Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

October 11, 2016

RENO: Native Americans run over in hate crime at Abolish KKKolumbus Day March

Hate Crime Videotaped as Pickup Plows into 
Native American Marchers

Reno police refused to arrest the driver in this hate crime, as grandmother hospitalized with fractured pelvis

Update: Reno Police charge victims of this hate crime, and file only minor charge against driver. AIM press conference on Saturday.

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News

English and Spanish

Update Friday, Oct. 14: Reno, Nevada, police, continuing their policy of protecting the 'good ole boys' who are white in this city, have charged the driver who intentionally drove into a Native American rights march only with a misdemeanor charge of provoking an assault. One grandmother is hospitalized with a fractured pelvis after being run over when the truck plowed through the Indigenous Peoples gathering on Monday.
Videos show the driver insulted and threatened the marchers before intentionally driving into them.
This was attempted vehicular homicide and a hate crime. The driver did not stop immediately after driving into the marchers, as the wounded lay on the pavement. There should also be a charge of felony hit and run.
In the news, three warrants issued
USA Today:

RENO (Monday) -- Five people were injured when a white pickup truck plowed into Native American rights activists, protesting Columbus Day and speaking out for the defense of the water at Standing Rock.
During the Abolish KKKolumbus Day March on Monday, at about 6:40 p.m. the driver of the pickup stalked the marchers and yelled insults at them, before slamming into Native Americans and supporters, including a grandmother who is hospitalized.
With multiple fractures to her pelvis, and in the hospital, the grandmother said, 'I feel this was attempted vehicular homicide. He could have killed us, and he didn't care."
Police have not arrested the driver.
The hate crime was caught on video and the license plate is in clear view below.
Quanah Parker Brightman of United Native Americans interviewed the victim today in the hospital. She spoke out and said the driver should be arrested.
"I feel pretty strongly about it. This guy was belligerent, he had been following us around making comments."
"He had the choice to go around, either direction on the streets, and he plowed right through us."
"I want them to arrest this guy," said the grandmother from her hospital bed.
Raquel Arthur, president of the American Indian Movement of Northern Nevada, told Censored News that the two men in the pickup were seated there during the prayer circle.
"They were seated in the back smoking weed, making disruptive comments," Arthur said.
As the group marched to the Arch in Reno, the two men continued to yell insults at the marchers, she said.
When they reached the Arch, she said, "They were really threatening us." Arthur said the grandmother who is hospitalized had planned to leave today for Standing Rock, North Dakota, to support the water protection of the Missouri River, and protection of the ancestral burial places.
"We were there peacefully. We see this as pre-meditated. We see this as a hate crime."
The recorded audio from the scene reveals a marcher saying, "You gotta go around."
The driver responds, "I'll f-ck you up, I'll f-ck you up."
The driver again yells, "Get the f-ck out of my way."
The driver then guns the engine and drives into the marchers.
After hitting marchers, and when they are on the pavement, the driver flees the scene.
Arthur said, “As President of American Indian Movement of Northern Nevada, we are all deeply sadden by the events that unfolded with last nights protest. Our intent was to bring light and Truth to the injustices against us Indigenous People throughout history from 1492 to this present day.
“The fight is never-ending in this ‘civilized' world. Truth be told, there is a lot of hate to people of color. As we witnessed the acts of hate last night however we can not fight hate with more hate. So we ask all to continue the good fight out of love and prayer. We are nothing without prayers. Believe in prayer, carry your Faith to insure a better world for the children and those who have yet to be born. We will all stand before The Creator when that time comes. Meanwhile live with Love, Faith, Hope and Charity for All People. Pesha u, Moogwa Kwena Wahebeho.”

Nevada law: Felony Hit and Run -- Involving death or bodily injury (NRS 484E.010)
Fleeing after a car accident that results in bodily injury or death is a category B felony. The abridged legal definition of felony "hit and run" in Nevada states that, "The driver of any vehicle involved in an accident resulting in bodily injury to or the death of a person shall immediately stop his or her vehicle at the scene of the accident and exchange information and render aid."
Crimen de odio grabado en video cuando una camioneta atropella
 a un grupo manifestantes indígenas norteamericanos

Por Brenda Norrell
Villanueva, S. (Traducción)
Censored News

RENO, NEVADA, ESTADOS UNIDOS - Cinco personas resultaron heridas cuando una camioneta blanca chocó contra activistas que defienden los derechos de los indígenas de Norteamérica cuando protestaban contra el Día de Cristóbal Colón y hablaban a favor de la defensa del agua en la reservación Standing Rock en el estado Dakota del Norte en Estados Unidos.

Durante la marcha, que se llamó "Abolición de KKKolumbus," este lunes 10 de octubre, aproximadamente a 18:40pm, el conductor de la camioneta acosó a los manifestantes y les gritó insultos, antes de usar su vehículo para embestir a los indígenas norteamericanos, incluyendo a una abuela que está hospitalizada.
Con múltiples fracturas en la pelvis, y en el hospital, la abuela dijo: "siento que esto fue un intento de homicidio usando un transporte vehicular. Él nos podría haber matado, y no le importo."
La policía no arrestó al conductor. El crimen de odio fue capturado en video y la placa de matrícula se ve claramente. Quanah Parker Brightman, de la organización Indígenas Americanos Unidos, entrevistó a la víctima, hoy en el hospital. Ella habló y dijo que el conductor debe ser detenido.
"Me siento muy convencida de que debería ser detenido. Este tipo era agresivo, nos había estado siguiendo por los alrededores y había estado haciendo comentarios groseros."
"El conductor tenía la opción de dar la vuelta y continuar su camino en ambas direcciones de la calla, pero decidió embestirnos con su camioneta."
"Quiero que arresten a este tipo", dijo la abuela desde su cama de hospital.
El audio grabado durante la escena revela a un manifestante diciendo: "Tienes dar la vuelta."
El conductor responde (usando insultos): "¡Voy a joderlo a usted, voy a lastimarlo!"
El conductor grita de nuevo, “¡Sal de mi camino!"
El conductor, en ese momento, enciende el motor de su vehículo y decide atropellar a los manifestantes.
Después de golpearlos, cuando ya están tirados en la acera, el conductor huye de la escena del crimen.
Raquel Arthur dijo: "Como Presidenta del Movimiento Indios Americanos del Norte de Nevada, todos estamos profundamente entristecidos por los acontecimientos que ocurrieron durante las protestas anoche. Nuestra intención era llevar la luz y la verdad sobre las injusticias que existen contra nosotros, los pueblos originarios, a lo largo de la historia, desde 1492 hasta el día de hoy.
La lucha es interminable en este "mundo civilizado". A decir verdad, “hay mucho odio contra la gente de color.” Aunque fuimos testigos de actos de odio anoche, no podemos combatir el odio con más odio. Así que les pedimos a todos seguir la buena batalla de amor y oración. No somos nada sin oraciones. Creer en la oración, llevar su fe para asegurar un mundo mejor para los niños y los que aún tienen que nacer es importante. Todos estaremos ante el Creador cuando llegue el momento. Mientras tanto debemos vivir con amor, fe, esperanza y caridad para todas las personas. "Pesha u, Moogwa Kwena Wahebeho."
Watch videos below.



                                                                       Driver's Plate Nevada 218-PWS

Breaking News at Censored News Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 10 -- 11, 2016:
--Twenty-seven water protectors were arrested on Monday, including
Lakota activist Vic Camp and actress Shailene Woodley, costar in the new Snowden film, who joined the Native youth runners to DC this summer. Two supporters locked down to machinery and were charged with felonies.
Red Warrior Camp statement:
--In a hate crime, Native Americans were run down as they marched in the anti-Columbus Day parade in Reno on Monday. A grandmother with a fractured pelvis speaks out after police refuse to arrest the driver.
--Michael Lane writes of Standing Rock efforts: Time to file civil charges against Morton Co. Sheriff
--US Appeals Court denies injunction
--The Native American Forum on Nuclear Issues is going on now. Please see yesterday's report, as Western Shoshone, Acoma Pueblo, Dineh, and more gather.
--In Sonora, a gathering was held to protect the Pascolas and Deer Dancers. We were invited and reported live.
--All this and more at Censored News.
Best, Brenda
Censored News


Anonymous said...

The driver of the truck should be jailed immediately! He intended to hurt people and ran them down.
He ran people down who were gathered peacefully. Why hasn't he been arrested?!

Anonymous said...

This is so sick. Feel so bad for the people who were run over.
IDK what to say, its so shocking that the cops didn't go after and arrest that hit & run driver. And he ran over people on purpose !!
Looks like he drives his truck past the marchers & cusses at them. He goes around the block and then aims his truck at the people, revving his engine. He swears some more, then revs up the truck & runs people down. The cops came to the scene why hasn't the driver been arrested?!

Anonymous said...

Rear Admiral Samuel Eliot Morison was a history professor at Oxford and Harvard. He was called to be the official naval historian during WWII. In 1942, he was commissioned a lieutenant commander in the US Naval Reserve. He also published his Pulitzer Prize winning biography of Christopher Columbus Admiral of the Ocean Sea that same year. Chapter 35 of this two volume set was entitled “Hell in Hispaniola”. He wrote “For nine months, from May 1495 to February or March 1496 the Columbus brothers were mainly occupied with subduing the island…Whoever thought up this ghastly system, Columbus was responsible for it, as the only means for producing gold for export. Every native of fourteen years of age or upward who submitted (as the only alternative to being killed) was required to furnish every three months a Flanders hawk’s bell full of gold dust…So the policy and acts of Columbus for which he alone was responsible began the depopulation of the terrestrial paradise that was Hispaniola in 1492.” After the war, in 1955, Morison wrote a condensed version entitled Christopher Columbus, Mariner. In the chapter of the same name, he wrote in no uncertain terms, “The cruel policy initiated by Columbus pursued by his successors resulted in complete genocide.”

Anonymous said...

Is that the same white pickup truck in the beginning of the video, driving past the march in the opposite direction, while they are marching toward the arch??
Why would anybody in their right minds pull up to a crosswalk of people and even try to 'drive' thru ? If pedestrians are in the road cars can't just run people over.
???What is wrong with the Reno Nevada police???
If instead of pedestrians it was livestock in the road, and the driver ran over animals he would have been arrested !!
Native American lives are not worth as much to RENO NEVADA as animals and that is sooo wrong!!

Anonymous said...

10-12-2016 Wednesday.
Two days after a truck plows into Native American anti columbus day marchers, the Reno Nevada Mayors office can't make a comment as to why no arrest of the driver was made. But did basically say that the media and video should be disregarded.
So, don't believe your own eyes!
What's their excuse for running the woman over who is in the hospital ?
Being a Native American in America can get you run over by a car & the police will charge you with damage to the car's bumper ?
Did say that the mayors office can't do anything about the sheriffs office making an arrest.
But offers as an excuse for the people being run over, that more of the "story" will come out after the sheriffs investigation."
Aren't hit & run drivers arrested as soon as the police locate the driver?
Oh, its ok if somebody runs over Native Americans, shame on Reno!
Public comments are being taken at the Reno city council meeting today.

Anonymous said...

So the Reno police have the guys who ran over the marchers, have multiple eye witnesses who say the guys did it, have the tag number for the truck, and then the police decide to let them go on their word that
'hey man I didn't it' ?
The police could have arrested them for 72 hours based on eye witness accounts, right?
The police are saying they want to continue their investigation.
LOL, the one where the police would have drug tested the driver, Oops, now lost evidence,
Or the one where the police would have searched the truck, oh too bad now lost. How about the guys cell phones ? Delete, delete..

Unknown said...

Hey folks,your state is beginning to really suck all over.its broke,in component an going to hell in a hand basket.transits an homeless run this city.your gaming going in the toilet.stupid people work for this city,from courts to cops.its a slum city anymore not a place for decent people to live.its full of slum motels housing trash.slum Lords an good old boys get away with crap.go to calif an pull this crap an your butts prison bound it's attempted murder. So all you people need to know it maybe a lil more to live in Calif,but hey you get what you pay for.laws that takes care of people like this,Bette housing n medical an things making sense an not a bunch of twits,ass clowns running things,mayor now is no better than the last one,an the govonor is a joke,hey sandavol wanna see a good gov,look at Jerry Brown you may learn somthing,cause he's the people's govonor.other wise you ppl here SUCK,!!!!!