Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

July 31, 2024

Puyallup Youth Canoe Journey: Traveling Ancestral Waterways

Photos courtesy Puyallup Tribe
Puyallup Youth Canoe Journey's Welcome and Landing is Today in Tacoma, Washington, July 31, 2024

July 30, 2024

Navajo Nation: Two Uranium Trucks Reached Mill as Tribal Police Pursued

Grand Canyon Trust file photo

Navajo President Buu Nygren, Navajo Council Speaker Crystalyne Curley condemn today’s unauthorized transport of uranium ore through Nation

Navajo Nation Statement, Censored News, July 30, 2024

WINDOW ROCK, Ariz. – Navajo Nation President Buu Nygren this morning deployed the Navajo police to attempt to halt the illegal transportation of uranium ore from the Pinyon Plain Mine to the White Mesa Mill in southeastern Utah.

By the end of the day, he received a report that two trucks carrying the uranium ore had reached Utah.

Navajo President Deploys Police to Stop Uranium Trucks

Photo via Navajo Nation

Navajo President Deploys Police to Stop Uranium Trucks

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, July 30, 2024

Update: Navajo President Issues Executive Order to Halt Radioactive Uranium Trucks

Update: Two uranium trucks reached mill as tribal police pursed

WINDOW ROCK, Arizona -- Navajo President Buu Nygren deployed Navajo police today to stop trucks carrying uranium across the Navajo Nation.

Energy Fuels, showing reckless disregard for Havasupai, Navajo, Hopi and Ute, is now transporting uranium from Pinyon Plain uranium mine in the Grand Canyon, where uranium mining is endangering Supai water, then transporting the uranium across the Navajo Nation, past Hopi communities, to a dangerous uranium mill on White Mesa Ute ancestral land in southeastern Utah.

"I have deployed Navajo Police to stop the illegal transport of uranium across the reservation," Nygren said Tuesday morning.

 “I am very disappointed that uranium is being hauled across the Navajo Nation right now."

"I was notified 30 minutes ago, and I have ordered the Navajo Nation Police to escort the transport vehicles off our land. The lack of notification to the Navajo Nation is a blatant disregard for our tribal sovereignty and exposes our Diné people to toxic uranium, a substance that has devastated our community for decades."

“As president, I do not approve of this transport and will continue to fight to ensure our people are protected from the actions of Energy Fuels,” Nygren said.

However, ABC News in Utah reports tonight that the trucks went through the Navajo Nation and reached the mill.

By the end of the day on Tuesday, Nygren said he learned that the trucks had made it to Utah, despite his deploying Navajo police to stop the trucks earlier in the day.

“They snuck through the Navajo Nation and they made it onto the Utah side, outside of the reservation,” Nygren said. “To me, they operated covertly to travel the Navajo Nation illegally. It’s very disappointing that they did that, that they smuggled uranium across our Nation which is very inappropriate.”

Havasupai Tribal Council: Uranium Trucks Left Mine Site Secretly

The Havasupai Tribal Council told tribal members today that Energy Fuels began hauling ore from Pinyon Plain Mine to Utah Processing Mill. 

The Havasupai Tribal Council said it was informed by the U.S. Forest Service that Energy Fuels started hauling uranium ore from the Pinyon Plain Mine to their processing mill in Blanding, Utah.

"Originally, EFI agreed to provide the Forest Service with at least two weeks notice prior to hauling the ore. Instead, EFI provided no advanced notice and contacted the Forest Service after the haul trucks had already left the mine site," Havasupai Tribal Council said.

"EFI has shared that their hauling route will follow State Route 64 south to Interstate 40, then to US 89 through Flagstaff. EFI intends to utilize a route that will pass through the Navajo Nation."

"Since the mine’s reopening, the Navajo Nation has continuously opposed EFI hauling uranium through its reservation. This afternoon, the Tribal Council received information that the Navajo Nation President deployed the Navajo Nation Police to stop the trucks from entering the Navajo Nation. Unfortunately, the Navajo Nation Police were unable to stop trucks in time and EFI delivered the trucks filled with uranium to the processing mill in Utah."

"At this time, the Tribal Council will issue a statement on behalf of our Tribe continuing to oppose the mine, condemning the owner’s bad faith actions, and supporting the Navajo Nation’s efforts to stop the haul trucks from entering its reservation."

"Now although today’s news is frustrating to us, this is not the end of our fight against uranium mining. The Tribal Council and Uranium Committee will be discussing a plan of action in response to today’s events which may include a protest along the haul route."

"The Tribal Council will continue to inform the community about any updates from the mine’s operation and their impacts here in Supai."

Navajos said that between 6 and 8 trucks of uranium ore are scheduled to come  through the Navajo Nation on Route A. Today, there were two trucks in Flagstaff at Empire Avenue and Route 66 around 9:30 am. July 30, 2024

United States Disregarded Hopi and Havasupai Sacred Way of Life

The final environmental impact statement for the uranium mine, Canyon Mine renamed Pinyon Plain, stated the impact on both the Hopi and Havasupai sacred way of life. And then it minimized and ignored their history and culture.

The U.S. Forest Service's environmental impact statement states:

"The Hopi and Havasupai Tribes have suggested that sacred religious sites, including ruins, graves and hunting areas, exist at or near the mine site and haul routes."

"In comments regarding other proposed actions on the Kaibab National Forest, the Hopi Tribe has expressed a belief that the earth is sacred and that it should not be subjected to digging, tearing or commercial exploitation."

"The primary concern expressed by Indian tribes relates to possible water quality impacts that might result from contamination of the Redwall-Muav aquifer by mine operation. Blue Spring, located in the Little Colorado River Gorge, apt>roximately 30 miles northeast of the mine si te, and Havasu Springs, located on the Havasupai Indian Reservation approximately 35 miles northwest of the mine site, both discharge from the Redwall aquifer. Havasu Springs is an important water source and economic asset to the Havasupai Tribe. Blue Spring is an extremely important sacre~ site for the Hopi Tribe."

"There is evidence that Hopi gather turkeys, pinion nuts and sacred herbs in the area near Tusayan. Turkeys are gathered around Twin Lakes, Skinner Ridge and Red Butte. These practices have religious significance. Hopi also hunt deer for both food and ceremonial purposes in the Tusayan area and visit ruins of Hopi ancestors."

"... it is acknowledged that commercial use of the Forest within the area of Hopi ancestral occupancy is inconsistent with these stated beliefs."

After acknowledging Hopi and Havasupai sacred places here in the environmental impact statement, the U.S. government then proceeded to disregard and minimize their beliefs, and proceeded with the mining permit.

Canada and Australia Mining Companies Profiteer in Indian Country

Energy Fuels of Canada, operating the Pinyon Plain uranium mine, is part of the wave of foreign-owned companies now targeting Native American communities, with total disregard for the people, land, water and sacred places.

Instead of championing a defense, Interior Sec. Deb Haaland, Laguna Pueblo, is promoting the destruction of Tohono O'odham and San Carlos Apache ancient sites in Arizona for the wind energy project of Pattern Energy, owned by the Canada Pension Fund. The tribes filed for a restraining order on Haaland, which a federal judge in Tucson denied. The federal court fight continues to stop the destruction of the bulldozers of SunZia transmission lines for the project.

Haaland is promoting the lithium mining now digging into the Paiute Massacre Site in Nevada by Canada's Lithium Americas, while Paiute and Shoshone women and elderly are charged in a lawsuit for protecting the remains.

In a wave of fake green energy projects deceptively operated by foreign companies that are destroying Native lands, poisoning the water, violating federal laws that protect sacred sites, and placing people, animals and plants at risk -- Haaland is promoting lithium mining into Hualapai's sacred spring in Arizona by the Australian-owned company Hawkstone Mining.

Further, the Biden administration has joined partners with the Australian-owned company Rio Tinto to fight Apaches in federal court to dig into Apaches Ceremonial Place, sacred Oak Flat, for a massive copper mine. Rio Tinto mining blew up 46,000 years of Aboriginal sacred culture and history in caves in Australia.

Grand Canyon Trust: Who Will Respond if the Uranium Trucks have an Accident?

Grand Canyon Trust said, "Canyon Mine, renamed Pinyon Plain Mine, sits near the south rim of the Grand Canyon and inside Baaj Nwaavjo I'tah Kukveni – Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument, in a meadow below the Havasupai Tribe's sacred mountain, Red Butte, on the tribe's ancestral lands."

"Energy Fuels Resources, the Colorado-based subsidiary of a Canadian uranium company, owns the mine, and is transporting uranium ore through the city of Flagstaff, across the Navajo Nation (passing through the Navajo communities of Tuba City and Kayenta), and across state lines through Bluff and White Mesa, Utah to the White Mesa Mill, a mile from Bears Ears National Monument."

"The Havasupai Tribe has opposed the mine since the 1980s and fears contamination from the mine could migrate downward into the Redwall-Muav Aquifer, which supplies the tribe's drinking water. The mine has been plagued by flooding problems since miners pierced an aquifer in 2016."

"When uranium mining finally began at Canyon Mine (Pinyon Plain Mine) in December 2023, levels of heavy metals in groundwater pumped out of the flooding mine shaft skyrocketed."

The mine is "desecrating one of our most sacred sites and jeopardizing the existence of the Havasupai Tribe," the tribe said in a statement.

"A whole set of unknown and new problems will exist when the company begins transporting uranium over the land," the Havasupai Tribe has predicted.

"Energy Fuels Resources also owns the White Mesa Mill, where the ore from the mine is trucked for processing. The mill is located just up the road from the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe's White Mesa community. The tribe and the community strongly oppose the mill and are concerned that it threatens air quality, water quality, the environment, and public health."

Photo by Grand Canyon Trust

What happens if there is an accident?

"Who will be notified and how, if one of the haul trucks has an accident or spills uranium ore? And who will be responsible for cleaning it up? This would depend on who has jurisdiction in the location where an accident occurs, and could involve state and federal agencies, but many small communities along the haul route don't have the resources or the training to respond to uranium ore spills," said Grand Canyon Trust.

"The uranium industry has a long history of poisoning land, water, and people across the Navajo Nation, where more than 500 abandoned uranium mines await cleanup. The Navajo Nation bans uranium mining and transport on its land, but the state of Arizona allows uranium to be transported on state highways that run through Navajo land."

The city of Flagstaff has long opposed the transport of uranium through the city and across Indigenous lands. As recently as February 2024, the Coconino County Board of Supervisors — the second largest county in the United States by land area — passed a resolution opposing uranium transport through tribal lands and the greater Flagstaff area, citing concerns about hauling "potentially threatening air quality and the health and welfare of those along the travel routes," Grand Canyon Trust said.

Series at Censored News

Navajo President Deploys Police to Halt Uranium Trucks

Two Uranium Trucks Reached Mill as Tribal Police Pursued

Live in Cameron: Navajos Protest Uranium Trucks

Dine' in Cameron: No More Cancer! No More Death

About the author

Brenda Norrell has been a news reporter in Indian country for 42 years, beginning as a reporter at Navajo Times during the 18 years that she lived on the Navajo Nation. She was a correspondent for Lakota Times, Associated Press and USA Today. After serving as a longtime staff reporter for Indian Country Today, she was censored and terminated in 2006. She created Censored News as a result, which today is a collective. It has more than 23 million pageviews. Censored News has no ads, revenues, grants or salaries and is a service to Indigenous Peoples and human rights.

Article copyright Censored News

Indigenous Russian Human Rights Defenders Targeted by Russian Government Appeal to United Nations

Indigenous Russian Human Rights Defenders Targeted by Russian Government Appeal to United Nations

"We are reaching out to you regarding the egregious act committed by the Russian government, which simultaneously included 55 organizations of indigenous peoples of Russia, fighting for their rights, in the list of extremist and terrorist organizations."

"According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, from now on any participation in the activities of these organizations, cooperation, or even communication with them threatens years of imprisonment for each representative of the indigenous peoples of Russia." Continue reading:

The Voices of Russia's Anti-War Indigenous Women Denied Credentials at U.N. are Heard Anyway

Photo Yana Tannagasheva addressing U.N.

The voices of Russia's anti-war Indigenous activists who were denied credentials were heard anyway at the U.N. Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Geneva. They told the U.N. that Russia needs mineral industries to wage its wars, and is asserting pressure at the U.N.

Oral intervention by Yana Tannagasheva, International Committee of Indigenous Peoples of Russia, to U.N. Expert Mechanism on Rights of Indigenous Peoples 2024. 

Censored News, July 11, 2024
Russian translation

Thank you, Mr./Madam Chair, for the floor.

The Russian government talks all the time about the colonialism of IP (Indigenous Peoples) in other countries but has never said that the IP of the North, Siberia and the Far East were also colonized and continue to suffer. The everyday reality of the Indigenous Peoples of Russia is profoundly different from the rights described by Russian government and some of non-independent Indigenous representatives from Russia.

July 27, 2024

The Mother Tongue: Countering the Identity Thieves of Canada, Russia, Japan and U.S.

Photo: Indigenous Youth, Food Knowledge and Arctic Change

The Mother Tongue: Recovering Indigenous Languages from the Identity Thieves of Canada, Russia, Japan and United States

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, July 16, 2024

Updated July 28, 2024: More from Russia and Japan

GENEVA -- Indigenous languages are on the verge of extinction in Russia. An ancient language in Japan is denied recognition by the government, while Native Americans struggle to recover from the torture in boarding schools that was meant to silence them. In Canada, efforts are underway to revitalize Anishinaabe after Native languages and culture were targeted with erasure in residential schools, presenters  told the United Nations Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

With Indigenous languages near extinction in Russia, an Indigenous youth from a reindeer herding community near the Arctic tundra, said newspapers are still  important here and are helping preserve the language, Nenets, among the endangered languages, in the vanishing north.

"Despite the decline in circulation of paper newspapers in the era of digitalization, our national newspaper retains an important role in the life of the people, clearly addressing their current agenda and giving ethnic journalists and language activists the opportunity to write in their native language," Nechei Serotetto, Indigenous youth from the Russian Arctic, told the United Nations Expert Mechanism.

"Moreover, the newspaper allows informing about twenty thousand Nenets of the Autonomous Okrug who are nomadic thousands of kilometers away and do not always have access to satellite internet coverage."

In Japan, speaking an ancient language was punishable by death.

Today, Japan refuses to recognize the language, the Lew Chewan/Okinawan languages, and its people. After Japan's annexation of the Lew Chew kingdom in 1879, the languages faced prohibition, Risako Sakai, ACSILs, told the United Nations.

"During WWII, the Japanese military ordered that speaking in Lew Chewan languages could result in execution, leading to the marginalization and near extinction of our native languages. In fact, the Japanese military executed Okinawans for speaking Indigenous languages, calling us “spy."

Josh Gandier. Photo Southern Chief's Organization, Censored News

"My own hope for this decade is to see the restoration, formation and protection of intergenerational connections between youths, language keepers and communities," said Southern Chiefs Organization's youth delegate Josh Gandier, Peguis First Nation.

July 26, 2024

Maori Battle for Rights as Racism Spreads in New Zealand, Maori Tell United Nations

Kym Hamilton, National Iwi Chairs Forum, speaking at United Nations in July. Screenshot Censored News

Maori Battle for Rights as Racism Spreads in New Zealand, Maori Tell United Nations

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, July 26, 2024

GENEVA – The increased racism and white supremacy in New Zealand, and the government’s attempts to diminish Maori treaty rights, are causing a regression in Indigenous rights, Maori told the United Nations Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

"In Aotearoa, New Zealand, we are currently experiencing radical regression of enhanced participation at a state level. The New Zealand government is proposing to repeal the foundations of our treaty that gave them the right of settlement," Kym Hamilton of the National Iwi Chairs Forum told the United Nations Expert Mechanism.

Hamilton said Maori ancestors signed this treaty to protect their sovereignty which was never ceded. The government's proposals would reduce Maori participation and their decision-making on tribal lands and waters, and undermine many of the obligations of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Hamilton told the U.N.

July 24, 2024

Lakotas for Palestine Attacked in Hate Crime in Rapid City

Lakotas for Palestine Attacked in Hate Crime in Rapid City

Lakota Statement , Censored News, July 24, 2024

RAPID CITY, South Dakota – On Saturday, July 20th, we traveled to Mni Luzahan to support the International Indigenous Youth Council for a peaceful rally for Palestine. The rally was co-sponsored by ally group SD4Pal. Within 5 minutes of our arrival, this worker began heckling us from the lawn of City Hall, where she was working.

Oglala Lakota Youths: 'Peaceful Youth-led Rally for Palestine Attacked by Zionists in Rapid City'

(Above)South Dakota for Palestine in Rapid City, South Dakota, July 20, 2024


Oglala Lakota Youths: Peaceful Youth-led Rally for Palestine Attacked by Zionists

By International Indigenous Youth Council-Oglala Lakota Chapter
Censored News

RAPID CITY, South Dakota -- On July 20th, a Saturday afternoon, dozens peacefully gathered around the City Hall to call for a ceasefire for Palestine. We were assaulted with spray paint and threatened with a firearm. These violent acts prove exactly what Palestinians have to experience from day to day.

July 23, 2024

KayapĂ³ Forest Defenders Urge United Nations to Help Halt Illegal Gold Mining in Brazil

Doto Takak Ire, leader of the Menkragnoti Indigenous Land đŸ“· Fred Mauro/Terra Floresta Filmes/ISA

KayapĂ³ Forest Defenders Urge United Nations to Help Halt Illegal Gold Mining in Brazil

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, July 23, 2024

GENEVA -- Indigenous from Brazil urged the United Nations to join them and demand Brazil halt illegal gold mining, and its mercury contamination, now destroying the ancestral homelands of KayapĂ³, Yanomami and Munduruku Peoples, during the U.N. Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Doto Takak Ire, MebĂªngĂ´kre, said, "The KayapĂ³ are still warriors and we will always be defenders of the forests."

July 22, 2024

Aboriginal Elder Describes Australia's Child Abuse to United Nations

Photo courtesy New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council, Censored News

Aboriginal Elder Describes Australia's Child Abuse to United Nations

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, July 22, 2024

GENEVA -- Aboriginal elder BJ Cruse described the Australian government's child abuse and cultural genocide of children -- aimed at breaking Aboriginal children's spirit -- during the United Nations Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

July 17, 2024

Violence and Repression: Indigenous from Russia, Algeria and Nicaragua Appeal to United Nations

An Indigenous woman from Russia describes the coal and gold mining at the U.N. Screenshot Censored News.

Violence and Repression: Indigenous from Russia, Algeria and Nicaragua Appeal to the United Nations

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, July 17, 2024

GENEVA -- The coal and gold mining in Russia has driven Indigenous Peoples from their homes and poisoned their rivers. In Nicaragua, the assassinations and imprisonment of land defenders has fractured families and communities, presenters told the United Nations Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

In Algeria, the people have barely survived 3,000 years of violent colonization and genocide.

"Other people should not undergo what we have experienced – which is the case now in Palestine," said the representative from the Algeria Association, Learned Society of scientific research, religious and mystical bodies. Describing the genocide in Algeria, he said France has thousands of bones and craniums of the people in French museums.

Mount Graham Sacred Run July 18 --21, 2024

July 15, 2024

Apache Stronghold: Prayer Journey to Supreme Court Begins on Lummi Nation

Apache Stronghold: Prayer Journey to Supreme Court

By Apache Stronghold, Censored News July 15, 2024

The Apache Stronghold started the journey of prayer to the Supreme Court to stop the shattering of human existence and to protect Mother Earth. We begin our journey with our relatives from the Lummi Nation, north of Seattle, Washington.

July 14, 2024

Indigenous Expose Racism and Genocide at U.N. -- Governments Rush to Deny Abuses and Insult Presenters

Rachana Sam At on behalf of the Asia Indigenous Peoples Caucus points out that Indigenous Peoples can not participate in this process unless approved by a non-governmental organization, and this must change for there to be enhanced participation. Photo AIPC.

Indigenous Expose Racism and Genocide at U.N. -- Governments Rush to Deny Abuses and Insult Presenters

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, July 14, 2024

GENEVA -- Indigenous youths spoke with courage and eloquence, calling out the environmental racism and genocide carried out by governments around the world. In response, government representatives rushed to deny the human rights abuses, and in some cases, used insulting language to criticize Indigenous Peoples who exposed their abuses, during the U.N. Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

The representative of France denied the government is responsible for genocide in New Caledonia. Azerbaijan denied responsibility for genocide in Armenia and used derogatory accusations, describing speakers as frauds and part of a "smear campaign." 

The United States government failed to describe the ongoing seizure of Native ancestral lands for lithium and copper mines, and fake green energy projects targeting ceremonial places.

The Russian Federation government criticized speakers on Thursday. Responding to speakers statements, he said their status needs to be examined. He claimed some had lost touch with their communities, and some were funded by former colonial powers. He also said one organization presenting a statement was not recognized in Russia.

"We need to exclude the participation of chauvinists and racists," the Russian Federation government representative said.

July 12, 2024

Indigenous Women: Land Defenders, Water Carriers, Life Givers, Assert Rights at United Nations

Indigenous in Chile battling transnational companies told the U.N. that the environmental impact statements are paid for by the companies who become the judge and jury of the outcome.
Screenshot by Censored News

Krystal Brant, Mohawk, Ontario Native Women's Association speaking at U.N.

Indigenous Women: Land Defenders, Water Carriers, Life Givers, Assert Rights at United Nations

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, July 11, 2024
Updated July 13, 2024

GENEVA -- Indigenous women spoke of their ancestral languages woven into their  relationship with the land, and as caretakers of biodiversity, from the deserts of the Sahara to Canada and the Amazon.

Speaking out against oppression and genocide from Armenia and Vietnam to the Americas, where they are celebrated as "folklore," while being violently oppressed, Indigenous women urged new measures to ensure justice for land defenders, murdered and missing Indigenous women, and increased efforts to protect medicine plants from exploitation, during the United Nations Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Leonard Peltier's Message Read at Conclusion of United Nations Session in Geneva

Leonard Peltier's message was read before closing prayers at the U.N. Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples this morning in Geneva. Screenshot by Censored News.

"Our brother Leonard Peltier is one of the many victims of a covert war waged by governments against the American Indian Movement, the AIM, and its supporters," Mario Agreda Uzeda said before reading Peltier's message, adding that Peltier is in prison for a crime that he did not commit. "For as long as Leonard Peltier is in prison, we all are." Agreda said a campaign for freedom for Leonard Peltier is beginning in Spain. 

Leonard Peltier's Words Conclude United Nations Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Geneva

'No one can break the Spirit of a Sundancer'

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, July 12, 2024

GENEVA -- The words of Leonard Peltier concluded the U.N. Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples week-long session in Geneva this morning.

"I could not foresee that fifty years later that I would be entombed in a lock-down nightmare. I was chosen to be the sacrifice to cover up the crimes committed against our people," Peltier said in a message to the United Nations session.

July 10, 2024

United Nations: Australian Aboriginal children seized, 'green energy' impacts worsen for Saami

Systematic racism in Australia means that Aboriginal children are being seized from their families, children that are later the victims of a system that results in high rates of child incarceration in Australia's prisons, a representative told the U.N. Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples this morning. Screenshot by Censored News.

United Nations: Australian Aboriginal children seized, 'green energy' impacts worsen for Saami 

Brenda Norrell, Censored News, July 9, 2024

GENEVA -- Australian Aboriginal children continue to be seized from their families by the government, and the situation for Saami in Norway is worsening because of 'green energy' projects, Indigenous representatives told the United Nations Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples today.

Both Norway and Australia had country engagements with the UN Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples during the past year, but Australian Aboriginal and Saami representatives said today that conditions are not improving.

Urgent Plea from Guatemala

July 9, 2024

Deb Haaland doesn't care about the yellow-billed cuckoo: Tohono O'odham and San Carlos Apache make appeal in letter


Yellow-billed cuckoo. Photo National Geographic

Deb Haaland doesn't care about the yellow-billed cuckoo: Tohono O'odham and San Carlos Apache make appeal in letter

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, July 9, 2024

SAN PEDRO VALLEY, Arizona -- Deb Haaland doesn't care about the yellow-billed cuckoo. She doesn't care about the migratory birds traveling north who enjoy the water and trees here. Haaland doesn't care that the bulldozers for SunZia's transmission line, taking wind energy to California, are destroying an ancient village site of the ancestors of San Xavier O'odham.

The federal court failed to stop her, so Tohono O'odham and San Carlos Apache Nations appealed to Haaland, Laguna Pueblo, in a letter on Monday.

July 8, 2024

U.N. Expert Mechanism on Rights of Indigenous Peoples Begins in Geneva

Photo courtesy Indigenous Peoples Rights International

The Expert Mechanism on Rights of Indigenous Peoples began today in Geneva with a discussion of implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

By Indigenous Peoples Rights International, Censored News, July 8, 2024

The 17th session of EMRIP is July 8 -- 12, 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland

The collective spirit of struggle fueled the start of #EMRIP!  Today we discussed  important issues: how States have implemented laws to achieve UNDRIP's ends and the status of Indigenous peoples' rights in post-conflict situations  Undoubtedly, we Indigenous peoples have pushed for many achievements, but many States continue to refuse to recognize our collective being and rights to land and territory.

July 7, 2024

Dine' Klee Benally 'Violence against the land is violence against the people'

Dine' Klee Benally. Video by SubMedia

"Violence against the land is violence against the people"

Dine' Klee Benally: Colonialism, police and genocide in the U.S.

Klee speaks on how colonialism, capitalism and police are part of the dynamic affecting violence against women and the destruction of sacred places, and the roles of Treaties and sovereignty.

Klee shares the Indigenous way of being and peacemaking in parallel to police and prisons, and the need for the restoration of traditional Indigenous systems for healing.

Watch the video, in English, with new French subtitles by Christine Prat. Klee passed to the Spirit World in December.

Klee's book, finished shortly before his passing, can be ordered at Detritus Books.

"No Spiritual Surrender: Indigenous Anarchy in Defense of the Sacred"

July 5, 2024

Indigenous Women Sterilized by Governments Thwarted on Slow Road for Justice

Jean Whitehorse, Dine', spoke at the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in 2019 and described the forced sterilization of Native American women by the Indian Health Service. Photo courtesy Yvonne Swan, Colville Nation, AIM West delegation.

Indigenous Women Sterilized by Governments Thwarted on Slow Road for Justice

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, July 1, 2024

Indigenous women were sterilized by governments throughout the Americas, lawsuits and testimony reveal from the United States, Canada, Mexico and Peru. In the United States, Jean Whitehorse, Dine', described how the Indian Health Service in Gallup, New Mexico, carried this out in secrecy. In Peru, Indigenous women were brutalized in villages during massive sterilization campaigns. In Canada and Greenland, Inuit women were targeted with both forced sterilizations and contraceptive devices as young girls.

Indigenous women tell their stories.

Mohawk Nation News 'Longhouse Ladies'

 New at Mohawk Nation News: Read the article at MNN

July 4, 2024

Surveillance Balloon Circling South of Chamberlain, South Dakota July 4, 2024

A surveillance balloon is currently circling south of Chamberlain, South Dakota, above the Missouri River

Thunderhead Balloon Flight 676. July 4, 2024, 9:39 a.m. local time

Surveillance Balloon Circling South of Chamberlain, South Dakota July 4, 2024

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, July 4, 2024

This helium balloon, owned by Aerostar, is currently circling south of Chamberlain, South Dakota, above the Missouri River. The FAA shows the balloon is owned by Aerostar of Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Aerostar says it conducts "intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance" for the U.S. military, and has multiple defense contracts.

July 2, 2024

Peltier Denied Parole

Leonard Peltier denied parole, Amnesty International urges Biden to grant clemency

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, July 2, 2024

Indigenous activist Leonard Peltier, who has spent most of his life in prison, has been denied parole, Associated Press reports.

The U.S. Parole Commission said in a statement Tuesday announcing the decision that he won't be eligible for another parole hearing until June 2026. Peltier is serving life in prison. He was convicted in 1977.