Update: Anonymous 'doxes' the State of Texas, after Occupy Dallas attacked by police and more than a dozen arrested:
By Anonymous Corporate Watchers
NOVEMBER 20, 2011
Posted at Censored News
It has come to our attention that the corporation, Motorola, has close ties to a police organization that is responsible for coordinating the recent crackdown on the Occupy Wall Street protests in various cities. The organization that is responsible for coordinating these attacks is PERF. PERF stands for Police Executive Research Forum:
The Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) is a national membership organization of progressive police executives from the largest city, county and state law enforcement agencies. PERF is dedicated to improving policing and advancing professionalism through research and involvement in public policy debate. Incorporated in 1977, PERF’s primary sources of operating revenues are government grants and contracts, and partnerships with private foundations and other organizations.
We are proud of the service we provide to law enforcement stakeholders. Our research and publications are targeted in areas our members find important to their agencies and for professional development. Our conferences and training programs are targeted to audiences who want to be on the cutting edge of relevant policing topics. Our leadership is constantly looking for ways of improving our ability to meet your dynamic needs. You will find out more about what PERF is all about in this, our information section of our member network.
Recently it was revealed, by the San Francisco Bay Guardian (http://tinyurl.com/7qb8qe4) that PERF helped to synchronize the recent attacks on OWS protesters.
After looking into PERF it quickly becomes apparent that PERF, not surprisingly, has direct ties to the Department of Homeland Security. Chuck Wexler, who is the Executive Director of PERF, also serves on the DHS’s Advisory Council (http://tinyurl.com/brtpyfk). Wexler was recently speaking on Democracy Now about the protests, which can be seen here: http://tinyurl.com/7v5kd3h
Upon visiting PERFs website, it is soon revealed that they receive quite a bit of corporate sponsorship from Motorola. This should not be so surprising since Motorola puts of a lot of its research and technologies into devices used by Government agencies. On many of the PERF documents linked on the website, there are thanks to Motorola for sponsoring them. On one of the website pages, there is a direct link to Motorola’s involvement with PERF that reads :
For 20 years the Police Executive Research Forum and Motorola have had a close friendship, which began when Robert Galvin, Motorola’s legendary CEO and board chairman, had an idea that Motorola could contribute to the economic vitality of communities by helping to reduce crime. Motorola had worked closely with many police departments over the years, and Galvin wondered whether police agencies could become more efficient by using analytical tools like Six Sigma and process mapping. Thus began the first Motorola/PERF collaboration, in which PERF helped eight police agencies test whether process mapping could improve police departments’ core operations. The success of that first project led to what became known as the “Critical Issues in Policing” series.
The basic concept of the Critical Issues Series is that PERF, with support from Motorola, conducts research and brings together police leaders to work on the most difficult and important issues facing police departments. PERF then produces reports summarizing the findings, which are shared with law enforcement agencies across the country. Over the years, these reports have covered a range of topics, including police use of force; police management of large-scale demonstrations; violent crime reduction strategies; the role of local police in immigration enforcement; gang violence and gun crime; and the impact of the economic crisis on policing.
On the Motorola website there is a page dedicated to products and services that they provide to various government agencies http://www.motorola.com/Business/US-EN/Government
It’s time for corporate interest to be exposed and brought to the forefront. If you stand with us and want to help us, please contact us with info on Motorola. We believe Motorola should be exposed for its ties with PERF and take responsibility for enabling the coordinating of recent crackdowns on the Occupy Wall Street movement.
Motorola Contact and Links
Source: http://www.lead411.com/company_MotorolaInc_Brown_2163.html
CEO/Chairman: http://www.lead411.com/Sanjay_Jha_1170276.html
President: http://peop.lead411.com/Dan_Moloney_5944519.html
1303 East Algonquin Road Schaumburg,
IL USA 60196
Phone: 847-576-5000
Fax: 847-576-5372
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1 comment:
And who doubted that the police motto is: "To serve and protect . . . the rich."
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