“Problem, Reaction, Solution
MNN. Dec. 13, 2013. The UN “Agenda 21” is the hostile takeover of the world to control all its natural resources and peoples. First a problem is created, to get a reaction from the people. Only when the people demand a solution to the problem they created do they provide their solution. This will always erode the freedom of the people.
The Mandela funeral looks like the corporate governments belonging to the UN will now “go hot’ on implementing Agenda 21. People will plead with the UN to provide their solutions. All corporations are controlled by the 13 crime families that run the banking worldwide. They are the only impediment to peace on earth.
Private mercenaries are a growing trend worldwide as we move toward a fascist global state. Recent false flags show they are not held accountable to anything like regular military bodies. They operate outside of international law and political restraints. Their loyalties are to the shareholders of the corporation.
Prime Minister Harper and other world corporate CEOs were at Nelson Mandela’s funeral. Mandela was a Knight of Malta. He was in the exclusive Masonic control grid to maintain the illusion to the people. His death has exposed the control grid, which is crumbling before our eyes.
The Order of Malta was always “untouchable” because it is at the heart of the elite aristocracy. Mandela’s membership in the Order proves that everything he did was pretend.
Madiba & Duke of Gloucester, Nov. 23, 2004, St. James’s Palace. Duke invests him as Bailiff Grand Cross, Order of St. John.
The greatest whistleblower at the funeral never said a word. We all heard him. The following day Agenda 21 was implemented. All the countries that join the UN are corporate entities. Some of our own Indigenous people are into the illusion.
The goal is to terrorize, divide and conquer, then unite under their hierarchical leadership. Evil cannot triumph in the long run. It will flail against the natural truth, which always stands indomitable, unextinguishable and eternal.
- See more at: “Jesuits, Pope, Knights of Malta, Blackwater/XE.” See Madiba’s investiture Bailiff Grand Cross of the Order of St. John.
“The only global governance is that which all living spirits on Mother Earth were given according to our natural instructions.”
Sixto Rodriguez raised the hopes for freedom in South Africa: “
‘Cos I was born for the purpose/That crucifies your mind./
So con, convince your mirror/As you’ve always done before/
Giving substance to shadows/
Giving substance ever more.”Sixto Rodriguez. “Crucify your Mind”.
MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go towww.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0
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