Resource Minister Joe Oliver: “Quick! Corporate band council Injuns, sign here before your people catch on!”
The bankers have no “birthright” to economic prosperity and to capitalize on our resource bounty. “Listen. Things have to be set up now! Pipelines and export terminals have to go up fast as possible”. The bankers’ fake corporate grid “will not last forever”, says Oliver. They know we Indigenous People are part of everything. We and our Mother have all the power! We constantly remind the settlers that we, the natural people of Great Turtle Island, are sovereign and that international law supports our position. We must be fully informed and will never give our land and resources.
(Right) Onowaregeh, creation of Great Turtle Island.
Also ”free energy” may soon be available which will impoverish all these freeloaders.http://mohawknationnews.com/blog/2013/03/07/free-energy/ Oliver said, “Canada was not built by nay sayers”. No, the corporation was built by greedy murderers who methodically carried out the genocide of millions of our people! Our Mother Earth is going to have the last say!
Those wishing to live in peace may follow the roots to the source, take shelter and be of one mind with us.
As Neil Young reminds us all: “Respect Mother Earth and her giving ways/Or trade away our children’s days.” Mother Earth, Neil Young.
MNN Mohawk Nation Newskahentinetha2@yahoo.com For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada J0L 1B0]