New at Censored News
August 14, 2011
Special thanks goes out to the courageous ones who continue to risk their lives for truth and justice, and the Native American youths providing breaking news with cellphones, cameras and video.
Here are the breaking news stories from Censored News:
Photos: Klee Benally locks down to Snowbowl equipment
Photos by Youths of the Peaks as the events unfold, with Klee Benally chained to Snowbowl excavator and two arrests, Peaks police liaison Rudy Preston and author Mary Sojourner. Native American youths in action providing instant coverage, sending photos by cellphone to Censored News:
Photos: Klee Benally chained to excavator at Snowbowl
Photos by Outta Your Backpack Media
Native youths telling their own stories with media, documenting Klee Benally, Navajo, chained to excavator on Saturday to halt desecration of sacred San Francisco Peaks:
Mohawk Nation News: Youth Riots: Ravenous Hunger for Freedom
By Mohawk Nation News
Indigenous could not be enslaved. A man whose mind is free cannot be controlled. The most that can be done is to kill them. There is a hunger for freedom. Those aware are angry. Hunger is becoming more intense. Alarms are ringing. They are looking for sustenance.
Arizona Daily Sun’s pitiful explanation of censorship of Protect the Peaks
The pathetic note, in a series of notes, in today's Arizona Daily Sun can be translated this way: "We aren't going to cover this breaking news, and 19 arrests by sending out a reporter and photographer, because we are a white elitist newspaper and focus on white people and money-making profiteers. We can always come up with an excuse to censor, and cover our backs, because we are the ones publishing this newspaper and no one can force us to abide by the ethics of journalism. We don't really care what local Native Americans have to say because we give priority to white people, and people who are exploiting the natural resources, profiteering from other peoples misery and profiteering from the desecration of their sacred places."
Free Palestine Movement announces new flotilla with AIM representative
The Free Palestine Movement announces the Nour al-Haqiqa (Light of Truth) Flotilla vessel and its goal of reaching Gaza. American Indian Movement representative Jimbo Simmons, Choctaw, is among those making plans to be on the vessel.
During an interview broadcast at the Protecting Mother Earth Gathering in North Dakota July 28-31, Simmons said he is making plans to be on the vessel. Simmons was also in Greece in June, waiting to leave on the Free Gaza Flotilla that was halted.
The Free Palestine Movement made a public announcement of plans for the Nour al-Haqiqa Flotilla vessel today.
VIDEO: Frack Off! 500 foot banner drop
New on Monday:
Klee Benally, in his own words, with photos by Ethan Sing
'Direct Action to Protect the Holy Peaks Continues'
VIDEO: Taos NM: Celebrating our Young
Labor Day events in Taos, NM, healing family and youths

August 14, 2011
Special thanks goes out to the courageous ones who continue to risk their lives for truth and justice, and the Native American youths providing breaking news with cellphones, cameras and video.
Here are the breaking news stories from Censored News:
Photos: Klee Benally locks down to Snowbowl equipment
Photos by Youths of the Peaks as the events unfold, with Klee Benally chained to Snowbowl excavator and two arrests, Peaks police liaison Rudy Preston and author Mary Sojourner. Native American youths in action providing instant coverage, sending photos by cellphone to Censored News:
Photos: Klee Benally chained to excavator at Snowbowl
Photos by Outta Your Backpack Media
Native youths telling their own stories with media, documenting Klee Benally, Navajo, chained to excavator on Saturday to halt desecration of sacred San Francisco Peaks:
Mohawk Nation News: Youth Riots: Ravenous Hunger for Freedom
By Mohawk Nation News
Indigenous could not be enslaved. A man whose mind is free cannot be controlled. The most that can be done is to kill them. There is a hunger for freedom. Those aware are angry. Hunger is becoming more intense. Alarms are ringing. They are looking for sustenance.
Arizona Daily Sun’s pitiful explanation of censorship of Protect the Peaks
The pathetic note, in a series of notes, in today's Arizona Daily Sun can be translated this way: "We aren't going to cover this breaking news, and 19 arrests by sending out a reporter and photographer, because we are a white elitist newspaper and focus on white people and money-making profiteers. We can always come up with an excuse to censor, and cover our backs, because we are the ones publishing this newspaper and no one can force us to abide by the ethics of journalism. We don't really care what local Native Americans have to say because we give priority to white people, and people who are exploiting the natural resources, profiteering from other peoples misery and profiteering from the desecration of their sacred places."
Free Palestine Movement announces new flotilla with AIM representative
The Free Palestine Movement announces the Nour al-Haqiqa (Light of Truth) Flotilla vessel and its goal of reaching Gaza. American Indian Movement representative Jimbo Simmons, Choctaw, is among those making plans to be on the vessel.
During an interview broadcast at the Protecting Mother Earth Gathering in North Dakota July 28-31, Simmons said he is making plans to be on the vessel. Simmons was also in Greece in June, waiting to leave on the Free Gaza Flotilla that was halted.
The Free Palestine Movement made a public announcement of plans for the Nour al-Haqiqa Flotilla vessel today.
VIDEO: Frack Off! 500 foot banner drop
New on Monday:
Klee Benally, in his own words, with photos by Ethan Sing
'Direct Action to Protect the Holy Peaks Continues'
VIDEO: Taos NM: Celebrating our Young
Labor Day events in Taos, NM, healing family and youths
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