Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

December 14, 2016

Headsman at Oceti Sakowin -- Sacred Fire is Lit and People are Welcome at Camp

By Wicahpi Ksapa Peji Wikan
Published with permission at Censored News

Hau mitakuyepi! Anpetu waste yuha po! There are many things that need to be addressed about the Oceti Sakowin Camp. So let's begin first and foremost, wanna say wopila tunkasila for another day on Unci Maka. Now there is much misinformation and miscommunication out there about the Oceti Sakowin Camp. Sorry if everyone was offended by the Oceti Sakowin Camp post and video. We as headsmen had no idea of the news being put out there. So we haven't asked anyone to leave nor have we stopped anyone from coming. As headsmen we were busy maintaining camp. I'd like to say this, if you are coming to camp for a little stay or till the end, we ask you to be fully prepared for winter as winter up here is no joke.
Issue of fire being put out. The fire that was put out was the fire up by p.a. system. It was put out as the prayer was answered on the EIS and denial of permit. Another fire has been lit and with with a new prayer. As for the Seven Council Fire, it has been still going. So we are still here and staying till its over. We are still getting everyone into warmer shelters and better equipped for this winter.
Now the most important issue we've been dealing with is founder syndrome. It don't matter if you was here from beginning or just coming in. These camps are peaceful and prayerful camps. The establishment of our old ancestral encampment was formed and it's leadership with it. On how the headsmen were picked -- was by the camp they've been maintaining and by their people. We are only representatives of our camps at Oceti Sakowin. We are there until our chiefs come. Until then we are there to keep peace and protect the prayer. This is a time where we Lakota/Dakota/Nakota people can form our traditional governance and stand on treaty. So we will be standing our ground to enforce our treaties. Many have questioned our roles and actions. So let's clarify for everyone. Especially through ceremony we were given instructions and directions to follow. We have stayed true to those directions and instructions. It worked as the prayer was answered and got time to establish our original governance. Our chance to rebuild our nation in a good way for the generations to come is now.
We live in a time of prophecy and we need to come together now more than ever for the betterment of our people from all nations. So stay strong and stay frosty! We will make a better future together in solidarity and unity. Time to decolonize and be reborn as new people. So let go of the anger and heal. Then you'll see the fear you grip onto will disappear and you'll become fearless. Then we can stand side by side together and change the world as it is! So quit the confusion and frustration. Let it go as its time to become one heart and one mind. Hau mitakuye oyasin!

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Yvonne Swan said...

Thank you for sharing this important message from the traditional leaders. I understand completely. O was raised by my Sinixt Arrow Lakes mother and like she, enrolled with the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation. My father who also raised me and six siblings on the Colville Reservation grew up on the Coeur d'Alene Reservation because his parents were deemed Landless Indians. Dad's mother was Josephine Falcon Swan who descended from the Nakota (Assiniboine Sioux) nation which is why some of the language comes easy for me to understand. It is a beautiful language, like my mother's. There is distinct truth and morality in both. I am so proud of everyone who went to Standing Rock. They are always on my mind and in my prayers. Thank you Brenda. And much thanks to Govinda VC at camp for helping share the news.

Yvonne Swan said...

Thank you for sharing this important message from the traditional leaders. I understand completely. I was raised by my Sinixt Arrow Lakes mother and like she, enrolled with the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation. My father who also raised me and six siblings on the Colville Reservation grew up on the Coeur d'Alene Reservation because his parents from Montana and North Dakota were historically deemed Landless Indians. Dad's mother was Josephine Falcon Swan who descended from the Nakota (Assiniboine Sioux) nation which is why some of the language comes easy for me to understand. It is a beautiful language, like my mother's. There is distinct truth and morality in both. I am so proud of everyone who went to Standing Rock. They are always on my mind and in my prayers. Thank you Brenda. And much thanks to Govinda at camp for helping share the news.

Yvonne Swan said...

I thought I sent a comment but maybe it didn't go through (?)

Unknown said...

Fake made up responses

Unknown said...

Your final paragraph contains such powerful, uniting words that would be good for all people to hear, indigenous and non-indigenous alike. May I share this message? I am not indigenous but stand in solidarity and share this vision for our world. We are all in the time of prophecy. With respect and in solidarity, Gretchen Robinson.

Unknown said...

Well spoken. Thank you.

Unknown said...


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Unknown said...

Aho' Prayers are with you all!!! Abanaki - Free Eagle

stephen frank g said...

peace love solidarity and success.........thanks to all you guys