An injured water protector is carried to safety during the brutal police attack on Thursday, Oct. 27, 2016
Photo copyright by photographer
Censored News
English and Espanol
Dear friends,
My heart has been on the ground.
Please share these articles about the horrific attack on water protectors on Thursday at the new Treaty Camp which was established on the path of Dakota Access Pipeline.
The Standing Rock water protectors were beaten with batons, pepper sprayed, tear gassed, shot with rubber bullets, hit with sound grenades and tasers.
They were jailed in "dog kennels" and marked with numbers, as was done in concentration camps, at Morton County jail. More than 100 were arrested, even elderly in ceremony, and sent to jails throughout North Dakota, making them difficult to find.
The medics were targeted, pepper sprayed and arrested:
The young Lakota horseback riders went to bring the buffalo to help the people, as the police were beating them. The police shot the teens, Lakota horseback riders, with rubber bullets, and their horses. One young man was shot four times. One horse did not survive:
The same day, a member of DAPL security charged into camp, attempted to kill the people by running over them. He was armed with an assault rifle. The warriors chased him to disarm him. He was arrested by the BIA. His DAPL employee documents were in the truck.
Videos and photos of Thursday's attack by police as it happened:
Sacred Stones Camp report on attack:
Before that two cases of torture:
One person in lockdown was hooded. A woman in jail was forced to remain naked.
Hooded in lockdown, cold water poured over those handcuffed:
Strip searched and forced to remain naked in jail cell:
In the aftermath
On Saturday night, a grassfire raged throughout much of the night near the Standing Rock Camps. It was eventually put out and everyone was reported safe Sunday morning.
Tonight, a Hero's Welcome: Water Protectors Return from Fargo Jail:
Video by Andrew Ironshell
The Grandmas are Free, video by Kanahus Manuel
Brenda Norrel, Censored News
Traducción por Villanueva, S.
Queridos amigos,
Mi corazón está por los suelos.
Por favor, compartan estos artículos sobre el horrible ataque contra los protectores de agua el jueves pasado. Fueron golpeados, rociados con gas pimienta, les tiraron con balas de goma, los golpearon con cañones de sonido y los atacaron con pistolas eléctricas.
Fueron encarcelados en "perreras" y marcados en los brazos con números, como se hizo en los Campos de concentración. Más de 100 fueron detenidos y trasladados a cárceles a lo largo de Dakota del Norte, haciendo muy difícil que sus familiares los encuentren. Varios ancianos que participaban en la ceremonia fueron detenidos y encarcelados.
Los médicos fueron atacados también, los rociaron con gas pimienta y fueron detenidos.
Los jóvenes Lakota jinetes fueron a traer a los búfalos para ayudarlos, cuando la policía estaba golpeando a la gente. La policía les disparó con balas de goma, y a sus caballos también. Un caballo no sobrevivió.
Un oficial de seguridad privada de la petrolera DAPL se infiltro al campamento haciéndose pasar por un indígena e intentó matar a la gente con un carro. Los guerreros lo desarmaron a pesar de que llevaba un rifle de asalto. Fue detenido por la BIA.
Videos y fotos del jueves
Sacred Stones informe Camp el ataque:
Antes de todo lo anterior, dos casos de tortura:
Una persona fue encapuchada. Mientras tanto, una mujer en la cárcel fue obligada a permanecer desnuda.
Encapuchado por la policía y la policía los torturo echándoles agua fría a los que estaban esposados.
Al desnudo, obligada a permanecer desnuda en la celda de la cárcel:
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Police Brutalize Water Protectors on Thursday |
Thank you all, Brenda
Censored News is published with no ads, grants, salaries or revenues. It was created after Indian Country Today censored, and fired, longtime staff reporter Brenda Norrell. Created to give a voice to Indigenous Peoples and human rights struggles, today it is a collective of writers, photographers and media, all sharing their labors of love. Censored News is now in its 11th year and approaching 12 million pageviews.
Censored News
All content copyrighted by individual photographers, writers, radio producers and videographers.
All content copyrighted by individual photographers, writers, radio producers and videographers.
Time for change.
Keep fossil fuels in the ground.
It's a new dawn.
How and why are Americans using so much energy?
Don't kill indigenous people so you can walk around your house naked in the winter, or set the air conditioner to freezing in the summer, or where newly washed jeans everyday.
Social courtesy, environmental friendliness, kindness not killing.
The illusion of the privileged life where everything is squeaky clean, climate controlled, and all the dishes match the decor comes with a high price tag: the future of our children and families.
Change is going to come.
Germany is using solar for 50% of its energy consumption.
Why, if America such a great country, is it living so far behind times?
American citizen stand up for your environment, health, and Future!
The water and land protectors are standing up for you.
Be willing to find a good way to care for Mother Earth.
Gratitude for your vigilanve
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