A colonial war of conquest among the settlers is being declared. Society is anti-Muslim, anti-Semitic, anti-Immigrant. The corporation’s greatest fear is that the land and resources are owned by the Indigenous. It is the only economic base for Quebec’s and Canada’s existence. War is declared to eliminate us, our ties to our land and resources, funds and rights.
The state is in the midst of social, economic and political decay. Everyone exists for the state, which is going to provide everything for a price. Canada is in the final stage of full-blown fascism as defined by artificial political scientists and pseudo historians. People are being prepared to conduct an imperial war to annihilate all Indigenous nations, with force, murder, terrorism and coercion. Of course, their corporate band council/tribal and national Injuns will give them a helping hand.
Mohawks and Six Nations had no crosses on top of Mount Royal before the arrival of these Euro-centric fascist settlers!
People power works, then and now. Don’t be fooled. Pauline Marois sure has a bleak future for us women: “And wheel the wheel by day/So by night I feel so weary that I never get out to play”.Betty Hutton: Sewing Machine Song.
Read about Italian Fascism. http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v04/v04p–5_Whisker.html
MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go towww.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L
Read about Italian Fascism. http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v04/v04p–5_Whisker.html