Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

November 30, 2016

Navajo Veterans Leave for Standing Rock on Dec. 3, 2016

This article has been updated. Please go to:

BREAKING NEWS -- Navajo Vets will be flown to Standing Rock

Chili Yazzie said Thursday, "I just confirmed that our Dine' Warriors will be traveling to Bismark/Standing Rock by chartered airplane. The plane is scheduled to fly out of Albuquerque December 3rd, and return on the 8th. This alternative developed after I expressed concerns with the distance to drive and the weather conditions."

UPDATE from Chili Yazzie on Thursday, Dec. 1, 2016
Dine’ Warriors for Standing Rock UPDATE: we will continue registration of Vets today, Vets need to go to agency Veteran offices to be informed of who is taking registration. We have 22 slots per agency and they are filling up. Vets please bring your DD214, other trip details will be available when you register.

Please try to have subzero gear like thermal socks, union suits/longjohns, ski type gloves, good jackets, warm waterproof boots, etc. we will have some extras if you don’t have these items. And bring your sleeping bag, our Vets will camp out in the Cannonball Community Center so you will NOT be camping outside. Bring your ‘colors’, uniforms, gear that will signify your military service and bring flags.

The lead coordinators for the trip are Angie Barney Nez, Army and Beverly Mark Maxwell, USMC and we will continue to do updates throughout the day. Inbox Redawn George with questions. Vets, please go to your Agency Vet office to get on the roster. Dine’ Warriors for Standing Rock on the way!!
Update from Angela Barney Nez on Thursday

Navajo Veterans, those of you trying to reach me to get on the bus to Standing Rock, my phone was not working. My FB page is a good source, thanks for reaching out. I will let you know as soon as I know of the logistics, but please be prepared to mobilze on Friday Dec. 2 morning hours. Please know that the bus ride is free, the lodging is being arranged for indoor lodging, you will need a good warm sleeping bag. Meals are completely on your own. I can also be reached at

Update on donations to the national online fundraiser for Veterans Stand for Standing Rock. The fundraiser website shows that about three-quarters of a million dollars, $722,000, has been donated for the national effort.

By Shiprock President Duane 'Chili' Yazzie
Censored News

Dine’ Warriors for Standing Rock!
We have secured two charter buses to transport 112 Diné Veterans to Standing Rock, leaving Friday, Dec 2 to return on Tuesday, Dec 6. We will begin registration of Vets at 1 pm today, we will ask the agency Veteran offices to be the point of contact. We will have someone there to do registration.
We will have about 22 slots per agency. Vets please bring your DD214, other trip details will be available when you register.
Please try to have subzero gear like thermal socks, union suits/longjohns, ski type gloves, good jackets, etc. We will have some extras if you don’t these items. And bring your sleeping bag, we are arranging overnight indoor accommodations. We will NOT have our Vets camping outside. Bring your ‘colors’, uniforms, whatever you have that will signify your military service and bring flags.
The lead coordinators for the trip will be Angie Barney Nez, Army and Beverly Mark Maxwell, USMC and we will do another update Thursday morning.

Dine’ Warriors for Standing Rock on the way!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks Veterans!!
Homelessness is a problem for many veterans.
In next 10 years homeless veterans over age 55 may go up drastically.
(Homeless Fact Sheet 2015,
National Alliance to End Homelessness)

Unknown said...

Check to make sure your drivers are good with bad weather and bad roads.

Unknown said...

So glad you can make it there. From Veterans for Standing Rock. We apologise for the miscommunication which we saw via a previous blog post. We had a flood of hundreds of messages come in from veterans and only a couple of us manning our page. Well wishes to each and every one of you!!!

Anonymous said...

You should all be able to travel ok til you get to Denver after that things could geta little might start running into racist people and businesses...there have been some incidences where camp supporters have been refused services while travelling to camp.I would hate for our vets to get turned away when they are tired or's probably best to have a scout to check things out first. I don't know about Montana and Wyoming but I know the Dakotas have many racist people. Travel safe and much much gratitude for coming to support the cause.

Unknown said...


Leslye Joy Allen said...

My God be with you and the wind be at your back!! Your fight is everyone's fight! And for the first time in a long time, more than a handful of people are paying attention to the mistreatment of First Nations and the mistreatment of Grandmother Earth!

Ivan Sam said...

Aho...nizhoni hey! I'm leading a team of 30+ as well from San Diego,CA. Looking forward to seeing you all shi'ke' dóó shi Dine'eh! Ahé'hééh!

Rose said...

Thank you ALL... MY COMPLETE RESPECT AND GRATITUDE.. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Val Tso said...

I've been calling the Western Navajo Veterans Office since 11am today, no answer. My husband and I are both Veterans and would love to stand in solidarity with Standing Rock. Our son has been there for 3 months now, we would love to see him. I'm reaching out for help in contacting the Veterans Office in TC. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Is it possible a Dine' veteran living in Denver, CO be picked up to head to Standing Rock and be dropped back off in Denver.

Unknown said...

Is it possible a Dine' veteran living in Denver, CO be picked up to head to Standing Rock and be dropped back off in Denver. said...

Our Veterans make my heart cry happy tears! Thank you for your service and Thank you for coming forward to support Water is Life! You will be kept in Prayer. Be safe, stay warm and well. If i could hut all of you, I would!

Unknown said...

God bless you vets and thanks for your continuing service to our country and to Life itself

Unknown said...

Thank you veterans for your continuing service to our country and to Life, Mni Wiconi

Anonymous said...

Veterans for Peace

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your continued service. Blessings to you and prayers for a safe and successful journey.

Unknown said...

May you walk in Beauty! Thank you gentlemen for your continued courageous and dedicated service. Blessings!

Anonymous said...

May you walk in Beauty! Thank you for your continued courageous and dedicated service to Life. Prayers and blessings for your journey, safety, and the success of your pilgrimage.

Tia Night Eagle said...

Warm greetings and much respect, thank you for standing for freedom again. My heart is full and sends blessings for a safe love filled journey.

Special foot note: Ace Hardware will not sell propane or anything that will make fire to any of our relative's at Standing Rock per order from law enforcement.

Tia Night Eagle Cree/Blackfoot Sioux/Ojibwe

savitri d said...

Thank you so much for making this long journey and giving of yourself all over again. You are my heroes.

laurie Neiss Oglala Sioux of Rosebud said...

Thank you and your families What you did for this country. Prayers and blessing on this journey.

Anonymous said...

May I add my humble MAHALO (Thank you) to all of you caring veterans making this historic trip to stand in solidarity with the Water Protectors at Standing Rock. May you walk in Beauty.

Anonymous said...

Take 71 to avoid Denver. Save travels.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for answering the hands go up to you for your service..water is life...standing up with the water protectors

Ms Kane McDonald said...

Yah'a tay, Walk in Beauty. Forgive the Unforgiveable. It takes courage and great strength to have to band together on domestic soil for stay strong for what one believes is right. Stay protected, warm and trusting all of your needs are met in all ways.

Unknown said...

Please take snow chains and safe journey.

Unknown said...

At least they have an outing and will walk a little plus they will expand their lungs and exercise the heart too. Have fun from a Widow to a WWII veteran a friendly descendant to Taínos from Puerto Rico as Congress addresses us but here always happy with my lonely heart with Jehovah and Jesus.

Cath Bolthouse ******* said...

Blessings on your journey, may you be safe!!! May they see that to love America is to love Mother Earth, and how to be a spiritual warrior.

Unknown said...

Thank you for your service then and now.

Adventures of Pioneer Woman said...

Blessings on your way. You stand for those of us who cannot be there, but who can only support with prayer and donations. Thank you for that.

Anonymous said...

Thank You for going to protect the "Water Protectors" our Brothers and Sisters that are standing up for all of us. I guess racists and bigots can drink polluted water. We cant, thankyou for coming together to protect our water, our country and our peoples!

Leona Lee said...

Solidarity and love from Chicago! Stay warm and safe, and thank you, with humble gratitude, from a daughter of a vet.

Anonymous said...

Safe travels...prayers...

Anonymous said...

Dear people,
You probably have planned your route, but just in case, here is advice from a friend who lives on Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation, which is right next to Standing Rock Reservation. I asked her how people can get to the camp at Standing Rock with being stopped by the county police etc. She said to go up through South Dakota and onto Cheyenne River reservation, and go from there to Standing Rock. That way you will be entering from Indian country where the police do not have jurisdiction. Also you should know that the closest grocery store is hours away. Also I recommend following Kevin Gilbertt (yes, that's the spelling) who is the man who provided the live feed that showed the brutality there by the mercenaries and police, so it was seen around the world. He is an excellent source of information on Facebook.
Go with God.

Unknown said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!!

Kelley-Anne Rasmussen said...

Much respect and love from New Zealand, Standing Rock is the turning of the tide for corporate power, stand strong, our prayers and energy are behind you all from around the world <3

Anonymous said...

From my heart thank you everyone - I have so much respect, love and gratitude for you all here from Denmark..

Anonymous said...

My father worked in Intelligence in the army in the UK during the war and he had the utmost respect and admiration for these men.
I hope they stay safe.

Unknown said...

Safe journey and my humble thanks for once again putting yourselves in harm's way. True warriors.

Unknown said...

May Water, animals, Earth, and air work with you. Sending love and support from Santa Cruz. My Apache Grandmother is watching.

Anonymous said...

Go with the Almighty. He will watch over all of you. May the police and opposition open their hearts and turn away from violence and embrace you. May they too, stand with you against messing with much needed waters. Native Americans were on the country's land first and respect the natural world. We learn from them. Be safe follow water protectors.

Anonymous said...

Go safely, stand strong, and know that we who can't go are watching and making sure to spread any and all information. I hope very much that something is done to stop them. Good luck.

Unknown said...

́’áÁéáęÁąłńó adziil na-ha-tah Diné bikéyah

Tony said...

We in the pacific are with you sorry we cant be there Bor's But Our prays will be !
Love to all

Unknown said...

Why is Obama silent? Where is the black solidarity? Remember Russel Means'appeal to African Americans

LRamirez said...

Thank you for your bravery, please be safe and stand strong..wish I could stand beside you in this most necessary fight..

Anonymous said...

bless you all vets who journeyed to stand tall for our brothers to the north
helping them in suport of the cause.