Photo by Ben Powless, Mohawk, Indigenous Environmental Network
More photos by Ben Powless in Brazil:
Indigenous Peoples Denounce Green Economy and REDD+ as Privatization of Nature
Indigenous Peoples of the world participating in Kari-Oca 2 denounce Rio+20’s Green Economy and REDD+ as the umbrella for selling nature, forests and air. REDD+ stands for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation. Indigenous peoples and local communities will explain why REDD+ constitutes a worldwide land grab and gigantesque carbon offset scam.
Contacts: Tom Goldtooth, (English/Portuguese)
+1 (218) 760 – 0442 (USA)
Berenice Sánchez, (Spanish) +52 044 55 23 39 39 28
Press statement
Posted at Censored News
15 June, 2012
RIO DE JANEIRO – Indigenous Peoples of the world participating in Rio+20 denounce that the Green Economy and REDD+ privatize nature, sell the air we breathe and destroy the future.
Indigenous Peoples´ powerful message to the United Nations summit is eloquently conveyed in the No REDD+! in Rio+20 Declaration launched this morning by of the Global Alliance of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities on Climate Change against REDD and for Life. The Alliance warns that REDD+ constitutes a worldwide land grab and gigantesque carbon offset scam.
REDD+ is an UN-promoted false solution to climate change and the pillar of the Green Economy. Officially, REDD+ stands for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation. However, Tom Goldtooth (Dakota/Dine´), Director of Indigenous Environmental Network, insists that “REDD+ really means Reaping profits from Evictions, land grabs, Deforestation and Destruction of biodiversity.”
Just as Chief Seattle over a hundred years ago asked, “How can you sell the air?,” Marlon Santi of the Ecuadorian Amazon, condemns carbon trading and REDD+ and asks “How can you sell Mother Earth And Father Sky?” But apparently someone is trying, as the recently inaugurated Bolsa Verde do Rio de Janeiro (BVRio), a Brazilian stockmarket for forest carbon credits, shows.
“Not only does REDD+ corrupt the Sacred and fuel financial speculation, it also serves as greenwash for extractive industries like Shell and Rio Tinto,” according to Berenice Sanchez of the Nahua People of Mexico.
The Alliance argues that REDD+ is a “new wave of colonialism.” From Peru to Papua New Guinea, carbon cowboys are running amok trying to rip off native communities and grab the forests of the world, 80% of which are found in Indigenous Peoples´ lands and territories.
“The REDD+ race to take over our land is on. Without our land, we are nothing. The Green Economy and REDD+ could make money with genocide,” alerts Mr. Santi.
“The environmental crisis is getting worse because of capitalists´ false solutions such as REDD+. The real solution to the climate crisis affecting the people of the world, especially Indigenous Peoples, is to protect Mother Earth, uphold social justice and respect the Indigenous Peoples’ decisions and right to say no,” said Marife Macalanda of the Asia Pacific Indigenous Youth Network.
Rio+20 Alternative Peoples’ Summit Opens Today
People of the World vs. The Green Economy Goliath and the Global Foreclosure
Today is the opening day of the Cupola dos Povos–the alternative Peoples’ Summit for Environmental and Social Justice in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
DÍA: Viernes 15 de junio de 2012
LUGAR: Clube de Engenhara, Avenida Rio Branco 124-18 andar
Pueblos Indígenas del mundo que participan en Kari-Oca 2 denuncian la Economía Verde y REDD+ en Río+20, como marco general para la privatización y la venta de la naturaleza, los bosques y el aire. REDD+ significa la Reducción de Emisiones por Deforestación y Degradación Forestal. Los pueblos indígenas y comunidades locales explicarán por qué REDD+ constituye un despojo mundial de tierras y la estafa gigantesca de compensación de carbono.
More photos by Ben Powless in Brazil:
Indigenous Peoples Denounce Green Economy and REDD+ as Privatization of Nature
Indigenous Peoples of the world participating in Kari-Oca 2 denounce Rio+20’s Green Economy and REDD+ as the umbrella for selling nature, forests and air. REDD+ stands for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation. Indigenous peoples and local communities will explain why REDD+ constitutes a worldwide land grab and gigantesque carbon offset scam.
Contacts: Tom Goldtooth, (English/Portuguese)
+1 (218) 760 – 0442 (USA)
Berenice Sánchez, (Spanish) +52 044 55 23 39 39 28
Press statement
Posted at Censored News
15 June, 2012
RIO DE JANEIRO – Indigenous Peoples of the world participating in Rio+20 denounce that the Green Economy and REDD+ privatize nature, sell the air we breathe and destroy the future.
Indigenous Peoples´ powerful message to the United Nations summit is eloquently conveyed in the No REDD+! in Rio+20 Declaration launched this morning by of the Global Alliance of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities on Climate Change against REDD and for Life. The Alliance warns that REDD+ constitutes a worldwide land grab and gigantesque carbon offset scam.
REDD+ is an UN-promoted false solution to climate change and the pillar of the Green Economy. Officially, REDD+ stands for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation. However, Tom Goldtooth (Dakota/Dine´), Director of Indigenous Environmental Network, insists that “REDD+ really means Reaping profits from Evictions, land grabs, Deforestation and Destruction of biodiversity.”
Just as Chief Seattle over a hundred years ago asked, “How can you sell the air?,” Marlon Santi of the Ecuadorian Amazon, condemns carbon trading and REDD+ and asks “How can you sell Mother Earth And Father Sky?” But apparently someone is trying, as the recently inaugurated Bolsa Verde do Rio de Janeiro (BVRio), a Brazilian stockmarket for forest carbon credits, shows.
“Not only does REDD+ corrupt the Sacred and fuel financial speculation, it also serves as greenwash for extractive industries like Shell and Rio Tinto,” according to Berenice Sanchez of the Nahua People of Mexico.
The Alliance argues that REDD+ is a “new wave of colonialism.” From Peru to Papua New Guinea, carbon cowboys are running amok trying to rip off native communities and grab the forests of the world, 80% of which are found in Indigenous Peoples´ lands and territories.
“The REDD+ race to take over our land is on. Without our land, we are nothing. The Green Economy and REDD+ could make money with genocide,” alerts Mr. Santi.
“The environmental crisis is getting worse because of capitalists´ false solutions such as REDD+. The real solution to the climate crisis affecting the people of the world, especially Indigenous Peoples, is to protect Mother Earth, uphold social justice and respect the Indigenous Peoples’ decisions and right to say no,” said Marife Macalanda of the Asia Pacific Indigenous Youth Network.
Rio+20 Alternative Peoples’ Summit Opens Today
People of the World vs. The Green Economy Goliath and the Global Foreclosure
by Anne Petermann, Executive Director, Global Justice Ecology Project
It was pulled together by Brazilian groups and is being attended by social movements, Indigenous Peoples, activists and organizations from all over the world who are coming together to identify real solutions to the multiple and rising crises we face as humans on planet Earth. The summit was organized in direct opposition to the official UN circus known as the Rio+20 Conference for Sustainable Development. More aptly it would be called the Rio+20 Conference for the greenwashing of Business as Usual.
As I flew to Rio on 12 June, I read an article in the Financial Times titled “Showdown Looms at OPEC After Saudi Arabia Urges Higher Output.” The article explained how Saudi Arabia is urging OPEC to increase their output of oil in order to ensure that the global price of oil does not exceed US$100/barrel in order to “mitigate the risks that high oil prices pose to the global economy.”
The insane logic of expanding oil production in the face of mounting climate chaos in order to help rescue the global economy accurately reflects the mindset behind the negotiations around the UN’s Rio+20 Earth Summit, set to start next week here in Rio.
At the Rio+20 summit, industrialized countries and their corporate puppet masters, accompanied by insidious institutions like the IMF and World Bank, are leading the push for development of a so-called “Green Economy.” The sinister and oxymoronic concept is to use the very ecological devastation caused by the global economy to create new markets in environmental services, in order to help prop up the global economy and enable business as usual and the ongoing destruction of ecosystems and communities–all under a green facade.
Those promoting the so-called Green Economy seek to stimulate new trade and investment by creating markets in “ecosystem services.” These services are provided by intact natural ecosystems, and include such things as the storage of carbon, the purification of air and water, and the maintenance of biodiversity. The illogical and absurd theory is that by putting these services in the capitalist market, and giving them a monetary value, we can protect them.
The obvious fallout of this (and the hope of investors) is that if these “environmental services” are given an economic value, then as the ecosystems that provide them become more scarce, demand for them will increase and their price will go up. And since the capitalist economy is based on transformation of natural resources into capital (i.e. turning forests into paper), the increasing scarcity is assured. And necessarily, this scheme will work best when the ecosystems providing these services are privately owned.
In this way, the Green Economy sets the groundwork for massive privatization of the last intact ecosystems on the planet–forests, wetlands, grasslands, etc, thereby disenfranchising the very communities that rely on and have traditionally protected these lands. Like the foreclosure crisis caused by speculative and predatory investments in housing markets, this Green Economy will result in a Global Foreclosure–a mass displacement of communities and Peoples–the victims of the privatization and speculative trade in nature.
We see this twisted scenario playing out already in the areas of so-called “bioenergy” and REDD (the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation scheme of the UN and World Bank). The skyrocketing demand for bioenergy (liquid biofuels derived from plant material or electricity produced by burning trees) is already causing a global foreclosure–unprecedented landgrabs that are displacing entire communities of Indigenous or other rural peoples because their land is needed to grow feedstocks for energy.
But so-called “civil society” is striking back. The steady erosion of the ability of non-corporate entities to participate in UN processes has led to mass protests at the UN Conventions on Climate Change and Biological Diversity, which in turn has led to the total militarization of these events as the UN begins to look more and more like the WTO (World Trade Organization).
The alternative Peoples’ Assembly kicks off today, and one of the first events is a press conference by the Indigenous Environmental Network and a global alliance of indigenous groups who have united to oppose REDD.
Global Justice Ecology Project (GJEP) will be reporting from both the inside and outside events here in Rio, exposing the nefarious intentions of the corporados and the struggles by people to stop the false solutions while searching for real, just and truly ecological solutions. There will be marches, protests, workshops and assemblies starting today through the 23rd of June. GJEP will be there.
Aliança Global dos Povos Indígenas e das Comunidades Locais sobre a mudança climática contra REDD e pela Vida
Aviso à Imprensa
Povos indigenas denunciam a Economia Verde e o REDD+ como Privatização da Natureza
HORA: 10:00 a.m.
DIA: Sexta Feira 15 junho 2012
LOCAL: Clube de Engenharia, Avenida Rio Branco 124-18 andar
Os povos indígenas do mundo que participam da Kari-Oca 2 denunciam a Economia Verde e o REDD+ na RIO+20 como um marco geral para a privatização e a venda da natureza, das florestas e do ar. REDD+ significa Redução de Emissðes por Desmatamento e Degradação florestal. Os Povos Indígenas e comunidades locais explicarão porque o REDD+ constui uma grilagem mundial de terra e um gigantesco roubo de compensaçðes de carbono.
- Tom Goldtooth Povo Dakota/Dine’ (inglês/português) +1 (218) 760 – 0442 (USA)
- Berenice Sánchez Povo Nahua (espanhol) +52 044 55 23 39 39 28
Alianza Global de Pueblos Indígenas y Comunidades Locales sobre Cambio Climático Contra REDD y por la Vida
Aviso de Prensa
Pueblos Indígenas Denuncian la Economía Verde y REDD+ como la Privatización de la Naturaleza
HORA: 10:00 a. m.DÍA: Viernes 15 de junio de 2012
LUGAR: Clube de Engenhara, Avenida Rio Branco 124-18 andar
Pueblos Indígenas del mundo que participan en Kari-Oca 2 denuncian la Economía Verde y REDD+ en Río+20, como marco general para la privatización y la venta de la naturaleza, los bosques y el aire. REDD+ significa la Reducción de Emisiones por Deforestación y Degradación Forestal. Los pueblos indígenas y comunidades locales explicarán por qué REDD+ constituye un despojo mundial de tierras y la estafa gigantesca de compensación de carbono.
- Tom Goldtooth, Dakota/Dine’ Peoples (English/Portuguese) +1 (218) 760 – 0442 (USA)
- Berenice Sánchez, Nahua People (Spanish) +52 044 55 23 39 39 28
Vía Campesina se moviliza en Río de Janeiro contra el capitalismo verde |
(Rio de Janeiro, el 14 de junio de 2012) Para decir NO a la mercantilización de la naturaleza y de la vida, La Vía Campesina Internacional movilizará a cerca de 3000 delegadas y delegados de todo el mundo a la Cumbre de los Pueblos por la Justicia Social y Ambiental en Defensa de los Bienes Comunes que se realiza del 15 al 23 de Junio en Río de Janeiro, Brasil - en paralelo a la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Desenvolvimiento Sustentable a Rio+20 La Cumbre de los Pueblos es un espacio de discusión, debate y construcción de propuestas de la sociedad civil global, los movimientos sociales, organizaciones y colectivos, la Vía Campesina ha venido participado activamente en el fortalecimiento y construcción de esta actividad para denunciar las falsas soluciones del fallido modelo económico ahora disfrazado de verde y para decir que la agricultura campesina es la verdadera solución a la crisis climática y medio ambiental. La delegación de la Vía Campesina participará en varias plenarias y en la movilización Global que se realizará el 20 de Junio, la concentración será en la Av. Rio Branco con la Av. Presidente Vargas en la capital fluminense. El espacio político más importante de la Cumbre de los Pueblos será la Asamblea Permanente de los Pueblos que se organizará alrededor de tres ejes: la denuncia de las causas estructurales y de las nuevas formas de reproducción del capital; Las soluciones y los nuevos paradigmas de los pueblos; y Las agendas, campañas y movilizaciones que articularan los procesos de lucha anticapitalista después de Rio+20. La Vía Campesina es un movimiento internacional que congrega cerca de 200 millones de campesinos, pequeños y medianos productores, sin tierra, indígenas e trabajadores rurals de todo el mundo. Defiende la agricultura campesina a pequeña escala como forma de promover a justicia social y la dignidad. El movimiento reúne 150 organizaciones en 70 países de África, Asia, Europa y América. Enlace al documento de posicionamiento de La vía Campesina Para entrevistar a campesinas y campesinos de varios continentes compartimos la lista de voceros de La Vía Campesina Internacional y la agenda general de la Cumbre. CONTACTOS DE PRENSA: Luiz Felipe Albuquerque – (21) 6951-0341 Maria Mello – (61) 8239 5569 AGENDA: 17 Mañana y Tarde: Plenarias de convergencia pre-asamblea: Derechos y Justicia; Bienes Comunes; Soberanía Alimentaria; Extractivismo; Otros Paradigmas. 18 Jornada Movilización Mujeres 18 Jornada de Movilización contra las corporaciones Mañana: Actividades Auto gestionadas de Articulación - Movilizaciones 18 Tarde: Plenarias de convergencia pre-asamblea 19 Mañana: Actividades Auto gestionadas de Articulación - Movilizaciones 19 Tarde: Asamblea de los Pueblos – Causas Estructurales y Falsas Soluciones 20 Movilización Global: Cumbre de los Pueblos por la Justicia Social y Ambiental contra la Mercantilización de la Vida en Defensa de los Bienes Comunes (concentración Av. Rio Branco con a Av. Presidente Vargas) - Visita Vila Autodromo - Caminata en el centro de la ciudad 21 JORNADA DE MOVILIZACIÓN DE LA VÍA CAMPESINA 21 Tarde: Asamblea de los Pueblos – Nuestras soluciones 22 Mañana: Asamblea de los Pueblos – Agendas de lucha y campañas 22 Tarde: Acto cultural de Clausura 23 Evaluación |
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