Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

March 11, 2015

Video Apaches 'Protect Oak Flat' by Paper Rocket Productions


Dutch translation by Alice Holemans, NAIS Gazette
For nearly a decade, Resolution Copper Mining, a subsidiary of British-Australian mining conglomerate Rio Tinto, had unsuccessfully sought ownership of Oak Flat Campground.
Yet, on December 19, 2014, with the help of Senator John McCain, the Southeast Arizona Land Exchange and Conservation Act of 2013 resurfaced within the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and was successfully passed by the Senate and signed off by President Obama .
The new legislation will open up Oak Flat for copper mining.
As part of the deal, Resolution Copper will swap roughly 7.8 square miles of land scattered across Arizona for roughly 3.8 square miles of Tonto National Forest, which includes Oak Flat.
Resolution Copper is required to work with the U.S. Forest Service to do an environmental impact study, however, they are guaranteed to get the land, regardless of what the study shows.
Also, the company has chosen a cheaper method of extraction called block cave mining. The aftermath of the mining will result in a crater two miles wide and up to 1,000 feet deep, destroying the surface of the land as well as generate nearly a cubic mile of mine waste
Protect Sacred Sites
Special Thanks to:
Wendsler Nosie Sr.
John Mendez
Naelyn Pike
And all our Apache and Diné Relatives
Ahé éhé

 Protect Oak Flat: Saving Apache Sacred Grounds
Door: Paper Rocket Productions
 Vertaald door NAIS:

 Resolution Copper Mining, een dochteronderneming van ‘British- Australian mining conglomeraat Rio Tinto’, heeft al zo’n 10-tal jaren, zonder succes, geprobeerd om eigenaar te worden van ‘Oak Flat Campground.’

Op 19 december 2014 dook er plots, met de hulp van de republikeinse Senator John McCain, de Southeast Arizona Land Exchange and Conservation Act of 2013’ op in de National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) op, werd goedgekeurd door de senaat en ondertekend door president Obama.
De nieuwe wetgeving opent Oak Flat voor koperontginningen.

Als deel van de overeenkomst zal Resolution Copper ongeveer 7.8 vierkante mijl land, verspreid over Arizona wisselen voor ongeveer 3.8 vierkante mijl van Tonto National Forest, en dus ook Oak Flat.

Resolution Copper wordt verzocht om samen met de US Forest Service te werken aan een studie om de impact op het milieu te onderzoeken, maar ongeacht de uitkomst van de studie hebben ze alvast de garantie gekregen dat ze het land mogen hebben.

De compagnie heeft ook gekozen voor ‘cave block mining’ wat hen goedkoper uitvalt.
De nasleep hiervan zal resulteren in een krater van twee mijlen breed en tot 1.000 feet diep, waarbij de oppervlakte van het land verwoest wordt en bijna een kubieke mijl aan mijnafval genereren.
Protect Sacred Sites
Special Thanks to:
Wendsler Nosie Sr.
John Mendez
Naelyn Pike
And all our Apache and Diné Relatives
Ahé éhé



1 comment:

Kim Blue Horse Perkey said...

Ya Ta Hay my Native brothers and sisters all over the world, we must take time to make a Petition, as I did in Oxford, Alabama, as it is a Sacred Burial Ground, where many of ancestors are buried....Petition to keep Mother Earth as is to be, not destroy anything that made from the Creator. Industrial building on Sacred lands OWNED by Native Americans DO means a lot to us all, blessings sister Blue Horse