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Dine': No more allowing state or federal politicians and the corporations they represent entrance into our homelands
By Nihigaal bee Iina
Censored News
August 14, 2015
English with Dutch translation
Diné taking action in Window Rock to address John McCain's ecocidal and genocidal policies. This morning at the Navajo Nation Museum, members of various Indigenous nations joined together in collective solidarity around water security, resistance against resource extraction, and closed-door negotiation.
Senator John McCain's meeting had to be moved to the auditorium while outside protesters made their intentions known through protest and song.
"We will rise up as the new leaders of our Nations, in solidarity with our Indigenous Brothers and Sisters, and we start by saying NO MORE ALLOWING state or federal politicians and the corporations they represent entrance into our homelands. Those who are responsible for our people being poisoned, starved, kept in poverty and removed from our sacred territories, are not welcomed here!! We will take back our power and restore our homelands, take care of our water, protect our people and our sacred sites, and mentor a new generation of youth who will change this paradigm of exploitation and greed!" (Collective voice of those united in solidarity)

Adriano Tsinigine said, "Showing my support from the Navajo Nation. Met Mr. McCain, and asked for a photo, then I pulled out my 'Protect Oak Flat' card and when he saw it, he looked me right in the eye and said 'Get out of here, now!' Haha, this ma'ii is just afraid of us, because of how powerful we are."

Above: Screen capture of video: 'Chasing John McCain off the Rez'
Dine' chase Arizona Sen. John McCain off the Navajo Nation, yelling at him that the days of stealing Navajo land and water rights for corporations are over
By Brenda Norrell

Dine’ chased Arizona Sen. John McCain off the Navajo Nation on Friday, yelling at him that the days of coming on the Navajo Nation to steal land and water rights, and carry out ecocide and genocide, are over.
Dine’ (Navajo) protesters blocked McCain's speech and chased after his car, yelling at him that neither him nor the corporations he represents are welcome here.
Dine' protesters posted photos and video on the Internet of chasing McCain's car off the Navajo Nation Capitol of Window Rock, Arizona. Watch video of Dine' chasing after McCain's car and see more photos:
Nihigaal bee lina, Journey of Existence, are Dine’ walkers who have been walking to the Four Sacred Mountains. They are speaking out for the land, air and water that they are defending for future generations.
They posted a collective statement by the protesters.
“Diné taking action in Window Rock to address John McCain's ecocidal and genocidal policies. This morning at the Navajo Nation Museum, members of various Indigenous nations joined together in collective solidarity around water security, resistance against resource extraction, and closed-door negotiation.

“Senator John McCain's meeting had to be moved to the auditorium while outside protesters made their intentions known through protest and song.
"We will rise up as the new leaders of our Nations, in solidarity with our Indigenous Brothers and Sisters, and we start by saying NO MORE ALLOWING state or federal politicians and the corporations they represent entrance into our homelands. Those who are responsible for our people being poisoned, starved, kept in poverty and removed from our sacred territories, are not welcomed here!! We will take back our power and restore our homelands, take care of our water, protect our people and our sacred sites, and mentor a new generation of youth who will change this paradigm of exploitation and greed!"
Adriano Tsinigine said he posed for a photo with McCain, then pulled out his card supporting Apaches at Oak Flat. Apaches are defending sacred land from McCain's copper mine that he sneaked through in the defense bill.
Tsinigine compared McCain to a ma'ii, coyote.
"Showing my support from the Navajo Nation, met Mr. McCain, and asked for a photo. Then I pulled out my 'Protect Oak Flat' card and when he saw it, he looked me right in the eye and said, 'Get out of here, now!' Haha, this ma'ii is just afraid of us, because of how powerful we are."

Dutch translation by Alice Holemans, NAIS Gazette
Home » Nieuws » *Dine’ activisten verjagen John McCain,
*Dine’ activisten verjagen John McCain, senator van Arizona, van de Navajo Nation terwijl ze hem toeschreeuwen dat de dagen van diefstal van Navajo land en waterrechten voor corporaties nu geteld zijn!

Dine’ laten de staats of federale politiekers en de corporaties die zij vertegenwoordigen niet meer binnen in hun thuislanden.
Door Brenda Norrell, Censored News:
Vertaald door NAIS with permission from Brenda Norrell:
Diné’ riepen onomwonden naar Sen. John McCain, terwijl ze hem van hun grond verjaagden, dat de dagen van diefstal van land en waterrechten, en het uitvoeren van eccocide en genocide nu echt voorbij zijn.
Dine’ ( Navajo) activisten verhinderden McCain’s speech en achtervolgden McCain’s auto terwijl ze hem toeriepen dat noch hij, noch de corporaties die hij vertegenwoordigd hier welkom zijn.
Dine’ activisten hebben foto’s en video op het internet verspreid
Zie meer foto’s
Nihigaal bee lina, de ‘reis van het bestaan’, zijn Dine’ walkers die de Four Sacred Mountains afgestapt hebben. Zij spraken zich uit voor het land, lucht en water dat zij beschermen voor toekomstige generaties.
Door Nihigaal bee lina
Dine’s voeren actie in Window Rock tegen John McCain’s ‘ecocidal’ en ‘genocidal’ beleid.
Vandaag (14 augustus 2015) verzamelden leden van verschillende inheemse naties zich in het Navajo Nation Museum, in collectieve solidariteit rond de bescherming van het water, verzet tegen de extractie van hun bronnen en gesloten deur overeenkomsten.
De meeting van Senator John McCain moest verplaatst worden naar het auditorium terwijl buiten demonstranten hun bedoelingen duidelijk kenbaar maakten met hun protest en liederen.
“ Wij staan op als de nieuwe leiders van onze volken, in solidariteit met onze inheemse broeders en zusters, en we beginnen alvast met staat en federale politiekers en hun corporate vrienden de toegang tot onze thuislanden te weigeren. Zij die er verantwoordelijk voor zijn dat ons volk vergiftigd en uitgehongerd wordt, in armoede worden gehouden en gedwongen worden om weg te trekken uit onze sacrale gebieden, zijn niet welkom hier!! Wij zullen onze macht teruggrijpen en onze thuislanden herstellen, wij zullen zorg dragen voor ons water, onze mensen en onze sacrale sites beschermen, en een nieuwe generatie van jongeren opleiden die dit model van uitbuiting en hebzucht zal veranderen.” (collectieve stem van hen die verenigd zijn in solidariteit)
Adriano Tsinigine zei: “ Mijn solidariteitactie met de Navajo Nation. Ik heb mr. McCain ontmoet en vroeg of hij met me op de foto wou staan. Toen haalde ik mijn ‘Protect Oak Flat’ kaart uit mijn zak en toen hij die zag keek hij me recht in de ogen en zei”Maak dat je hier weg komt, Nu!”. Haha, deze ma’li (Coyote) heeft duidelijk schrik van ons.”
For permission to repost this article
I run the Zider Party in the UK, Why Zider Party? we are from Somerset the home of the Pitchfork rebellion in 1685 and we are like the USA Tea Party, a small group of friends campaigning for lower taxes and less government control.
I would like to offer our support to the Navajo Nation.
In Somerset the tried the flood the people of Somerset out of their home. They call it a place for water, linked to Agenda 21.
All the best in you fight.
Ian Summerell
Way to go Navajo,nice one Adriano!
We need to recall the red power to come back ,, we have stood silent long enough ,, this is happing all over ,, it's the greed for wealth they are after the big companies pay them so call representative's thousands if not millions to get those laws passed mc Cain and the other a-holes don't care they don't live there. what some one should do is put mc Cain in that polluted water and make Him drink it,,take his family force them to drink it ,, poison his food and way of life like he is doing to so many for money,,then maybe the a- hole will have some sort of understanding what he's putting the native people threw,,,natives unit ,, we need to start a native armed militia One built from many native nations ,, if we all stand together this time they won't get our lands that are left so easy ,, McCain and the rest of the cowards won't come fight they will hide,, judgement day is coming mc Cain your old ash will be 6 feet under pretty soon old age will get you then you will have to answer for all the hurt and pain u have cause others by being a crooked SOB, money mc Cain true calling of evil ,, do some good and help people McCain not cause them hardship you jerk,,,
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