Mohawk Nation News
MNN. Jan. 22, 2013. All the money to run the Corporation of Canada comes from interest on the Indian Trust Fund. This revenue comes from exploitation of our land and resources.
In 1907 Canada declared us as non-persons so they could control our money, lives and future. They gave themselves power of attorney without our permission. According to the Trust Fund Management System, the Indian Affairs Minister can manage our money as if he was our parent. He can collect, receive, hold it, decide how to manage and spend it without our knowledge or consent.
Indian trust fund money managers |
Indian Affairs suspense accounts are from businesses run on our behalf by the Corporation of Canada. Public Accounts of Canada monies cannot be disbursed or given to us.
The Environmental Studies Research Fund Accounts belong to us. Special Accounts are individual and band accounts which we never see.
Not included are the vast royalties from deals between the provinces and multinational corporations for our natural resources. The following table shows what Indian Affairs admits to taking and distributing to each province. They answer only to the bankers.
Payouts to provinces of oil, gas, royalties, rents & bonuses.
We will put in place a fair distribution system for our people to take control of our land and resources.
Sir William Johnson, King George’s representative in North America, told him that the Iroquois were not his subjects. “Any man who dared tell us we are subjects of a foreign power, no sooner were those words spoken would his throat be split. You better have a good army at your back if you make that claim. We are slaves to no one.”
band/tribal councils falling between canoe & master’s boat.
As Mick Jagger sang: “Just as every cop is a criminal, and all the sinners saints. As heads is tails, just call me Lucifer. I’m in need of some restraint.” Misdirection, confusion, greed, will all be cast down.
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See Elyse Bruce