Breaking News: Burial places in vicinity of pipeline crew. Standing Rock Chairman and Councilman arrested at blockade. Oglala sending 300 Lakotas from Pine Ridge to blockade.
Photo courtesy No Dakota Access
Photo by Jon Eagle Sr.
Photo by Jon Eagle Sr.
"There are many sacred sites and on any day they can potentially hit human remains," Dustin Thompson, Standing Rock Tribal Cultural Specialist said late Friday.
CANNON BALL, North Dakota -- Standing Rock Sioux Chairman Dave Archambault II and Councilman Dana Yellow Fat were arrested today at the blockade of the Dakota Access Pipeline, on Standing Rock Indian land in North Dakota at Cannon Ball.
The North Dakota Highway Patrol and Morton County Sheriff's deputies arrested the Standing Rock Chairman and Councilman today and 12 others yesterday -- including Dakota and Lakota women, who were thrown around by police and arrested, as they defended their sacred land and sacred water of the Missouri River.
Burial places near pipeline confirmed
On Friday afternoon, the pipeline crew halted digging after burrowing into a cultural site with the potential for human remains.
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Dustin Thompson with LaDonna Allard and her husband Miles. |
Dustin Thompson, community member, said there are burial places in the immediate area of the pipeline crew.
"There are many sacred sites and on any day they can potentially hit human remains," Thompson told Censored News late Friday.
"Cannonball Ranch is Treaty land," Thompson said. Thompson said the people must make a stand for the sake of the children.
"What will we tell our children, as men, if we don't stand up."
"The Dakota Access Pipeline project runs through unceded territory of the Lakota people. Many parcels of land are still owned by Native Americans."
"We must stand together to fight corporate interests that will destroy the land and water for profit. The installation of this pipeline will cause permanent damage to the ecology of the land disturbed."
"Poisonous chemicals are bound to leak out of this pipeline that will cause high rates of cancer in the people and animals downstream of this project," Thompson said.
"We must stand together to fight corporate interests that will destroy the land and water for profit. The installation of this pipeline will cause permanent damage to the ecology of the land disturbed."
"Poisonous chemicals are bound to leak out of this pipeline that will cause high rates of cancer in the people and animals downstream of this project," Thompson said.
Federal law requires work to halt
Yvonne Swan, Colville Nation, responded and pointed out that federal law requires the work to halt.
![]() Arrests of Standing Rock Councilman Dana Wasinzi; Dr. Sara Jumping Eagle; Chairman Dave Archambault Photo Shauna M. Long |
Dakota Access pipeline plans to drill under the Missouri River for this crude oil pipeline and endanger the river water sources of Native Americans of the Missouri and Cannonball Rivers.
The Oyate Media Network reports that the president of the Oglala Sioux Tribe and council just announced its support to the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and is sending buses of Lakotas from Pine Ridge, South Dakota.
“The Oglala are sending 300 Lakota on buses and a caravan to go and support them in their efforts to stop the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline. The pipeline will be built under the Missouri River and the Mississippi River. It not only affects the Lakota Dakota Nakota nations but everybody who use the fresh water for daily life.”
Pipeline system includes dirty crude oil from Alberta, Canada
The path of destruction is just beginning of the Dakota Access Pipeline. People were told that the tarsands pipeline had been halted -- and celebrated President Obama's action -- but this new pipeline system is part of a scheme to deceive people. This is just another tarsands pipeline. Look at the paths and transfer stations.
The maps reveal two paths through the heart of the country -- landowners, water and land would be destroyed in a vast region, from North Dakota and beyond. This means that land will be seized by the pipeline in Illinois, Iowa, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Kentucky, Missouri, and more.
This scheme was no doubt in the works a long time before it was made public. The Army Corps of Engineers approved 60 river crossings in Iowa alone.
This scheme was no doubt in the works a long time before it was made public. The Army Corps of Engineers approved 60 river crossings in Iowa alone.
How long was President Obama aware of this scheme?
The pipeline system stretches up to Alberta, Canada, and will transport the dirty tarsands crude oil that Native Americans and landowners have been fighting for years.
The pipeline system stretches up to Alberta, Canada, and will transport the dirty tarsands crude oil that Native Americans and landowners have been fighting for years.
Enbridge and Marathon just announced in August that they bought into the Dakota Access Pipeline. The pipeline work began in Cannon Ball this week. The Standing Rock Sioux Nation's case has not yet been heard in court.
Dakota and Lakota share power of this land
LaDonna Bravebull Allard, Lakota, Dakota, land owner said, "The place where pipeline will cross on the Cannonball is the place where the Mandan came into the world after the great flood, it is also a place where the Mandan had their Okipa, or Sundance. Later this is where Wisespirit and Tatanka Ohitika held sundances. There are numerous old Mandan, Cheyenne, and Arikara villages located in this area and burial sites. This is also where the sacred medicine rock is located, which tells the future.”
Avis Little Eagle of Standing Rock pointed out the media is uninformed of the facts about treaties and refuses to inform people that pipelines leak. Little Eagle is Hunkpapa Lakota woman, former Vice Chairwoman of Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and current publisher of The Teton Times Newspaper.
“I read one of the news stories in the Sioux Falls Argus Leader and the reporter kept saying that the water protectors were outside reservation boundaries -- like ‘go back to the reservation’ Indians. That is one of the reasons Native America must write their own stories."
"The water protectors are standing their ground in 1868 Treaty Territory, which if the reporter knew their U. S. Constitution, is supreme law, above and before the Congress and the U. S. Courts. And as for the Army Corps, they are also ignoring treaty and Winters Doctrine Rights of the Lakota/Dakota Oyate who are protecting the Missouri River from a $3 billion dollar pipeline that will run 470,000 gallons of crude Bakken oil a day across the Mni Sose," Little Eagle said.
“It's not if it will leak but when, and there are 12 million people downriver that also rely on that river for drinking water, not to mention the wildlife that rely on the river. So I'm proud of and praying for our people, humble and pitiful as they are for taking on Big oil when every card in the deck is stacked against them. History will show they made the right choice. But sadly it will be after the river is contaminated and drinking water is fouled and wildlife and fish and the winged nation start dying from the contamination. Then the oil company will pack it's bags and move on and the U.S. EPA will cry that it doesn't have the money to clean up the river. So yes, stand strong Oyate.”
Tipiziwin Tolman, Standing Rock, said, “Standing Rock is my home. I grew up where the Missouri meets the Porcupine Creek. We are Hunkpapha Lakota and Wiciyena Dakota. We are Sitting Bull's people among many others. We are the people who have always lived along the Missouri river, on both banks. Our history is tied to this water, our identity is tied to this water. We come from this water. We were never displaced, this is where Creator put us. This water and this land recognizes our language and our prayers. This water, like all water gives us life and we all need water to live. This pipeline and all the oil fracking is pure poison. Please come to Standing Rock's northern border and stand to protect this pipeline from being built underneath our water, directly above our water intake where our drinking water comes from. When you turn on a faucet today, think of our people and what we are standing for. Calling for all Oceti Sakowin, all nations, to come stand together, come to the northern border of Standing Rock and stand for the future, be a witness for the water, and for the world.”
Jon Eagle, Sr. said, “The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe by resolution claim all stone features, stone cairns and stone effigies within the aboriginal homelands of the Oceti Sakowin. Wherever the buffalo roamed our ancestors left evidence of their existence and connection to everything in the universe. There is a prophecy among our people that told us one day man was going to go too far and when that time came the animal nations were going to show their sacred color. The birth of the white buffalo in Jamestown, North Dakota was a sign that we were in that time of prophecy. The Dakota Access Pipeline is crossing the aboriginal homelands of the Oceti Sakonwin and is destroying sites of religious and cultural significance to the tribes. DAPL will have an adverse effect on the land, the air and the water. Now is the time to go back to our sacred places and pray.”
Today Rosebud Sioux Tribal Chairman William Kindle sent an official letter of solidarity and support to Standing Rock Chairman Dave Archambault, urging the people to battle this pipeline that threatens religious and cultural places of the Great Sioux Nations.
The Crow Creek Sioux Nation passed a resolution on Aug. 11 in full support of Standing Rock's blockade of the pipeline, pointing out that the pipeline and ultimate breaks in the crude oil pipeline will endanger the water sources of Dakota and Lakota Nations.
Yesterday, the Crow Creek Chairman began his journey to the frontline in support.
"On behalf of the Crow Creek Sioux Tribal Council and Tribe, I Brandon J. Sazue Sr., Crow Creek Sioux Tribe Chairman am on my way to the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe to offer our support in the opposition to Dakota Access Pipeline! We will stand with you my relatives. Whether we are Native, White, African American, etc., our water is our most precious resource along with our children. We must all stand together in this most urgent of times. This is not about race, but about the human race!"
"'What we do today will make a difference tomorrow!'
"If there was ever a time to stand United, that time is now!"
Cheyenne River Sioux Vice Chairman Ryman LeBeau encouraged those at the blockade today.
"Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe has been against DAPL since December 2015. Hand delivered this resolution to Army Corp col. Henderson demanding consultation on DAPL project.. Now we filed as interveners in SRST suit, against Army Corp for not consulting and because water is life, water is scared to us. Keep the prayers Up. Blehiciya po!" LeBeau said.
Flandreau Santee Sioux hand delivered their resolution of support to the Camp of Sacred Stones.Jon Eagle, Sr., said, "The Oceti Sakonwin are united. The Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate tribal chairman and a delegation of Dakota showed up today to support their Lakota relatives. Yesterday the Crow Creek Tribal chairman showed up along with our Oglala relatives. Every band is now represented in defense of our nation. Wopila tanka icici yelo."
The Seneca Nation also passed a resolution of support.Dakota and Lakota youths ran from Standing Rock in North Dakota to the White House, over 1,500 miles, and protested on Saturday, urging President Obama to halt this pipeline. The youths protested again in New York City before returning home to join the blockade on their homelands.
Flandreau Santee Sioux hand delivered their resolution of support to the Camp of Sacred Stones.Jon Eagle, Sr., said, "The Oceti Sakonwin are united. The Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate tribal chairman and a delegation of Dakota showed up today to support their Lakota relatives. Yesterday the Crow Creek Tribal chairman showed up along with our Oglala relatives. Every band is now represented in defense of our nation. Wopila tanka icici yelo."
The Seneca Nation also passed a resolution of support.Dakota and Lakota youths ran from Standing Rock in North Dakota to the White House, over 1,500 miles, and protested on Saturday, urging President Obama to halt this pipeline. The youths protested again in New York City before returning home to join the blockade on their homelands.
VIDEO of Chairman Archambault's arrrest at: portion of this article may be republished without permission or used for commercial or profit making purposes. copyright
Also see: Mother Jones: Dakota Access Pipeline just received permission and quickly began digging in a matter of months: Mother Jones: "Now, in a matter of months, America's newest mega-pipeline—the Dakota Access Pipeline Project (DAPL)—has quietly received full regulatory permission to begin construction."
Support from Rosebud Sioux Tribe
Support from Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe
Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe hereby expresses it's strong support of the effort to stop the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline to protect the water and environment that all Great Plains Tribes depend on; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Executive Committee supports the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in it's efforts against the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in its unlawful and unintelligible approval of permits for the Pipeline in 2012 which violates the Clean Water Act, Rivers and Harbors Act, the National Historic preservation Act, and the National Environment Policy Act; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Executive Committee calls upon the Secretary of Interior to uphold the trust responsibilities of the United States of America and take all action necessary to prohibit the construction of the pipeline; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Executive Committee asks that law enforcement and Attorney General of North Dakota dismiss all pending actions against protesters who are acting passionately to protect their lands and their children's future; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Executive Committee demands that President Barack Obama respects his commitment to Indian Country, and takes every action necessary to protect the water of the Oceti Sakonwin.
All destructive construction work should be stopped. Sacred sites should be protected under the American Indian Religious Freedom Act of 1978. The Lakota, Dakota and Nakota have the spiritual mandate, the God-given right, to take care of their land and life. Prayers for our relatives are going up.
Get their family names and start digging......probably owned by the kock bros. ...their family were Hitler supporters...start there !! Hollow shells of weak men .
Please support Standing Rock Reservation in their efforts to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline! This pipeline could potentially affect the water supply of millions. If it breaks under water the entire Missouri River and any streams fed by the Missouri River will be polluted. It can also polute the Mississippi River and affect millions more. The environmental damage would be disastrous. The Keystone pipeline in South Dakota has already broken and spilled an amazing amount of oil in South Dakota. Everyone should support Standing Rock Reservation in their efforts to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline!
Please support Standing Rock Reservation in their efforts to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline! If it breaks under water the entire Missouri River and all waterways fed by the Missouri River will be polluted. The environmental damage would be disastrous. This pipeline could potentially affect the water supply of millions along the Missouri River as well as the Mississippi River. The Keystone pipeline has already broken and spilled an amazing amount of oil in South Dakota. Support the environment. Support Standing Rock Reservation.
How do we support? Is there a link? How do we connect to organizers and meet you on the picket lines?
Hi, Thanks for your comments. Persons wanting to go to the Camp of Sacred Stones should contact the camp in advance. I'll post links below.
Camp of the Sacred Stones: Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, Tribal Historic Preservation Office Section 106, LaDonna Bravebull Allard, 701-854-8645.
You shouldnt have trusted Obama , he came and lied to you. He could have stopped this pipeline him and Hillary when she was SEc. of State but they chose not to , in fact Hillary got a big pay off to look the other way!.. dont trust him, he knew this pipe line would be coming through your land !
Yes, how? Can there be a conservation pledge drive in addition to picket lines? People could pledge how much energy they can save over the course of 3 years by doing improvement projects. Make participation adaptable, so families can work together on their pledges, along with single people, businesses and organizations, people with little spare time, and people with lots of it, and absolutely helping folks living with month-to-month uncertainty participate in small ways, such as by using a reusable water bottle instead of buying single plastic bottles of privatized water. Any web developers and systems modelers know how to approach a web interface for this?
We need to kick our petrol/crude habits, and do it in an all-embracing way. Education is the key.
Oh my goodness! I am praying for the situation to be resolved quickly! It makes me so sad to hear of the land being desecrated and our people laid to rest being dug up for the sake of...WHAT? Industry? NO NO NO AND NO!
Has anyone started a petition? If so please circulate So I can sign and share as well. The word needs to get out. is a great place to get the awarness. I'm bad at writing things with legal clauses, information, etc.. or I would start this myself.
Prayers for my Tiospaye and Oyatw in Standing Rock... THE ROCK is a second home to many of us.. please free DAVE II and DANA.. SO THEY VSN CONTINUE TO FIGHT FOR OUR PEOPLE.. AHO MITAKUYE OYASIN
Obama who was given an native name isn't doing a damn thing and since he's government he lied like all the rest. stop giving into the government as they have a long history of lies when will people learn. I've never voted nor will I fight for this government because I made a pact with myself when I was young, I'm 53 now and still the same.. this is for the old ones who've fallen to the government from days old. We are aliens in this country and they will do what they want as you can see. I just might grab my shovel and go digging.
I've been there and it changed me forever, this is not right, everyone and everything needs water to survive. Do not let this happen. It will destroy our water.
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