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MNN. MAR. 30, 2014. London bank is falling down! President Obama and the bankers who own the Western banking system failed to start World War III in Ukraine. Soon the worthless USDollar will not be the world currency. More US citizens will join the 44 million who are already using food stamps [vouchers]. 
Russia and China are setting up money exchanges throughout the world to transact business and trade using the Chinese Renminbi. Chinese are setting up an exchange in the city of London and many other cities around the world. Chinese Currency Exchanges.
Admiralty law is banking law. All courts in Canada are Admiralty courts. The law of the land that the Corporations of Canada and the US reside on is Kaianerehkowa.
Return of our ever growing $700 trillion Indian Trust Fund will be immediately dealt with by Chinese and Russian middle men. Banker Nathan Rothschild is holding $500 trillion of our Indian Trust Fund. We want that and the other $200 trillion from the other banking families. This will cause the dissolution of both corporations when the debtors call in the loans.
Every resource extraction deal made through the Canadian government corporate Indian arm are illegal and hereby nullified. Ring of Fire Deal.
“When you chose indifference on matters of human rights, you have chosen the side of the oppressor”. [Karl Jung]. Canadians who never stood with us are corporate criminals. They and their progeny will be held accountable and pay to the fullest extent for their crimes.
Everything on Great Turtle Island belongs to us. The Corporations of Canada and the US are the terrorists. They will go bankrupt and be dissolved. These criminals will be convicted of genocide under our law. If they leave, they will be tried under international law.
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