Moccasins on the Ground Tour of Resistance in Montana To Stop the KXL Pipeline
By the Lakota Media Project of Owe Aku, Bring Back the Way
Censored News
WHITE HALL, Montana -- Moccasins on the Ground Tour of Resistance opens the nonviolent direct action training at 5pm on Friday, August 23, 2013 at White Hall, Montana and continues from 10am on Aug 24 and 25.
“Montana will be the first lands to face the tarsands to come through the proposed Keystone XL pipeline, which is awaiting denial or approval from President Obama. Trained resisters will be waiting when TransCanada, Inc. makes it way into the lands. The training will be held at a camping area that can hold the hundreds of people who will participate in the training,” says Debra White Plume, lead organizer and Director of the grassroots non-governmental organization, Owe Aku (Bring Back the Way). “As well, many tribal nations are being faced with extractive industries coming to make a deal for coal, or other precious parts of Mother Earth.”
The training focuses on skills, tactics, and techniques of nonviolent direct action such as blockading heavy equipment, also emphasized in the three day training session are workshops on Strategic Media, Street Medic Training, Knowing Your Legal Rights Under Civil Disobedience, Building Solidarity, Human Rights and the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Lakota Sacred Teachings on Water, and many other topics under the umbrella of direct action.
There will be sessions on learning how the First Nations people from Canada experience impacts of the tarsands oil mine on their traditional territories, waters and the wildlife they depend on for subsistence hunting and gathering; as well as discussions on how other tarsands and oil pipelines have resulted in their people becoming displaced and ill from the mining and pipeline impacts.
The Keystone XL Pipeline will be discussed, as well as the failure of the industry to clean up recent spills and ruptures. A Mayflower, Arkansan resident impacted by the recent spill will be skyped in live to share their experience of a massive spill that caused their evacuation, and who has suffered frightening health
“We so look forward to this training, being on the land, and being with frontline activists from all over the land,” states Elrae Potts, who works with Indian Action. “There is no room for big ego in this training, it is wonderful so many experience trainers are coming to share their firsthand experience. We need to
learn effective strategies and techniques to protect our communities.”“As the process of public comment, hearings, and other aspects of an international application continue, each door is closing to protecting sacred
water and our Human Right to Water. Soon the only door left open will be the door to direct action. An organized, prepared community is our best protection if President Obama chooses to issue the KXL permit.
Of course, we are hopeful that he will truly be revolutionary in the green sense, and say no to the permit,
and lead the world in moving away from destruction and toward a sustainable energy future. But we cannot just sit and wait for his decision, we must act now and be ready to protect our sacred water, our lands, our families, so we take the Moccasins on the Ground Tour of Resistance to Lakota communities that invite us to provide the training. We have been to several Lakota and other Tribal communities, we will provide training until the decision is made by President Obama,” said White Plume.
Trainers and presenters include Red Nations Indigenous people and allies from many organizations across America.
“Delegations are coming from the four directions to participate in this training, all people who want to learn are welcome,” says Vic Camp, organizer for Owe Aku.
There is no registration fee, but donations are welcome ( Bring your sleeping bag, showers are available.
Meals are provided. For more information please contact Owe Aku organizer Vic Camp at 605-454-3105.
Owe Aku can be reached at 605-454-2105 or 605-454-3105.
Thank you Christine Prat for the French translation!
Thank you Alice Holemans for the Dutch translation!
By the Lakota Media Project of Owe Aku, Bring Back the Way
Censored News
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Tarsands Protest: Debra White Plume arrested at White House |
“Montana will be the first lands to face the tarsands to come through the proposed Keystone XL pipeline, which is awaiting denial or approval from President Obama. Trained resisters will be waiting when TransCanada, Inc. makes it way into the lands. The training will be held at a camping area that can hold the hundreds of people who will participate in the training,” says Debra White Plume, lead organizer and Director of the grassroots non-governmental organization, Owe Aku (Bring Back the Way). “As well, many tribal nations are being faced with extractive industries coming to make a deal for coal, or other precious parts of Mother Earth.”
The training focuses on skills, tactics, and techniques of nonviolent direct action such as blockading heavy equipment, also emphasized in the three day training session are workshops on Strategic Media, Street Medic Training, Knowing Your Legal Rights Under Civil Disobedience, Building Solidarity, Human Rights and the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Lakota Sacred Teachings on Water, and many other topics under the umbrella of direct action.
There will be sessions on learning how the First Nations people from Canada experience impacts of the tarsands oil mine on their traditional territories, waters and the wildlife they depend on for subsistence hunting and gathering; as well as discussions on how other tarsands and oil pipelines have resulted in their people becoming displaced and ill from the mining and pipeline impacts.
The Keystone XL Pipeline will be discussed, as well as the failure of the industry to clean up recent spills and ruptures. A Mayflower, Arkansan resident impacted by the recent spill will be skyped in live to share their experience of a massive spill that caused their evacuation, and who has suffered frightening health
“We so look forward to this training, being on the land, and being with frontline activists from all over the land,” states Elrae Potts, who works with Indian Action. “There is no room for big ego in this training, it is wonderful so many experience trainers are coming to share their firsthand experience. We need to
learn effective strategies and techniques to protect our communities.”“As the process of public comment, hearings, and other aspects of an international application continue, each door is closing to protecting sacred
water and our Human Right to Water. Soon the only door left open will be the door to direct action. An organized, prepared community is our best protection if President Obama chooses to issue the KXL permit.
Of course, we are hopeful that he will truly be revolutionary in the green sense, and say no to the permit,
and lead the world in moving away from destruction and toward a sustainable energy future. But we cannot just sit and wait for his decision, we must act now and be ready to protect our sacred water, our lands, our families, so we take the Moccasins on the Ground Tour of Resistance to Lakota communities that invite us to provide the training. We have been to several Lakota and other Tribal communities, we will provide training until the decision is made by President Obama,” said White Plume.
Trainers and presenters include Red Nations Indigenous people and allies from many organizations across America.
“Delegations are coming from the four directions to participate in this training, all people who want to learn are welcome,” says Vic Camp, organizer for Owe Aku.
There is no registration fee, but donations are welcome ( Bring your sleeping bag, showers are available.
Meals are provided. For more information please contact Owe Aku organizer Vic Camp at 605-454-3105.
Owe Aku can be reached at 605-454-2105 or 605-454-3105.
Thank you Christine Prat for the French translation!
Par le Projet de Media Lakota d’Owe Aku (Ramenez la Voie)
Publié par Censored News
See original article in English
Photo: Debra White Plume arrêtée lors d’une manifestation contre le Keystone XL en 2011
Publié par Censored News
See original article in English
Photo: Debra White Plume arrêtée lors d’une manifestation contre le Keystone XL en 2011
Dimanche 17 août 2013
Traduction Christine Prat
WHITE HALL, Montana – La Tournée de Résistance ‘De Pied Ferme’ (‘Moccasins on the Ground’) entamera, le vendredi 23 août 2013, une session d’instruction sur l’action directe non-violente à White Hall, Montana, qui se poursuivra les 24 et 25 août.
« Le Montana sera le premier territoire confronté aux sables bitumineux qui pourraient être acheminés par l’oléoduc Keystone XL, pour lequel on attend toujours le rejet ou l’approbation du Président Obama. Des résistants formés pour cela seront là quand TransCanada, Inc. pénétrera éventuellement dans ces territoires. L’instruction aura lieu sur un camping qui peut accueillir les centaines de personnes qui participeront à l’entrainement » dit Debra White Plume, principale organisatrice et Directrice de l’ONG de base Owe Aku (Ramenez la Voie). « De nombreuses nations tribales doivent aussi faire face aux industries d’extraction minière venues passer des contrats pour du charbon et autres éléments précieux de Notre Mère la Terre ».
L’instruction porte sur des compétences, des tactiques et des techniques d’action directe non-violente telles que le blocage des machines, mais il y aura aussi pendant ces trois jours des ateliers sur les Media Stratégiques, l’initiation à la médecine de rue, la connaissance des Droits en cas de Désobéissance Civile, le Développement de la Solidarité, les Droits de l’Homme et la Déclaration des Droits des Peuples Autochtones, les Enseignements Sacrés Lakota sur l’Eau et de nombreux autres sujets couverts par la notion d’action directe.
Il y aura des sessions d’information sur la manière dont les Premières Nations du Canada ont subi les impacts des mines de sables bitumineux sur leurs territoires traditionnels, les eaux et la vie sauvage dont ils dépendent pour la chasse et la cueillette de subsistance ; et des discussions sur la façon dont les oléoducs transportant des sables bitumineux et autre pétrole ont amené leur peuple à être déplacé et à tomber malade à cause des effets de l’extraction et du transport.
On parlera de l’Oléoduc Keystone XL et de l’incapacité de l’industrie à nettoyer les effets des récentes fuites et accidents. A Mayflower, Arkansas, un résident touché par la fuite récente s’exprimera en direct sur Skype pour parler de la fuite massive qui a causé l’évacuation des habitants et des effets terrifiants sur sa santé dont il a souffert.
« Nous attendons cet entrainement avec enthousiasme, d’être sur notre terre, avec des activistes de première ligne venus de tout le pays » a déclaré Elrae Potts, qui travaille pour Action Indienne. « Il n’y a pas de place pour des egos surdimensionnés, c’est merveilleux que des gens expérimentés viennent partager leur expérience de première main. Nous avons besoin d’apprendre des stratégies et des techniques efficaces pour protéger nos communautés ».
« Tandis que le processus de commentaires du public, d’auditions et d’autres aspects de l’application de la loi internationale continue, chaque porte se ferme sur la perspective de protéger l’eau sacrée et notre Droit Humain à l’Eau. Bientôt, la seule porte qui sera encore ouverte sera celle de l’action directe. Une communauté organisée et bien préparée est notre meilleure protection si le Président Obama choisit d’accorder un permis pour le Keystone XL.
Bien sûr, nous espérons qu’il se montrera authentiquement révolutionnaire au sens écologique et dira non au permis, conduisant ainsi le monde à renoncer à la destruction et à s’orienter vers un futur d’énergie durable. Mais nous ne pouvons pas nous contenter d’attendre sa décision, nous devons agir maintenant et nous tenir prêts à protéger notre eau sacrée, nos terres, nos familles, c’est pourquoi nous emmenons la Tournée de Résistance ‘De Pied Ferme’ dans les communautés Lakota qui nous invitent à leur fournir cette instruction. Nous nous sommes déjà rendus dans plusieurs communautés Lakota et d’autres communautés Tribales, nous apporterons notre instruction jusqu’à ce que le Président Obama prenne sa décision » dit Debra White Plume.
Les instructeurs et conférenciers viennent des Nations Rouges Autochtones et de nombreuses organisations alliées de toute l’Amérique.
« Des délégations viennent des quatre directions pour participer à cette instruction, tous ceux qui veulent apprendre sont les bienvenus » dit Vic Camp, un des organisateurs de Owe Aku.
L’inscription est gratuite, mais les dons sont bienvenus ( ). Amenez vos sacs de couchage, il y a des douches sur place. Les repas sont fournis. Pour plus d’information contactez l’organisateur d’Owe Aku Vic Camp au 605 454 3105.
Thank you Alice Holemans for the Dutch translation!
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