MNN. Apr. 3, 2013. Pedophilia is promoted at the highest level of the Canadian corporate structure, the PMO [Prime Minister’s Office]. The need to indulge in the desire for natural sex is the most potent human emotion to create action. The state is continually trying to control it to their advantage.
The goal of the Sexual Revolution is to change the moral compass off of true north and bring it under the control of evil. By manipulating the data, perversion and the occult have almost become the norm. Dr. Albert Kinsey was a sadistic bisexual psychopath. He was able to partially move the moral compass by merging sexology (big porn and big pharma) to create the global “Sex Industrial Complex”.
The state wanted to control sexual energy from birth, to destroy free will and conscience. Sex had to become perverted and guilt-ridden. Women as the natural center of the family had to be violated. In their “Secret Covenant” their greatest fear is stated: “They must never ever find out what we’ve done. If they do, we shall have no place to run. It will be easy to see who we are once the veil has fallen. They will hunt us down and no person shall give us shelter.”Secret Covenant
The normal “firewall” against moral corruption had to be eroded to divert the sexual impulse. Perverted sex was used to control advancement in the hierarchical order and direct people to do the bankers’ bidding.
Kinsey, a eugenicist, [1894-1956] researched sex in males and females at Indiana University, funded through Rockefeller, Carnegie and Hugh Hefner Foundations. Government took over education, media and all influential institutions to promote this destructive program.
Kinsey’s corrupt secret scheme is still the basis of education, especially early childhood development. He said sex with infants, children and animals is natural to the human animal from birth. Marriage is ownership of women and children by men.
Young minds were conditioned to “love” greed, sensual pleasure and perpetual dissatisfaction. Children and adolescents were shown how to enjoy immorality, express designed desires, how to have many sexual partners, to act and dress provocatively, the computer games and phones they can’t live without and to mistrust their parents. Education became rote dog training instead of analytical thinking. Starting in the 1950s unwholesome media fare, mainstream porn, erotic and violence based entertainment and games, drugs and alcohol, were aimed at young minds.
Kinsey promoted male pedophilia. His two books in 1948 and 1953 advocated abolishing sex crimes and that predators get therapy, instead of long prison terms or execution. Laws were weakened that protected women, children and marriage. Government amended the 1955 “Model Penal Code” MPC. Prison sentences were shortened for 52 major sex crimes and the sex education curricula conformed to Kinsey’s perverted ideas.
The state took over sex education from the parents, using graphic erotic material. Sexual diseases and dysfunction skyrocketed. Crime quadrupled.
Kinsey worked with Nazi pedophile, Dr. Fritz Von Balluseck, for over 30 years, before, during and after WW II; also American pedophile, Rex King, for over 20 years. Both provided Kinsey with reports on sexual abuses of thousands of children. Kinsey designed technical reporting systems to get minute details of their sexual abuse of children from 2 months to 16 years of age. They said that infants and children are orgiastic!
Judith Reisman exposed his unscientific fraud in “Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences”, condemning the abuse of thousands of babies and young boys.
Our ancestors saw that sexual abusers did not have natural affection like real human beings. According to Kinsey, you aren’t going to get any satisfaction until the moral compass points to the true north again. As Mick Jagger sang: Satisfaction “He’s telling me more and more about some useless information, supposed to fire my imagination. I can’t get no, no, no, no! I can’t get no satisfaction”.
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