Alto Xingu: Message from Pirakuman Yawalapiti about Climate Change and Human Rights Situation in Brazil
By Earth Peoples
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Translated by Earth Peoples (to read original in portuguese click here)
By Pirakuman Yawalapiti
Do you know that a tornado passed through my village? The wind destroyed 4 houses in the village. It broke all the trees that were around our village. A woman broke her leg, a guy almost broke his leg but thank god it wasn’t that serious. Lost quite a few things that were outside the home, aluminum pots, bowls, and other useful materials, they were taken by the wind. So I’m here in Sao Paulo to see if I can find and take something for those who lost their belongings. I lost my mini DV camcorder, and will see if it can be fixed. I think it will be expensive to repair it.
Folks, here in Brazil is a fight going on between indigenous peoples and the white; yesterday I received news of the Kaiabi people, they’re in trouble with the invasion of miners. The Indigenous Kaiabi tried to defend themselves, but the Federal Police shot at them, and killed one of the Indigenous, another one is hospitalized in Cuiabá.
The Police is killing Indigenous Peoples.
It is very sad and I am very outraged with this news. The Dilma government is not good for us Indigenous Peoples. The Dilma government is ending/finishing-off with Nature.
Tags: Federal Police, Kaiabi, miners, mining invasion,
APIB (National Articulation of the Indigenous People of Brazil) going to the United Nations in Geneva to submit human rights violation documents
Do you know that a tornado passed through my village? The wind destroyed 4 houses in the village. It broke all the trees that were around our village. A woman broke her leg, a guy almost broke his leg but thank god it wasn’t that serious. Lost quite a few things that were outside the home, aluminum pots, bowls, and other useful materials, they were taken by the wind. So I’m here in Sao Paulo to see if I can find and take something for those who lost their belongings. I lost my mini DV camcorder, and will see if it can be fixed. I think it will be expensive to repair it.
Folks, here in Brazil is a fight going on between indigenous peoples and the white; yesterday I received news of the Kaiabi people, they’re in trouble with the invasion of miners. The Indigenous Kaiabi tried to defend themselves, but the Federal Police shot at them, and killed one of the Indigenous, another one is hospitalized in Cuiabá.
The Police is killing Indigenous Peoples.
It is very sad and I am very outraged with this news. The Dilma government is not good for us Indigenous Peoples. The Dilma government is ending/finishing-off with Nature.
Tags: Federal Police, Kaiabi, miners, mining invasion,
APIB (National Articulation of the Indigenous People of Brazil) going to the United Nations in Geneva to submit human rights violation documents
By Earth Peoples
- Uilton Tuxá (APIB) in the German Bundestag (Photo © Earth Peoples)
Earth Peoples will join him = we will translate and post the human rights violation documents on this site.
Last week, Uilton Tuxá, the Chief of the Tuxá people, who is also the elected Leader of APOINME (the Indigenous Peoples Organizations of the Northeast, Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo) participated at the Protest Action in front of the Brandenburger Tor in Berlin, that was held in solidarity with the devastating situation of the Guarani Kaiowa (They are landless, many are living along roadsides, pushed into poverty, prostitution, hunger and collective suicides.)
To read more about the Guarani, CLICK HERE
Facilitated by Berlin based group Action for World Solidarity (ASW) the indigenous APIB representative met with various German governmental officials, such as Gudrun Kopp, the Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, (Parlamentarische Staatssekretärin beim Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung) and Pascal Kober, the member of the german Bundestag and member of the Committee on Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid (Ordentliches Mitglied im Ausschuss für Menschenrechte und humanitäre Hilfe).
Tuxá was also invited by the Green Party to speak at the Latin American Conference that took place in the German Bundestag, where he informed the attentive audience about the reality that indigenous peoples in Brazil endure, and their demand for international support.
He also met German based Foundations such as the Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, and Aid organizations such as Brot fürdie Welt and Misereor.
Facilitated by Earth Peoples and INCOMINDIOS, a human rights organization with ECOSOC status to the United Nations, with it’s offices in Zürich, Bern and Geneva, Uilton Tuxá will also meet various human rights defender groups and the Swiss Fund, that supports Indigenous participation at UN meetings in Switzerland, before he returns to Brazil.
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