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Why would the Navajo government support the slaughter of the sacred wild horse?
"The horseback riders should understand the prayer and song as to why there is such a horse." -- Leland Grass
By Leland Grass, Dine'
Censored News
Update Thursday, Aug. 28 2013:
Navajo Medicine People oppose Horse Slaughter
Update Thursday, Aug. 28 2013:
Navajo Medicine People oppose Horse Slaughter
I don't understand why our own Navajo Nation government President Ben Shelly, Speaker of the Council Johnny Naize and Dine' Horseback Trail Rider bosses support the killing of wild horses to slaughter house after they are rounded up.
In dine' culture, The horses are the one help us dine' through struggles to extreme survival from pulling our wagons, hoe, plow our cornfields and even help us through tough drought to haul waters to sheep camps, even fed us from trading posts.
The horseback riders should understand the prayer and song why their is such a horse. Round them up and support the evil way of genocide of our mother earth holy being connect with nature elements- spiritual connection displaced in process of elimination.
The BIA is the one blame for drought, not Dine' people and its animals and wildlife. BIA hurt our prayers and way of life in 1930's and it continues, omen our lands.
Do you see any USDA Agriculture near any of our chapter houses. NO! BIA stole our agriculture way of life from Navajo land and gave us Chapter Houses instead. All you Dine' horseback Bosses and riders, I have seen your horses you rode in, they are same being just like the other in wild but tamed, when you pray you are not only praying for your every own horse but others too.
Why do you carry Horse Song (or even ask for horse song in your trail ride event) and want to kill numerous horses of your land that is sacred to all living. Today, early Tomorrow morning, go to your beautiful horse and ask why he is sacred the answer is going come back how you treat him with this you are going make your decision if you are going kill his ego as you will support the cause.
Call Navajo Nation Department of Agriculture for more info 928-871-6605 for Planner, Roxy June and Manager, Leo watchman. all -you every day people make a request to stop all horse slaughter and make the round up for training schools for youth and even rehab on dine'Tah- give it back to the land. No killing of our sacred animals.
Believe me our Dine' elders and medicine people don't want the killings. This was one of the talks during a traditional meeting at Black mesa near below Peabody.
We Dine' riders have done good for Ben Shelly to get elected for presidency in last election. We did it with a horse prayer and to ceremony with our horses so he could win. Today, he completely took sides on a matter further away from our wants and needs -- with that we are backing away our songs and prayer from Indian Government politic rides any longer. We have learned.
Leland Grass
Read more on the horse slaughter on Dine' Land at Navajo Tiimes:Excerpt from Navajo Times "According to Grass's oral history, when the Hero Twins, known as Naayéé' Neizghání and Tóbájíshchíní, journeyed to their father, The Sun, to rid the Fourth World of monsters, they not only acquired knowledge from their father to defeat the monsters, but also saw at their father's lodge, the horse. - See more at: http://navajotimes.com/news/2013/0813/080813hor.php#sthash.Lscrjwuu.dpuf
Write or call Navajo Nation President Ben Shelly: address: Post Office Box 7440 Window Rock, Navajo Nation, AZ 86515 Phone: (928) 871-7000 Fax:(928) 871-4025 and judge The Honorable M. Christina Armijo United States Courthouse
333 Lomas Blvd. N.W., Ste 760
Albuquerque New Mexico 87102
Chambers' Phone: (505) 348-2310
Chambers' Fax: (505) 348-2315
"NO wildhorse slaughter from holy being (the sacred land) of Dine' Tah' (around/with in Dine' land)!"
Thank You Dine Nation, oppose the slaughter of our horse with all your might !
We Dine' riders have done good for Ben Shelly to get elected for presidency in last election. We did it with a horse prayer and to ceremony with our horses so he could win. Today, he completely took sides on a matter further away from our wants and needs -- with that we are backing away our songs and prayer from Indian Government politic rides any longer. We have learned.
If that's the case, please stop the slaughter of your horses no matter what it takes. Stop this abomination from taking place. PLEASE!!
False Drums Beat On Horses and "Tribes" in New Mexico
State of New Mexico Targets Tribal and Placitas Horses
Gov Martinez ScapeGoats 1st America
Where would the very few First Americans who actually want to slaughter a horse slaughter horses if our Governor had closed the border to Mexico for horse slaughter and did even 1 of the 4 things she could have done to ban slaughter in NM? This is our government at work, lets take responsibility for this and stop following the Alb Journal writers in scapegoating the First Americans. The Alb Journal is not telling the whole story. Scapegoating to provide cover for this administration's lack of use of it's authority to stop horse slaughter.See posts above. Hitler blamed a certain segment for the economy. Lets move beyond this blame game led by the Alb Journal. Who is opening a slaughter house? Who could have already stopped it? Why are they blaming/focusing on the First Americans they pushed to it? Horse Slaughter is not popular, could it be a planned run for President? This admin has done everything it could to block the use of immuno-contraception for horses including on tribal lands. Documentation available upon request.
Follow the money, someone is making something off of this and that transcends time, space, race, religion, custom, you song....
I think I get the translation...
No wildhorse slaughter from Holy Being (mother earth?). Dine' is the sacred land. Tah' is around/with the sacred land.
But how do you pronounce this?
Thankfully the unbranded horses at Fallon apparently have been rescued and are on their way to safety as I type this.
"NO wildhorse slaughter from holy being (the sacred land) of Dine' Tah' (around/with in Dine' land)!"
Dine Nation please help our wild horses<3 I have long admired American Indians. But now I look at my prints of American Indians on their blessed horses with great sadness and despair. A weary horse carrying a Warrior home. A Chief, arms raised, giving praise, all the while on his true companion, his faithful horse. Please stay true to your heritage. Care & Respect for Mother Earth & Her Wild Life: Our Wild Horses. Thank you.
I am an elected leader in Oak Springs az. I am against this shameful act Ben shelly passed. We have our Horse songs for a reason, we need to teach our children about the teachings of the horses.so please my people, lets stand against this ridiculous act. ahe'he shii Dine'!
We should not even be killing any dine horses or even be doing horse round up. They are beautiful horses that each chapter house land board worker could teach how to take care of the horses. Maybe have youth adopt horses through their respective chapter houses and ongoing teaches. No roundup of horses. Please Navajo Nation President put a stop to rounding up horses.... Horses are our sacred animals. They don't eat weeds as much as cows do. Round up cattles. They are eating up wild weeds from their roots......
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