Strong Heart Warrior society
Office of the Provisional Government
P.O. Box 512 Hill City, SD 57745, Unceeded lakota Territory
Press Release
October 25, 2017 | Original: English
Immediate Release: October 17, 2017
Contact: Canupa Gluha Mani 605-517-1547 and for forwarded interviews to Floyd Looks for Buffalo Hand.
Attachments: Lawsuit in pdf
Lakota Treaty Council Files Cease and Desist Order to Block Negotiation or Access to Black Hills Settlement Interest Money
Lakota Territory – On Monday, the Black Hills Sioux Nation Treaty Council with support from the Strong Heart Warrior Society of the Independent Lakota Nation filed a Cease & Desist order in U.S. Federal Court in Rapid City. The Cease & Desist order was filed by Black Hills Sioux Nation representative Floyd Looks for Buffalo Hand with support from Strong Heart and the Independent Lakota Nation.
The order seeks to block any attempts to negotiate or otherwise access interest accrued on the Black Hills Settlement by any person or organization without approval of the seven bands of the Lakota Oyate.
Currently, the Lakota refuse to accept the 1981 settlement money or its accrued interest that now tops over one billion dollars that attempts to settle the illegal United States seizure of the Black Hills and surrounding treaty lands without Lakota consent and in violation of the 1851 and 1868 Ft. Laramie Treaties.
The Black Hills Sioux Nation Treaty Council has asked for penalties of one hundred million dollars for any person attempting to negotiate or access the settlement or its interest.
A meeting on October 7, 2017 at the Ramkota Hotel in Rapid City broached the issue of accessing the hundreds of millions of dollars in accrued interest. But the traditional and grassroots Lakota fear any withdraw of money from the Black Hills settlement will be considered as Lakota acceptance for the sale of the Black Hills.
The International Indian Treaty Council (IITC) was the host for the October 7th meeting that included several indian attorneys but did not outreach to traditional and grassroots Lakota people of the seven bands, many who live on reservations.
“It’s really sad these groups proceeded on this without informing the poor people,” said Strong Heart Warrior leader Canupa Gluha Mani. “When will they put the people first?”
Canupa Gluha Mani along with Lakota Oyate Itacan Mel Lone Hill found out about the meeting and interceded when topics steered towards accessing the settlement interest. Anger has grown on the reservations as Lakota people have learned people were discussing settlement moneys without broad Oyate consent.
“You neutralize your people’s rights by not telling or including them in what’s going on,” Canupa Gluha Mani explained.
It is customary for Lakota leaders or people acting in ways that affect treaties or issues affecting the seven bands to represent themselves with Lakota language and do so in togetherness with grassroots Lakota elders and people – many of whom are poor and cannot travel long distances from the reservations.
“The IITC must be accountable for their illegal behavior in not telling the people about possible actions that affect our land base.”
The Independent Lakota Nation continues the inter-generational movement to assert Lakota independence and grows from past efforts by Lakota chiefs, elders, treaty councils, and more than 165 years of resistance to illegal settlement on unceeded Lakota territory.

1 comment:
Glad to see this was exposed and stopped. To get to the bottom of the invalidity of the " Black Hills Claim' you have to go back and see how it is inextricably linked to the "Lakota Independent Nation Status as it relates to the so called "1868 Ft. Laramie Treaty" and how that Treaty has been SELF INVALIDATED due to the forgery of it by the U.S.A. Take it from someone who has first hand knowledge of the U.S. Government documented report of this event that took place at that bring this into legal contention one has to proceed according to Article #65 of the "Geneva Convention Law of Treaties" to initiate Article #51-63 ( Self Invalidating Treaties). Aho
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