MNN. July 21, 2013. In the 1930s “the modern state laid claim to the individual body for its own social, economic or military needs.” “Useless bodies were made useful by being used in the national project of regeneration”.
The lab |
During and after the war hunger was epidemic among Indigenous people. Violating the Nuremberg Code the researchers saw residential schools and our communities as “experimental materials” and “laboratories” to pursue their political and professional interests. 50% of Indigenous people died during and after these experiences. The researchers argued that white people had to be protected from Indian “reservoirs” and “vectors” of diseases like tuberculosis!! The James Bay Survey, at Attawapiskat and Rupert’s House, searched for the connection between food, nutrition, and the “Indian Problem”.
Researchers found a terrible “state of malnutrition” leading to general apathy, slowness, inertia and premature ageing.
Studies were made possible by their access to deliberately starved children through being made wards of the state. “Controls” and experimental subjects were set up of children that were deprived for two to five years of nutritionally inadequate diets and denied dental care to create anemia.
READ: Administering Colonial Science: Nutrition Research and Human Biomedical Experimentation in Aboriginal Communities and Residential Schools, 1942-1952 IAN MOSBY* Published by University of Toronto Press DOI: 10.1353/his.2013.0015 For additional information about this article Ian Mosby article Access provided by University of Toronto Library (17 Jul 2013 15:01 GMT)
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