places still don't have water. Postal deliveries are not necessarily normalized for every location there, but our friends are going to make some arrangements and we'll have a way for deliveries established hopefully soon.
The Colorado Street Medics' long journey to setting up clinic in Dulac is documented in a series of updates just posted on their website, but the team's access to the Internet is not guaranteed and updates may be irregular.
The new location in Dulac was worked out in co-operation with the Four Directions Indigenous Solidarity Network: whose network in Dulac operates a grass roots backyard Free Store, a community center from which basic supplies are distributed to the community. Here's a link to an eight minute video about the Free Store and its role in community-based grass roots relief efforts. The video is a brilliant mix of documentary and visual poetry that captures the spirit of co-operation, community pride and love in action that flows out of the Four Directions Free Store in Dulac:
And a related update from the Street Medics:
At this point, the two most important necessities are:- to help create a political climate that generates a "Hands Off the Street Medics" safety net and support network, so that illegitimate authorities will think twice before interfering again with the relief efforts,and,- to ensure a steady stream of supplies and money to the mission so that it will be able to address the health needs of the indigenous, poor and undocumented people in the community. This is the population toward whom the Street Medics intend to give their primary attention.
Please give your political and material support generously to this volunteer mission. It's the real thing: worthy, honourable, indispensable.
Petros Evdokas volunteer, Portland Street Medics
Some Related Materials
How did we get to Shrimper’s Row?
Four Directions Indigenous Solidarity Network:
Accomplishments in Louisiana
Portland Street Medics
Arrested Street Medic Speaks - Press Release
Previous post on Censored Blog:
The Colorado street medics; Jaime (from Kansas), Brian, and Zoe, who served the people at the Democratic national convention, recently traveled to do hurricane Ike relief work.
"Street Medics Harassed by Police & FEMA during Hurricane Ike Relief"
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
by Petros Evdokas,
Portland Street Medics member
You might be aware of the situation that evolved on Sunday, September 21st during which a mission of volunteer Street Medics from Colorado arrived in Galveston, Texas, to provide free medical care to the communities struck by the hurricanes. The mission was oriented with a special interest to address the needs of indigenous, poor and undocumented people whose needs are in general ignored by "official" rescue operations. Also, these are communities of people who often have good have reasons to avoid or hide from such "rescue" operations, especially if they are occurring under martial law and in conjunction with immigration Police.
Instead of being integrated by authorities into the efforts, or at least left to their own devices in order to provide help to people, the Street Medics were detained in dubious circumstances, harassed, threatened with arrest and physically removed from the area by Police.
Please see a first hand account from one of the Street Medics published this morning - the Medic speaking here is Zoe Hallez Williams, known to the wider Medics family as "Zoe the Medic":
"...[The agent] spoke for well over 30 minutes about how no one needed our help and our training was worthless. He stepped outside and locked us in the room with the paramedic supervisor. She informed us that FEMA credentials would be required to enter any area hit hard by the Hurricane and that no one needed help–quite contrary to reports coming from undocumented workers fleeing FEMA and the rest of the federal government....Moments later a State Trooper and Galveston Police vehicle arrived. Three officers were on scene. The trooper approached, demanded to see IDs and credentials and informed us we were being detained and potentially arrested because we did not work for FEMA. While he ran our IDs another officer began to document our vehicle. The officers were abrasive, rude and...":From:"How did we get to Shrimper’s Row?"
The first breaking out of the Street Medics story in alternative media yesterday is here:Street Medics Harassed by Police & FEMA during Hurricane Ike Relief
Mainstream and establishment media are still ignoring or burying the news about FEMA harassment of Street Medics, even though a few days ago the media themselves were targeted when the iron curtain of the military police state came down on them as the area over Galveston and Bolivar in Texas were declared to be a "no fly zone" (just like Iraq before the US invasion) by a source within the shadow Government which even the Governor of Texas was not at liberty to name. Mainstream media complained about this illegal restriction of Constitutional liberties - you might have seen that report by ABC here: or here:
Our colleagues, the three Street Medics who were targeted by this harassment in the Galveston incident are exceptionally well-trained healthcare workers. Two are veterans of the grassroots relief efforts after Katrina, plus all of them are recent veterans of the tremendous organizational challenge faced by Street Medics in Denver during the Democratic National Convention protests - they had helped put together and operate a network and support mechanism of Street Medics that aimed to ensure our safety and liberty as we provided medical care to people who were injured by Police or became ill in the streets, in the parks and in jail during the events there in late August.
Skills among them include First Responder training and certified nurse's aid skills - the latter means providing some very personal care to people who are unable to take care of themselves; it is the most crucial work in health care which usually no one wants to do, and which very few are capable to do with the right attitude. First Responder skills include assessing and handling unexpected medical emergencies in both wilderness and urban settings.
The most important part of the Street Medics training is a set of skills, social and personal values and principles which is only taught and learned among Street Medics who are active within the Peace and Justice wings of the liberation movement: how to provide first aid and some forms of aftercare in settings where there is conflict, disaster, or danger, in situations where conventional ambulances, emergency medical technicians, paramedics, rescue workers are unable, unwilling or not allowed to go. These situations include riots, street conflicts, scenes of mass violence, or large assemblies such as marches, parades, demonstrations, etc.
Street Medics abide by a code of ethics which is far more stringent, mindful, all-embracing and inclusive than Corporate or State- sponsored paramedic teams are expected to have: we embrace anti-authoritarian principles, awareness of oppression, we are guided by the politics of solidarity and community self-organizing in everything we do, with special attention to how racism, sexism, homophobia, issues of gender and sexual identity politics play a tremendous role in all sorts of interactions within health care and first aid. That's why our charter as Street Medics comes from the liberation Movement's counter-institutions powered by the people and not from Capital or the State.
It's also the reason why the Corporate State opposes our presence and interferes with most of our operations wherever it gets a chance.
Things You Can Do To Help
If you're into writing letters or making phone calls to officials, politicians, policy makers, media please help us by doing exactly that.Here's some contact information:
The Texas Division of Emergency Management5805 N. Lamar Austin, Texas 78752(512) 424-2138(512) 424-2444 or 7160 FAX
Contact the National Offices of FEMA here:
FEMA-Correspondence-Unit@dhs.govTelephone: 1 (800) 621-FEMA (3362)TDD: 1 (800) 462-7585Fax: 1 (800) 827-8112
You can also help us by distributing this story plus all the related materials on this page to online open publishing sources, media contacts, email lists of organizations and friends in your address book.
Helping with Supplies and Finances
Money and Supplies are crucial to the rescue efforts. Please keep visiting these pages for the updated list of needed supplies and ways to send them:
Right now the best we have is this announcement:"Please contact us at for a mailing address for donations or to set up a pick up." More instructions and specifics will follow as things get better arranged.
Due to the illegal harassment by authorities, the Street Medics were forced to move the relief operation to another hurricane-struck area in Dulac, Louisiana.
The new location they're in is between normality and disaster. According to Bryan Garcia, one of the Street Medics, some services exist in Dulac, some don't. Food is still being distributed in the streets, there's piles of mud and filth around, phone reception is tricky, a few miles down the road there's no electricity, and some places still don't have water. Postal deliveries are not necessarily normalized for every location there, but our friends are going to make some arrangements and we'll have a way for deliveries established hopefully soon.
The Colorado Street Medics' long journey to setting up clinic in Dulac is documented in a series of updates just posted on their website, but the team's access to the Internet is not guaranteed and updates may be irregular.
The new location in Dulac was worked out in co-operation with the Four Directions Indigenous Solidarity Network: whose network in Dulac operates a grass roots backyard Free Store, a community center from which basic supplies are distributed to the community. Here's a link to an eight minute video about the Free Store and its role in community-based grass roots relief efforts. The video is a brilliant mix of documentary and visual poetry that captures the spirit of co-operation, community pride and love in action that flows out of the Four Directions Free Store in Dulac:
And a related update from the Street Medics:
At this point, the two most important necessities are:- to help create a political climate that generates a "Hands Off the Street Medics" safety net and support network, so that illegitimate authorities will think twice before interfering again with the relief efforts,and,- to ensure a steady stream of supplies and money to the mission so that it will be able to address the health needs of the indigenous, poor and undocumented people in the community. This is the population toward whom the Street Medics intend to give their primary attention.
Please give your political and material support generously to this volunteer mission. It's the real thing: worthy, honourable, indispensable.
Petros Evdokas volunteer, Portland Street Medics
Some Related Materials
How did we get to Shrimper’s Row?
Four Directions Indigenous Solidarity Network:
Accomplishments in Louisiana
Portland Street Medics
Arrested Street Medic Speaks - Press Release
Previous post on Censored Blog:
The Colorado street medics; Jaime (from Kansas), Brian, and Zoe, who served the people at the Democratic national convention, recently traveled to do hurricane Ike relief work.
"Street Medics Harassed by Police & FEMA during Hurricane Ike Relief"
Ancestors Reburial at Tsewhitzen
by Daughter of Tse Whit Zen
It is hard to explain what the last five years have been like for the Elwha People. The Tsewhitzen village has been in existence since at least 2,700 years. Just how many more years was never determined because excavation had been stopped by the Elwha Tribe.The Washington State Department of Transportation had chosen Port Angeles as the site to build a graving yard to repair the aging Hood Canal Bridge. The City of Port Angeles and Washington State and the Elwha Tribe knew the village was there ...
Tribal members were hired to dig up the remains of their own ancestors. They worked hard to stay ahead of the State’s voracious machines. Some of the graves were from the smallpox and influenza times. We were reminded that at one time this government tried to kill all of the First Peoples of this land.Our Elders began having strokes and heart attacks. Some fell. Tribal members began having episodes of grief and anger.
Read article:
Thank you for the Tsewhitzen notice and link to your Blog where you tell the story of the unconscionable desecration of your family. I congratulate you and your supporters for the strength and commitment to the Ancestors.
My very best to you,
"Rudy" Rudolph C. Rÿser, PhD Chair of the Board Center for World Indigenous Studies
Olympia, Washington USA
by Daughter of Tse Whit Zen
It is hard to explain what the last five years have been like for the Elwha People. The Tsewhitzen village has been in existence since at least 2,700 years. Just how many more years was never determined because excavation had been stopped by the Elwha Tribe.The Washington State Department of Transportation had chosen Port Angeles as the site to build a graving yard to repair the aging Hood Canal Bridge. The City of Port Angeles and Washington State and the Elwha Tribe knew the village was there ...
Tribal members were hired to dig up the remains of their own ancestors. They worked hard to stay ahead of the State’s voracious machines. Some of the graves were from the smallpox and influenza times. We were reminded that at one time this government tried to kill all of the First Peoples of this land.Our Elders began having strokes and heart attacks. Some fell. Tribal members began having episodes of grief and anger.
Read article:
Thank you for the Tsewhitzen notice and link to your Blog where you tell the story of the unconscionable desecration of your family. I congratulate you and your supporters for the strength and commitment to the Ancestors.
My very best to you,
"Rudy" Rudolph C. Rÿser, PhD Chair of the Board Center for World Indigenous Studies
Olympia, Washington USA
September 21, 2008
Indigenous Peoples battle for their lives, and others, on US borders
Mike Wilson, Tohono O'odham, replaces missing water tanks for migrants on the southern border, while Mohawk publisher Kahentinetha Horn recovers on the northern border
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
BABOQUIVARI DISTRICT, Arizona – Mike Wilson, Tohono O’odham, has replaced two of his humanitarian water stations on the Tohono O’odham Nation. Wilson was ordered by Baboquivari District Chair Veronica Harvey to remove his water stations in August.
“No one should die for want of a cup of water,” Wilson said, after replacing two of the water stations that vanished last week. Wilson said he will continue to pursue dialogue with Tohono O’odham officials, but he will not back down on the right of the dying to water.Wilson did not remove his water tanks as ordered, but respectfully declined when the district order was delivered by tribal police. However, upon return to the water stations in Baboquivari District in September, he found three of the stations had been removed. Wilson replaced two of the stations.
Wilson pointed out the large number of migrants dying here in the desert. By US Border Patrol statistics, 83 migrants died during the first half of 2008 on the Tohono O’odham Nation. However, Wilson says the number is actually greater. Wilson maintains the water stations with Tohono O’odham David Garcia. Wilson also searches the O’odham desert for bodies, like two Mayan women from Guatemala who died walking to a better life with their children. The children survived.
During the Indigenous Peoples Border Summit of the Americas in 2006 and 2007, Wilson and other Tohono O’odham were joined by Mohawks from the north to demand a halt to the militarization of the US borders. Mohawks, including Kahentinetha Horn, publisher of Mohawk Nation News, observed the arrests of Indigenous Peoples on Tohono O’odham land and were outraged at the treatment of Indian people.
Then, in June, Kahentinetha was beaten by Canadian border guards and suffered a heart attack in a police stress hold.
Now, recovering, Kahentinetha, who filed suit, said the stress hold was intensified as she was having a heart attack in police custody in a deliberate attempt to kill her.
Like Wilson, Kahentinetha and Katenies, Mohawk Nation News editor also beaten during the attack by border guards in June, said they will not back down on their demands for a halt to the militarization of their lands, carried out by corporate profiteers under the guise of national security.
On the southern border, Tohono O’odham Nation Chairman Ned Norris, Jr., has not made a public statement concerning the demand by Harvey for Wilson to remove his water stations. However, Chairman Norris did testify in Texas concerning the violations of federal law by Homeland Security and the border wall contractor Boeing.
Chairman Norris, testifying to a joint Congressional subcommittee in April, said human bone fragments were found in the tracks of machinery undertaking border wall construction in Arizona. Further, Norris pointed out that Homeland Security violated federal laws which protect endangered species and cultural artifacts.
However, Chairman Norris did not point out that O’odham ancestors were dug up from their graves, and later reburied, on the western portion of Tohono O’odham land in 2007 during border wall construction by Boeing.
Meanwhile, Wilson said he will continue maintaining his water stations, including those in Baboquivari District and one across the international border in Sonora. Mexico.
“It is a crime against humanity,” Wilson said of the Tohono O’odham Nation’s failure to respond with water for the dying.
Photo 1: Mike Wilson in Baboquivari District at his water station/Photo Brenda Norrell
Photo 2: Kahentinetha in a Canadian hospital after suffering a heart attack in a police stresshold at the Canadian border. Photo Sagowaiaks.
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
BABOQUIVARI DISTRICT, Arizona – Mike Wilson, Tohono O’odham, has replaced two of his humanitarian water stations on the Tohono O’odham Nation. Wilson was ordered by Baboquivari District Chair Veronica Harvey to remove his water stations in August.

“No one should die for want of a cup of water,” Wilson said, after replacing two of the water stations that vanished last week. Wilson said he will continue to pursue dialogue with Tohono O’odham officials, but he will not back down on the right of the dying to water.Wilson did not remove his water tanks as ordered, but respectfully declined when the district order was delivered by tribal police. However, upon return to the water stations in Baboquivari District in September, he found three of the stations had been removed. Wilson replaced two of the stations.
Wilson pointed out the large number of migrants dying here in the desert. By US Border Patrol statistics, 83 migrants died during the first half of 2008 on the Tohono O’odham Nation. However, Wilson says the number is actually greater. Wilson maintains the water stations with Tohono O’odham David Garcia. Wilson also searches the O’odham desert for bodies, like two Mayan women from Guatemala who died walking to a better life with their children. The children survived.
During the Indigenous Peoples Border Summit of the Americas in 2006 and 2007, Wilson and other Tohono O’odham were joined by Mohawks from the north to demand a halt to the militarization of the US borders. Mohawks, including Kahentinetha Horn, publisher of Mohawk Nation News, observed the arrests of Indigenous Peoples on Tohono O’odham land and were outraged at the treatment of Indian people.
Then, in June, Kahentinetha was beaten by Canadian border guards and suffered a heart attack in a police stress hold.

Like Wilson, Kahentinetha and Katenies, Mohawk Nation News editor also beaten during the attack by border guards in June, said they will not back down on their demands for a halt to the militarization of their lands, carried out by corporate profiteers under the guise of national security.
On the southern border, Tohono O’odham Nation Chairman Ned Norris, Jr., has not made a public statement concerning the demand by Harvey for Wilson to remove his water stations. However, Chairman Norris did testify in Texas concerning the violations of federal law by Homeland Security and the border wall contractor Boeing.
Chairman Norris, testifying to a joint Congressional subcommittee in April, said human bone fragments were found in the tracks of machinery undertaking border wall construction in Arizona. Further, Norris pointed out that Homeland Security violated federal laws which protect endangered species and cultural artifacts.
However, Chairman Norris did not point out that O’odham ancestors were dug up from their graves, and later reburied, on the western portion of Tohono O’odham land in 2007 during border wall construction by Boeing.
Meanwhile, Wilson said he will continue maintaining his water stations, including those in Baboquivari District and one across the international border in Sonora. Mexico.
“It is a crime against humanity,” Wilson said of the Tohono O’odham Nation’s failure to respond with water for the dying.
Photo 1: Mike Wilson in Baboquivari District at his water station/Photo Brenda Norrell
Photo 2: Kahentinetha in a Canadian hospital after suffering a heart attack in a police stresshold at the Canadian border. Photo Sagowaiaks.
September 20, 2008
Longest Walk northern route photos by Janice Trytten

See more of Janice's photos on three more pages: Page One:
September 19, 2008
Epilogue from Denver: Spirit of Resistance is Alive
DENVER -- When I went to the Democratic National Convention, to cover the political prisoners rally and march, I didn't realize I would witness the police provocation and arrests of a new wave of political prisoners during the week. The peoples' crime was to be peace activists, or merely to be present in the streets during the convention. Lucky for me, I couldn't afford to make it to the Republican National Convention in Minnesota. No doubt I would have been arrested with the other media in the streets, photographing unprovoked police brutality.
At the political prisoners rally in Denver, members of the American Indian Movement, Black Panthers and Mexican American rights movements, made a bold statement that the oppression, torture and surveillance of the US government here and abroad has not silenced their voices.
Dressed in orange jumpsuits and hoods, another group brought the spirit of Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo, the reality of US torture, kidnapping and murder of detainees, to the streets of Denver.
At the Republican convention, police were even more out of control than in Denver, arresting and jailing more than 800 people, including journalists and medics. Today, Democrac
The St. Paul City Attorney’s office announced Friday it will not prosecute Goodman and her fellow staff, Sharif Abdel Kouddous and Nicole Salazar. St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman also issued a statement Friday that "the city will decline to prosecute misdemeanor charges for presence at an unlawful assembly for journalists arrested during the Republican National Convention."
The announcement came two weeks after the conclusion of the Republican National Convention where over 40 journalists were arrested.
Goodman said, “It’s good that these false charges have finally been dropped, but we never should have been arrested to begin with. These violent and unlawful arrests disrupted our work and had a chilling effect on the reporting of dissent. Freedom of the press is also about the public’s right to know what is happening on their streets." Goodman pressed for a full investigation of law enforcement activities.
Goodman was arrested while asking police to release Kouddous and Salazar who had been violently arrested while reporting on street demonstrations. After being handcuffed and pushed to the ground, Goodman reiterated that she was was a credentialed reporter. Secret Service then ripped the credential from around her neck, according to Democracy Now!
During demonstrations on the first day of the convention police used pepper spray, rubber bullets, concussion grenades and force against protesters and journalists. Several dozen demonstrators were arrested, as was a photographer for the Associated Press. The YouTube video of Goodman’s arrest was viewed over 830,000 times.
Along with the journalists, medics were arrested and jailed at the RNC, including the Portland Street Medics who served during both conventions, working days and nights to serve the people. Meanwhile, back in Denver, the political prisoners march and rally did not disappoint. As the people marched from the civic center to the federal courthouse through downtown, the crowd grew by hundreds. Their voices rose up through the high rises. The police on the scene at the courthouse, from Aurora, Colorado, pulled their weapons on the people. This was followed by a legal observer yelling at the officers to put their weapons away. Eventually the police did.
One after another, in front of the federal courthouse, the people told how people of color in this country -- black, American Indian and Chicano -- are targeted by police and repeatedly are the victims of manufactured evidence.
Further, people of color are given longer prison sentences than whites in this country, a fact verified by statistics of the ACLU. In American Indian bordertowns, being targeted by police is called "DWI: Driving While Indian." Those speeches can be heard at, including Ben Carnes, Choctaw, reading a statement written by Leonard Peltier. The voice of Mumia Abu Jamal was heard from Death Row.
In this age of electronic surveillance, out of control police and Nazi-style prisons for profit based on incarcerating migrants and other people of color, the people took to the streets and let their voices be heard. In this way, the cold, iron doors were opened for truth and freedom.
The Recreate '68's "Freedom March and Rally for Human Rights and Political Prisoners," speakers were: Pamela Africa of MOVE Organization; Ben Carnes for the Leonard Peltier Defense; Rosa Clemente, US Vice Presidential Candidate for the Green Party; Kathleen Cleaver of The Panther Nine from San Francisco; King Downing, National Coordinator of the ACLU's Campaign Against Racial Profiling; Jenny Esquiveo, spokesperson for Eric McDavid, political prisoner; Chairman Fred Hampton Jr., Prisoners of Conscience Committee and Mumia Abu Jamal, current political prisoner recorded from Death Row. They were joined by Cha Cha Jimenez, founder of the Young Lords, Puerto Rican Resistance Prisoners; Ricardo Romero, National Coordinator for the Mexican Liberation Organization; Natsu Saito, author, activist, and human rights scholar, Guantanamo Inmates and a spokesperson for the Cuban Five.
In this era of George Bush, secret renditions and Abu Ghraib, the spirit of resistance lives.
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