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MNN. Dec. 21, 2016. Our ancestors explained to us that as long as our music lives, we live. Our mother has a tone, which is the basis of the way we see creation. Standing Rock has awakened our memory of the deepest feelings, thoughts and tones of our ancestors through what we have in common, music.
Music tells us more than words. Our songs come from or ancestors, which reinforce our tie to creation. Our dance steps have not changed. Like our ancestors, we sing and dance the hardest at the most difficult time to deal with suffering, sadness, despair, everything that threatens survival of us and our duty to care for our mother.
Our suffering is misunderstood. No matter where we are we all experience the threats that face our people throughout great turtle island. We communicate through ceremonies and songs with those who have gone before and those who are yet to come.
The invading criminals remain amoral and unpunished. The corporation instigates and continues the suffering. The past indifference of the people of the world is gradually dissolving.
Europeans saw pain and death performed in public. They were conditioned to believe that pain, agony, torment, torture, and hurting were normal parts of life. They could not see or think that a policy of genocide is wrong. We will protect our children from further distress, hardship, misery, wretchedness, hurt, pain and anguish. We have to prevent this. 
The nobility blamed it all on god. Non-conformists and critics were sent to insane asylums, where they were starved, tortured or killed. This is not natural. The oligarchs invented and wrote down dire punishments to anyone who disobeyed them. International courts and international law should pursue the philosophy of kaia’nere:kowa, the great peace.
European colonialism is one of man’s hierarchal experiments to control nature and all life. They attempt to exterminate what they cannot control. Unbalanced nature creates an amoral confused society.
Creation is the perfect truth. Redemption means that everything violated in nature has to be made right. As long as our music exists, so shall we.
Floyd Red Crow Westerman sings about the missionary strategy: “Spread the word of your religions. Convert the whole world if you can. Kill and slaughter those who oppose you. It’s worth it if you save one man. Take the land to build your churches. A sin to tax the house of god. Take the child while he is supple. Spoil the mind and spare the rod… Like an ever circling vulture, You descend upon your prey. Then you pick the soul to pieces, And you watch as it decays. Missionaries, missionaries go and leave us all alone. Take your white god to your white men, We’ve a god of our own.” [Missionary missionary floyd westerman STANDING ROCK 10 ON TRIAL
LET’S TELL THEM WHERE WE STAND: Politicians, Corporatists, Band & Tribal Councils and sell-outs that are cooperating with pipeline companies;
ENERGY TRANSFER STRATEGIST: Michael (Cliff) Waters, Lead Analyst 77002 (713), 989-2404
NORTH DAKOTA: Office of the Governor Jack Darymple: 701-328-2200; Morton County Sheriff’s Department: 701-328-8118 & 701-667-3330; Allen Koppy Morton County Attorney 701.667.3350; N.D. National Guard: 701-333-2000; Army Corps of Engineers (202) 761-5903
U.S. Embassy Worldwide & Ottawa, 490 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 1G8: (General): 613-688-5335, (Emergency): 613-238-5335, (Media): 613-688-5315 Fax: 613-688-3082, US Embassy of the United States, London UK, Switchboard: [44] (0)20 7499-9000, White House Washington 202-456-1111 or (202) 456-1414
ENERGY TRANSFER, 214.981.0700: Lee Hanse, Executive Vice President, 800 E Sonterra Blvd #400, San Antonio, Texas 78258 (210) 403-6455 Glenn Emery, Vice President (210) 403-6762
Call Bernie Sanders202-224-5142; Call Hillary Clinton 646-854-1432—
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