MNN. FEB.,10 2020 CP RAIL
We are kanienkehaka Mohawk, one of the people placed on turtle island by creation since time immemorial. Our covenant with creation is to help bring peace and freedom to everyone in the world. We are caretakers for all of turtle island forever, from pole to police, ocean to ocean.
The band councils are created by parliament to assist the para military police in attacking us. They represent Canada. The response here began when kentekeh was threatened with violence by CN Rail. Now the para-military RCMP are going to take action against unist’ot’en today.
An outside nation that invades our land, captures our people and places them in POW camps [reservations] is an act of war. The attack on the wetsuweten is the continuation of colonial and corporate governments genocide us, our lands and resources.
Government of Canada has stated to the UN that they are seeking reconciliation for all the wrongs they have perpetrated on us. This is a sales pitch so they can hoodwink the UN Security Council and gain a permanent seat on the Security Council.
Canada’a Admiralty Courts and their Criminal Code are illegal as they are based upon the Indian act. They claim jurisdiction over our land through the Indian Lands Acts of October 25th 1924. It is the biggest land theft in the history of the world. They have no authority to make decisions on foreign sovereigns. We are not part of Canada. The original people and our allies shall not allow this invasive species to propagate any longer to destroy the natural species on turtle island. Our prime covenant with creation is to survive and coexist with all life as brothers and sisters on this our mother earth.
An agreement on our relationship was established with the guidance of the two row wampum, teiohateh. Canada immediately violated this. The have no right to be on turtle island.
The courts of Canada do not have any jurisdiction over us. We are holding space in kahnawake in solidarity with our onkwehonweh family at wetsuweten. Foreign police forces have invaded our terrorities and have disturbed the peace of all people.

We say to the corporation of the government of Canada to stop your aggression and immediately withdraw. You don’t belong here because you violate the kaianerekowa.
The invasion was not an act of creation. We ask our friends and allies to join hands with us.
An agreement on our relationship was established with the guidance of the two row wampum, teiohateh. Canada immediately violated this. The have no right to be on turtle island.
The courts of Canada do not have any jurisdiction over us. We are holding space in kahnawake in solidarity with our onkwehonweh family at wetsuweten. Foreign police forces have invaded our terrorities and have disturbed the peace of all people.
We say to the corporation of the government of Canada to stop your aggression and immediately withdraw. You don’t belong here because you violate the kaianerekowa.
The invasion was not an act of creation. We ask our friends and allies to join hands with us.
As Sonny and Cher remind us, the beat goes on:“Grandmas sit in chairs and reminisce. Boys keep chasing girls to get a kiss. The cars keep going faster all the time. Bums still cry. ‘Hey, buddy, have you got a dime? and the beat goes on”.
MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@protonmail.com For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0
#wetsuweten #reconciliationisdead #alleyesonwetsuweten