MNN. JAN. 26, 2013. We are subduing the enemy without physically fighting them. Now he is ours. The bridge is there, but they will not be able to escape. Their only retreat is to jail or death.
Our enemy is irritated because of their own arrogance, which is their greatest weakness. The paradigm is shifting. Their “slaves” want to be free. The path of their subjects leads to the Great White Roots of Peace. They are already coming to us to open their own minds. Once their minds awake to the truth, no one can put them back to sleep. The peace will return to us and our Mother as our ancient teachings direct. This will be the end of the oligarchs here on Great Turtle Island.
The pyramid will be taken apart from the inside. The bottom shall disassemble the top. The rest of the hierarchical system will collapse. It is against the laws of nature.
Canada Prime Minister Harper’s main role is to ramp up resource extraction for their planet trashing plans. His corporate Indians [AFN, band councils] are all following the same business plan. The only time line that puppet Shawn Atleo is going to make is to get on the same boat as a galley slave with his masters and sail off to prison for the traitor that he is.
Atleo wants to rejuvenate education [brainwashing] for the Indians, not himself. He knows the truth about the real brutal history of his corporate masters. His knowledge of the genocide and stolen trust fund will land him in a Nuremberg cell with his best friend, Herr Harper. He will say, “I was just following orders!” But the orders did not come from the women of his nation. This is high treason against his own people. All the other band councilors and the SS Indian Affairs system will be on the same big boat to Europe. Since we won’t have prisons here, they will have to go home. They’ll be witnessing from afar the rebirth of our Mother Land, Great Turtle Island, from their jail cells in the Fatherland [Europe].
Iceland is now the only free country on earth because the bankers are all in jail and they’re printing their own money. The banks collapsed because all the deficits owed to them were proven to be frauds. Private companies like airlines or other businesses fail when they are mismanaged or proven to be fraudulent. So they did. Banks are high stakes companies, like casinos. They thought the house always wins. Ordinary people should not have to pump up the banks through their taxes. The financial sector was huge and gobbling up all the professionals. It is now the smallest, as it should be. When financial sectors failed, other businesses blossom.
Atleo wants to cooperate with economic growth, more trade with western countries to build weapons that continue the never ending war on terror throughout the planet. This goes against the supreme law of Great Turtle Island. He must go.
As Jimmie Rodgers wrote: “Well, I Had a friend named Rambling Bob, who used to steal, gamble and rob. He thought he was the smartest guy in town, but I found out last Monday that Bob got locked up Sunday. They got him in the jailhouse way downtown”. Original:
MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0
Bankers’ cul du sac!
The pyramid will be taken apart from the inside. The bottom shall disassemble the top. The rest of the hierarchical system will collapse. It is against the laws of nature.
Row, faster, corporate Indians!
Atleo wants to rejuvenate education [brainwashing] for the Indians, not himself. He knows the truth about the real brutal history of his corporate masters. His knowledge of the genocide and stolen trust fund will land him in a Nuremberg cell with his best friend, Herr Harper. He will say, “I was just following orders!” But the orders did not come from the women of his nation. This is high treason against his own people. All the other band councilors and the SS Indian Affairs system will be on the same big boat to Europe. Since we won’t have prisons here, they will have to go home. They’ll be witnessing from afar the rebirth of our Mother Land, Great Turtle Island, from their jail cells in the Fatherland [Europe].
Iceland is now the only free country on earth because the bankers are all in jail and they’re printing their own money. The banks collapsed because all the deficits owed to them were proven to be frauds. Private companies like airlines or other businesses fail when they are mismanaged or proven to be fraudulent. So they did. Banks are high stakes companies, like casinos. They thought the house always wins. Ordinary people should not have to pump up the banks through their taxes. The financial sector was huge and gobbling up all the professionals. It is now the smallest, as it should be. When financial sectors failed, other businesses blossom.
Bankers & accomplices: You can’t hide.
As Jimmie Rodgers wrote: “Well, I Had a friend named Rambling Bob, who used to steal, gamble and rob. He thought he was the smartest guy in town, but I found out last Monday that Bob got locked up Sunday. They got him in the jailhouse way downtown”. Original:
MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0
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