Update at Censored News: Matthew Mukash visits the trekkers on Jan. 20, read his reflections:
Whapmagoostui First Nation youth are trekking 1100 kms to Ottawa. Idle No More
Listen to CBC Radio report
Photo by Jason George Jan. 19, 2013 |
Winschgaoug | Jan 16, 2013
Whapmagoostui youth head out in support of Idle No More
Nishiyou Journey is just about to start up in Whapmagoostui. Six youth,
along with a guide and a trail-maker left the community heading to
Chisasibi on January 16th. From there, they plan to continue all the way
to Ottawa in support of Idle No More. Melissa Natachequan spoke with
David Kawapit just before they left on their journey.
Udpate at Censored News:
The Quest of Wisjinichu-Nishiyuu, Quest For Unity
4 Youth under the age of 20 with two guides wish to walk to Ottawa and
arrive in Parliament Hill. This is a strong message to prove to other
First Nations across Canada that the Cree Nation of Quebec are not
sellouts, but keepers of the Language, Culture, Tradition and more
importantly; today, we still carry the sacred laws of our ancestors.
This Quest-Journey will establish and unite our historical allies and
restore our traditional trade routes with the Algonquin, Mohawk and
other First Nations. The time for Unity is now.
Through Unity and Harmony, the quest will revive the voices of our
“Anskushiyouch”. Their voices will be heard once more. With their
guidance and strength, the Truth to all the sacred teachings will be
revived and we will become once more, a powerful United Nations across
Turtle Island.
The warriors have awaken and will rise:
The Cree people have always been fierce warriors; they have always been
the gatekeepers of the North. They have had many battles and disputes
over the territory, and to this day we have never surrendered our land
to no nation, not now, not ever.
This land, the earth, the
rivers, the winds, the mountains, the clouds and all of the creation, we
are the true keepers and will continue to do so until time on earth is
over. This Quest, it is time the Youth become the Warriors and the
leaders for they are the “Anskushshiyouch” as foretold. The Earth
Walkers, the beings put here on earth to protect all of Chisamanitou's
Creation. In unity, in harmony, in peace, we will achieve.
My relations, stay safe!
Prayers to the Creator, for safe travels and strength to these youth and guides....
Full support and blessings from an ally.
absolutely amazing!
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