MNN. Nov. 25, 2013. 80 members of the Cree Nation of the isolated Attawapiskat community on James Bay in northern Ontario have been suddenly flown out. The women, children, babies, elders and men have been placed in motel rooms in Kapuskasing. Nobody knows for how long. Their government-provided clapboard houses have burnt down. In the meantime the employees of DeBeers are nearby digging out diamonds from their land and living in state-of-the-art houses. 
Chief Theresa Spence went on a hunger strike a year ago to resolve this issue. The issue received worldwide attention. Nothing changed. Millions of dollars rolled in and disappeared. On December 30, 2012, the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs announced that by the end of 2012-13 fiscal term, the federal government will have spent $131 million on Attawapiskat since 2006, including the construction of 60 new and renovated houses. What houses? A new school was built!
Where is our money? Stolen, of course! The invaders and their hangers-on took our funds and resources. The corporate elite responsible for this devastation built multi-million dollar mansions on our land. Right now over 40 multimillion dollar mansions are on sale in Montreal’s upscale neighborhood in Westmount. They are advertised in the Montreal Gazette. The following is one of the mansions. They all sit on Bear Clan Mohawk Nation land. The asking price for this particular house is $10.8 million. You can be sure the owner did not lift a finger to earn it.
The bigger question is why are all the billionaires fleeing Montreal with our money? Where are they going? To survive what’s coming?
The people of Attawapiskat have been through this several times, trying to deal with the destruction of their homeland. We are challenging the International corporate elite at every turn. Attawapkiskat, Elsipogtog, the list grows of those standing up for our mother …
Rosemary Clooney sings about our toxic third world government provided mansions in the north: “This ole house is a-gettin’ shaky/This ole house is a-gettin’ old/This ole house lets in the rain/This ole house lets in the cold”.Rosemary Clooney. This Ole House”!
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