Harper & corporate Indians in the same boat.
His ‘tables’ will force us to terminate ourselves. If we don’t agree, the table will be folded and taken away. The PTOs think they will get piles money for helping him. Advisory services will be picked out to bypass our defending our lives and stopping the theft of everything we have.
“Elites” fleeing to their hideouts.
Indigenous title will be extinguished. Underlying title will be turned over to the provinces. Like the “Trail of Tears”, we will be forcibly removed from our homelands, thrown out on the snow in the middle of winter, with our children and elders. To get our homes back, we will have to register with the provinces. “Leaders” will b selected for us.
The Indian Act is illegal. To be interpreted by Harper and his puppets. Our communities will be turned into municipalities. We will be separated and individualized. Our communal society will be made illegal and dismantled.
The final nail is: neutralize us; taxation; provinces to get jurisdiction of us and our properties; eliminate our communities; impoverish us economically; dismantle all legitimate agreements such as the Guswentha [Great Peace of Montreal 1701].
Band councilors are major consplrators to the crime. Harper’s corporate Indians are going to help him terminate federal trust responsibility, reduce spending, shift us to the provinces and get rid of Indian Affairs that holds our money. He wants to renew the abusive relationship, not to remove the tarnish from the chain.
This is the US termination Act and Canadian 1969 White Paper rolled into one. It is paper theft to accelerate the genocide and get away with it in the eyes of the world, so international bankers can continue to steal our natural resources.
We are still here. We will stop the theft and extermination attempt. We are a part of Great Turtle Island and always will be. Paper cannot remove us or separate us from our Mother. Electronics cannot snuff us out. We are still on our land and will not let one single thing leave. Herr Harper, you will not be able to remove one single stone, tree or drop of water, from your jail cell in Nuremburg!
Harper & Atleo: We were just following orders to commit genocide.
Read Russell Diabo: Harper Launches Termination Plan: As Negotiation Tables Legitimize Canada’s Colonialism. http://www.scribd.com/doc/113392661/Harper-s-First-Nation-Termination-Plan-2012
MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0